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OT: Soldier refuses deployment; questions B.O.'s birth certificate...


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As a former soldier I have to say that you don't get to pick and choose your boss. Your job is to receive your orders and execute them to the best of your ability. I had to work for quite a few people who had very little leadership skills or any real capacity to act on orders, but I didn't get to stay home just because I thought they were idiots. That officer needs to quit grandstanding and continue to honor his obligation regardless of his personal feelings about it.

This ^^

I love Ron Paul :love:

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As a former soldier I have to say that you don't get to pick and choose your boss. Your job is to receive your orders and execute them to the best of your ability. I had to work for quite a few people who had very little leadership skills or any real capacity to act on orders, but I didn't get to stay home just because I thought they were idiots. That officer needs to quit grandstanding and continue to honor his obligation regardless of his personal feelings about it.




I was in the Navy - but yeah, +1...




- georgestrings

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Kinda reminds me of TRAITOR DESERTER for which you used to be shot.

But it was inevitable the first time a non-white was elected Prez, wasn't it.... in a land whose only true natives are red-skinned, you can't be a legit Prez if you ain't white



Very interesting.

Kind of reminds me of the "Has anyone ever walked off a job" thread.


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While Obama has presented a legal Hawaiian birth certificate, Taitz and others claim the state historically has permitted American parents of children born in other countries to apply for such documents. Easterling says he wants to see a "vault copy," which is not explained in his letter but is taken to mean the original document.


I have no idea what Hawaii's laws are on the subject but Americans are always having babies abroad. I interview, sign, and adjudicate consular reports of birth abroad almost every day at the moment.


If he was born abroad, then provided that at least one of his parents was American and lived long enough in the U.S. prior to his birth to transmit U.S. citizenship according to the laws in effect at the time of his birth, Obama is a citizen, whether this idiot Easterling likes it or not.


(The wedlock issue is an interesting one, as his parents married in Feb 1961 and he was born in August -- he may well be considered an out of wedlock birth, which just brings different laws into play. But -- without looking it up in the law that I have at work -- IIRC, having an American mom give birth to an "out of wedlock" baby as defined by the law means his mother *probably* only needed 12 months of U.S. residence to transmit citizenship. Again, I'd have to dig up the regs and law to be sure, but that's my best guess at the moment.)


If he was born in the U.S. or its territories as defined by law (and Hawaii was certainly part of it by any definition in 1961), then he is an Amcit by virtue of the 14th Amendment. Period.


And regardless of which variant it is, Easterling is still a complete moron who knows little or nothing of what he's talking about.


Edit: Looked it up. If he was born abroad out of wedlock, his mother had to have 12 months continuous residence in the U.S. prior to the child's birth. Which her bios appear to make clear that she has.


Edit2: Sorry, replaced "Taitz" with "Easterling." I got the names mixed up. :) But apparently, Taitz is bringing the lawsuit, so s/he might be as big a moron...

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Ah, I thought as much. Didn't intend to hijack.

Right, well, substitute 'liberal candidates' and 'conservative candidates' for their names if that suits ya better.

Hey, we're unfriendly sticklers for detail around here in this forum, who answer no questions when asked.:lol:

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But it was inevitable the first time a non-white was elected Prez, wasn't it.... in a land whose only true natives are red-skinned, you can't be a legit Prez if you ain't white.

I take it the research of McCain's birthplace and whether or not he was actually eligible to be President was racist, too. Way to find racism where it doesn't necessarily exist.:lol:

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In his letter, Easterling said he was a KBR contractor in Iraq in 2005 and 2006, then joined the Army when it raised the maximum enlistment age to 40. He said he attended Officer Candidate School and was commissioned a second lieutenant in August 2007.

After an assignment to Fort Knox, Ky., he was deployed to Balad. He was promoted to first lieutenant on Feb. 2.


Read into that what you will...

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Ah, the corporate world...that is usually sufficient to explain nearly any incompetence...

...sort-of-corporate-world built to suck off the non-competitive gummint contract teat...which apparently wasn't quite good enough, so he joined the Army when they dropped standards... :D

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Edit: Looked it up. If he was born abroad out of wedlock, his mother had to have 12 months continuous residence in the U.S. prior to the child's birth. Which her bios appear to make clear that she has.


I read it was 5 years at the time of his birth. If in a territory it doesn't matter. The contention is that she wasn't an adult for 5 years previous AND he was born outside of a US territory. This was all based on one of the grandmothers saying he was born in Kenya. No other evidence than that statement exists to support this. I would have to say the Lt. is on pretty shaky ground and his chances of ever making General have suffered. :D



Edit found it:


Birth Abroad to One Citizen and One Alien Parent in Wedlock: A child born abroad to one U.S. citizen parent and one alien parent acquires U.S. citizenship at birth under Section 301(g) INA provided the citizen parent was physically present in the U.S. for the time period required by the law applicable at the time of the child's birth. (For birth on or after November 14, 1986, a period of five years physical presence, two after the age of fourteen is required. For birth between December 24, 1952 and November 13, 1986, a period of ten years, five after the age of fourteen are required for physical presence in the U.S. to transmit U.S. citizenship to the child.


So if Obama's mother wasn't in the US for 5 years after the age of 14 AND Obama was really born on Kenya, we have a problem. Also if his mother was actually a jackal, we have a bigger problem. :D

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That's a pretty big turnover considering Bush gathered 73% of the military vote compared to Kerry's 18% in 2004.



It is, indeed. I suppose serving multiple tours in Iraq and seeing your mates die in a misconceived war tends to make soldiers hold their leadership accountable.


My two cents. FWIW. YMMV...

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Meh. He could hand over a North Korean birth certificate tucked inside a Koran and covered in anthrax dust, and Congress wouldn't do anything about it anyways.


Same thing could be said if he handed over a pic of him being born in the Lincoln Memorial, on the 4th of July, with William Freakin Shattner as his attending doctor. There is no way to prove this one way or another that will shut up the yapping masses. sadly :(

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Same thing could be said if he handed over a pic of him being born in the Lincoln Memorial, on the 4th of July, with William Freakin Shattner as his attending doctor. There is no way to prove this one way or another that will shut up the yapping masses. sadly

I hope Obama gets hooked on meth even worse than he already is.

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case - 1st Lt Ehren Watada of Fort Lewis, WA?

At least this guy did it on moral principle - not in a huff of racist bull{censored}.



He went through officer training.


He took an Army commission after 9/11.


He knew the regs, and he knew the risks....


And he refused to lead his troops into combat despite all of the above.


He's beneath contempt.

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