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I might need a date for the Blackhawks game next week....


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I'm sure Eve wouldn't mind....



Remember that show with Jack Tripper, Crissy, and Janet where they all lived together but stayed good platonic friends?



Yeah, well I ain't that lightweight! :p




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I can see it now... BHK sitting on a stool, the rest of us behind a partition...


BHK looks down at her notecard...

"Potential Basketball date #2: If I were to send you to the concession stand for a beer, what beer would you bring me?"


"Potential Basketball date #3: If you and I were to go shooting, how much ammo would you bring?"


etc, so forth, and so on... :lol:

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I can see it now... BHK sitting on a stool, the rest of us behind a partition...

BHK looks down at her notecard...

"Potential Basketball date #2: If I were to send you to the concession stand for a beer, what beer would you bring me?"

"Potential Basketball date #3: If you and I were to go shooting, how much ammo would you bring?"

etc, so forth, and so on...


Well you'd definitely not win tickets to the basketball game :idea:

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I didn't send anything but since you can't see anymore, you don't know this. EVERYBODY LAUGH AT ZAMFIR!























You fockers better appreciate the work I put into the irritated Stevie Wonder/Ray Charles smiley. 4017042525_e9891d2a88_o.gif

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Spit Take

But...how...I...uh..never mind





That product has always stuck out in my mind. I don't remember how I heard about it; maybe a late night infomercial? It's a dude chastity belt, and there were couples on there saying it helps them feel safe and confident with each other, etc. The wife puts it on in the morning when the husband goes to work, and she takes it off when she gets home, etc. The dude's were all for it too.


I don't know about the rest of you, but... and I mean this in a 99.9% completely serious way... If my wife/GF asked me to do that, I would tell them to go {censored} themselves, and remind them which closet the luggage is in.


Honestly, it's just absolutely mind boggling.

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