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Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize


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The nominations for this year's closed two weeks into his presidency. Kinda hard to fathom. Looks like the award is purely based on his intentions or a simple reaction by anti-Bush committee members. I hope he's actually able to earn it down the road.



That sound like the deal. Here's a quote from the article:


"Asked why the prize had been awarded to Mr Obama less than a year after he took office, Nobel Committee head Thorbjoern Jagland said: "It was because we would like to support what he is trying to achieve". "



They want to support things he has not done yet?

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I'm looking for names of an actual individual that you believe should have won it..

The list isn't allowed to be public for 50 years, so I have no idea who all the possible candidates were. The since all of the nominees aren't known the question is ultimately unanswerable.;)

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Hmmmmmm. I've made some nice effort at things. I guess I deserve the Nobel Prize as well. Pluh-eaze! :rolleyes:

Jimmy Carter was known as one of the worst presidents we had until he got involved with Habitat for Humanity. Can't see why he is such the sage now. Obama has done NOTHING yet. Shouldn't we see RESULTS to see if he is even worth the effort to nominate? This award just proves to me what a meaningless award it has become. Very sad IMO.

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The list isn't allowed to be public for 50 years, so I have no idea who all the possible candidates were. The since all of the nominees aren't known the question is ultimately unanswerable.

The possible candidates are the people on the planet. Pick one.

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Congrats to Obama.


Has he earned it already? No. Is he actively working towards earning it? Seems to me like the steps he is taking are steps that he believes will bring about Peace, so yes.


Thats as good of a reason as any to award it as far as I'm concerned. The whole process has been wonky for a long time, so at least there is a reasonable explanation for this one.

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Yes. It is more important to have support for something you are trying to accomplish than it is to have support for something that has already been accomplished.



You are right in that it is important to have support for things you are trying to achieve but the NPP isn't support. It's an honor for accomplishments. Support is sending troops or food or money I.E. actually helping.



Or maybe I'm wrong and they should give him next years award for disarming Iran.

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Hmmmmmm. I've made some nice effort at things. I guess I deserve the Nobel Prize as well. Pluh-eaze!

Next thing you know, the Yankees will be crowned World Series champs just because they showed up and they had the largest fan base of all the teams in the playoffs. I mean it's getting cold outside. No need to play the games. We'll just forecast the future.:lol:

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I'm looking for names of an actual individual that you believe should have won it..

Since we don't know who was actually in the competition, we don't know how Obama stacked up. I mean, I'd like to pick the Cubs to win the World Series this year, but they didn't make it to the playoffs.

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The possible candidates are the people on the planet. Pick one.


George W. Bush is chiefly responsible for freeing about 50 million people from almost universally acknowledged totalitarian governments (Saddam Hussein in Iraq and the Taliban in Afghanistan) and bringing true democratic elections to those countries. This almost ranks as high as a good speech about nukes being "bad".




......runs to the hills





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The list isn't allowed to be public for 50 years, so I have no idea who all the possible candidates were. The since all of the nominees aren't known the question is ultimately unanswerable.

Okay, not sure how I can make this any more clear. List or no list. Realistically, who would YOU like to see win the NPP?

Everyone seems to have a better answer, so I'm just wondering who they would name to be the winner if they had the power. :)

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"Asked why the prize had been awarded to Mr Obama less than a year after he took office, Nobel Committee head Thorbjoern Jagland said: "It was because we would like to support what he is trying to achieve". "



This is what baffles me.


My understanding of this award was that it is given upon some sort of accomplishment.


Now it seems that it goes out to somebody who wants something really, really bad.


Which sort of decreases its value, doesn't it?

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My understanding of this award was that it is given upon some sort of accomplishment.

Now it seems that it goes out to somebody who wants something really, really bad.




By this criteria, my Nobel prize should have Salma Hayek's name on the gold placard.

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