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Which Administration Made/Makes You Feel Safer?


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Definitely not the Bush administration, seeing as terrorism threats and intel were flat out ignored leading up to 9/11.


As far as threats from a broad, Clinton made me feel like he had them on lock down.


There has yet to be an administration that made me feel comfortable with our Universal and American Idol policies.

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Definitely not the Bush administration, seeing as terrorism threats and intel were flat out ignored leading up to 9/11.

As far as threats from a broad, Clinton made me feel like he had them on lock down.


Dude I want some of what you're smoking. :facepalm:

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Definitely not the Bush administration, seeing as terrorism threats and intel were flat out ignored leading up to 9/11.

As far as threats from a broad, Clinton made me feel like he had them on lock down.

There has yet to be an administration that made me feel comfortable with our Universal and American Idol policies.



The 911 hijackers started planning the operation in the fall of 2000 when Clinton was in office. It wouldn't have mattered who was Pres at the time. If you checked out the sky that night after the attacks, the crescent moon and Venus looked like they do on Muslim flags. It was set for that day long in advance.

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To be honest, I spend zero percent of my time worrying about my safety from terrorism.

If {censored} happens, it happens. Let it affect you and they win.



True. Ispend my time listening to bob's excellent new cd, Tickled Pink instead of worrying.........you all should, too!

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To be honest, I spend zero percent of my time worrying about my safety from terrorism.

If {censored} happens, it happens. Let it affect you and they win.



Truth from Bob here.


I refuse to live in fear of these jagoffs. Chances are probably WAY higher for a home invasion than me being killed by a terrorist attack. I'm not scared of that either.

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Truth from Bob here.

I refuse to live in fear of these jagoffs. Chances are probably WAY higher for a home invasion than me being killed by a terrorist attack. I'm not scared of that either.


Agree with both of you. Despite what happened, I've never *truly* felt scared because of terrorism. I'll talk politics all you want, but neither administration has done anything that really hit home.


Now, we can talk about Bush's domestic security blunders, primarily the establishment of the TSA and Homeland Security, or we can talk about the current administration's mistaken handling of terror suspects (treating them as civilian criminals rather than enemy combatants), but neither has me feeling safer than the other.

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True. Ispend my time listening to bob's excellent new cd, Tickled Pink instead of worrying.........you all should, too!


I get tickled pink every time I listen to it.


You guys totally rock for buying it. :cool:


We're getting a little love from the local NPR music station. :thu:



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I had big complaints about W, I have big complaints about Obama, but at least they're mostly different complaints; variety is the spice of life and all :thu:



As for security, I don't think my personal security is affected one way or the other, and I think those that already hate the US will continue to hate the US no matter what. I do think that the Obama administration has done a better job of reaching out to those who aren't quite sure if they hate us yet :D

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Maybe we should hear from some New Yorkers to see if they're scared. That's the biggest problem our country continuously faces, our people forget too soon.


GWB has done more to make this country safe then any other president in history, haters be damned because they've existed long before he arrived.


Clinton played his role in dumbing down our intelligence before 9/11 and that's what GWB inherited. Yeah GWB should have made it a high priority to re-build things before 9/11 but he was only months into his administration.


Now we have Obama, who has the most impressive intelligence technology at his fingertips, and he puts people in security positions who are nothing but politically connected hacks and kiss-ups. What happens? They get information well beforehand and completely ignore it. Then afterwards they deny it as acts of "crazy men". Frikin losers can't even control who comes to the presidential dinner parties. Total incompetence at every level followed by silly tough talk from Obama.


One and done. The people have seen enough. :facepalm:

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