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Crescent Seven

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I'll probably take the advice and stay. I had thought about that anyways, but she's paying all the bills right now, so it's hard to argue. I can't find work.

I'll just pretty much tell her if she wants me out, I'll move when the house sells. In the meantime, I'll live in the basement and we'll live separate lives.

This could get ugly, she's a very selfish person.




one term you hear alot in divorce situations bro is community property. I feel ya man. I got back from Kosovo, and my ex lowered the boom on me. It took about 7 or 8 months, and one morning I woke up and realized I was a lot happier without her. Chin up.

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I won't get back into that scene, don't worry about that. I've fought more than one battle with addiction, I learned my lessons a long time ago...

As for crawling into a corner, I've been there for a while, I'm going to take action on that as well.

There are a lot of things that I need to straighten out as well, I guess this is as good a chance as I'm ever going to get...




Best post you have made so far mang. From what I can tell about you by reading your posts over the years, You will come out of this just fine.

Sure it's gonna be rough, But {censored}, rough is your middle {censored}in name....

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Damn, dude. Sorry to hear this. I've been in this spot more than once. Not married, mind you, but live-in break-ups suck no matter what legalities are involved. As others have intimated, there will come a time when you are in a better spot mentally than you are now. But the bottom line is if she doesn't want to make it work, then it won't. I had a breakup with a girl in my mid-20's that was devastating at the time.

We were together for 4 years, engaged to be married, and it was just mere months from the wedding day. She told me simply one day that she didn't want to be together anymore. At the time I was crushed, but later on I realized that it was the best thing she could have done for either of us, as we were terribly young when we got together. I've seen her a few times since in the last few years and she's hinted strongly at us getting back together, it was a mistake us breaking up, etc. to which I've had to politely decline. ;) It felt good to know that I had done the right thing during the relationship and even she realized it.

Do the right thing. Be cool. Keep a level head. As the others intimated, DO NOT move out unless order to by the court. It's your place, too. Maybe it's time to reinvent your life? Good luck, man.

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You have my prayers, bud. If you bought the house together, stay there. See insomniac's post. Also, suggest counseling. Ignore any feelings of possible cheating now. Accusing won't change that fact as to whether it happened or not, but accusations right now can certainly make things a lot worse no matter how it turns out.

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I'm really sorry C7, I can't imagine how {censored}ty you must feel right now. Let alone with the shadows of suspicion that she may be cheating.

I agree with everyone in that you should not move out and keep a level head. Don't give her any ammunition she could later use in court.

glad to hear you're not going to self-medicate this away

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Sorry to hear this Josh. This is somewhat similar to how I found out my wife wanted out but i stayed and eventually she left. I pray that that y'all can work things out. I have a co worker who moved out, rented a house, changed jobs, and after 6 months, she woke up one day apologized and they are back together. It can happen. I am going on Divorce year 12 now. I remember the lost feelings and wanting to crawl in the dark, but had to fight not to do it.

Prayers and Mojo coming your way, man!

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