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I am the Thread Killer


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Originally posted by el_duderino676

well, it ranges from a tap to a swing from over the head. They use excessive force a lot of times, and they think that all animals are stupid just because they can't speak like humans, evn though that I have tried to explain to them numerous times that just because animals can't talk doesn't mean that they are stupid, or that they can't communicate.
I can see a tap, but there is a line. Alot of animals aren't stupid, but some are, just like people. And animals can communicate in some levels too. If a dog needs to go out, it whines at the door etc etc.
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Originally posted by Zamfir

No idea. Probably a tendon or something, but it's the same damn place. I'm wondering if maybe a vertebrae slipped slightly to go pinch a nerve. frown.gif

Stretches might do it. A friend of mine does those. I just hate to mention it to docs because it goes in the chart and I had to fight my insurance company hard last fall to get added back to my old policy (which my wife still holds in her name) at something slightly less than the highest possible screw-over rate they gave me.

I hope it's not a pinched nerve. Because if it is you might have to go under the knife. My mom had some back surgery and it's not fun or cheap. But in the long time it was worth it.

You might look on the net for some stuff. But yeah, insurance companies can screw ya good, but that is how they make thier money.frown.gif

Could wearing a brace help with it?
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well, I'm back, and for the record, dialup totally sucks, but at the moment, I can't get any broadband. Oh well, when I do move out the first thing I get will be broadband.

Those goofy guitarists think they are so cool stealing our nice little thread, well, I think that the 2nd coming of T-40 will vanquish them for blaspheming his thread.

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Originally posted by Zamfir

Oy. We just got a sheaf of medical bills today. Don't think I'll be going in for anything that could annoy my insurance company further, let alone raise even the faintest glimmer of possible surgery...
Sounds like it's time for a heating pad and pain killers frown.gif

Aiso. be sure to lift with your knees. Ideally with
1 leg slightly in front of the other (so they're not quite even). Had to learn this stuff in a work safety class wink.gif

In other news, I'm being a true techie geek and posting this from my pda tongue.gifbiggrin.gif
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I always tell my wife to lift with her knees.

Me, on the other hand... redface.gif

In my defense, it was in the midst of my Sansamp problem (see ebassist threads), I had bass in hand, and I moved that small amp with one hand. Probably leaned over to pick it up, 'cause if I'd crouched, I'd probably whack my bass on a music stand or drum gear.

The pain is a little less today. icon14.gif I'm guessing it's a tendon/muscle. But it's a recidivist bastid... mad.gif

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Originally posted by Zamfir
I always tell my wife to lift with her knees.

Me, on the other hand... redface.gif

In my defense, it was in the midst of my Sansamp problem (see ebassist threads), I had bass in hand, and I moved that small amp with one hand. Probably leaned over to pick it up, 'cause if I'd crouched, I'd probably whack my bass on a music stand or drum gear.

The pain is a little less today. icon14.gif I'm guessing it's a tendon/muscle. But it's a recidivist bastid... mad.gif
Try some Capzasin if you can. It's some serious fire, particularly when covered for a while wink.gif I've got tendonitis in both knees and use it sometimes to help kill the pain. Works wonders with knee braces on wink.gif
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