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Think of this next time a bar wants you to play cheaply

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NIAGARA FALLS—A safe with $6,450 was stolen from a Third Street bar overnight, Niagara Falls police said Monday.

A repairman arriving at the Tap Room on Monday morning discovered a broken window. Police found a basement door forced open, with a $1,500 camera stolen along with the $200 safe, which contained $6,450 in cash, stolen. The total loss was placed at $8,450.

I don't know this bar or if they even have bands, but if this is any indication of the kind of cash floating around bars, I certainly won't feel bad for sticking to my guns about price when the owner cries about the 'ol "Slow" night and wants the band to play for less money.


You don't know if that number is accurate, if it's normal, how many day's receipts it represented, or what it's intended use is.

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NIAGARA FALLS—A safe with $6,450 was stolen from a Third Street bar overnight, Niagara Falls police said Monday.

A repairman arriving at the Tap Room on Monday morning discovered a broken window. Police found a basement door forced open, with a $1,500 camera stolen along with the $200 safe, which contained $6,450 in cash, stolen. The total loss was placed at $8,450.

I don't know this bar or if they even have bands, but if this is any indication of the kind of cash floating around bars, I certainly won't feel bad for sticking to my guns about price when the owner cries about the 'ol "Slow" night and wants the band to play for less money.



Does that amount of cash on hand surprise you? If so, is the bar small or not busy generally?


$6.5k cash in a bar is not anywhere near 'surprising' in my experience.

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Does that amount of cash on hand surprise you? If so, is the bar small or not busy generally?

$6.5k cash in a bar is not anywhere near 'surprising' in my experience.



Ditto. The till at one of my gigs in a 75 seat club 15 years ago rang out at almost $2500 from just one night from 8 PM (shift change ) to closing at 2.

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$2,500.00 from 75 seats = $33.33 each. Assume every person tipped 10%, and that means every person ( 75 people ) drank $30.00 worth of booze based on prices 15 yrs. ago. I'll be real generous and say the bar charged $5.00 a drink, regardless of what it was and that there were actually 75 people there. That would mean, each person drank 6 drinks. However, there could be, and probably was, some turnover. How much, who can tell, unless a head count was down at the door. Needless to say, most people today do NOT drink that much booze in a bar anymore. IMO, this is primarily due to three things. The overall economy, the increased cost of drinks at bars and the stricter enforcement and punishment of DUI. Most folks WANT to drink more but they are either afraid to or cannot afford to.

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$2,500.00 from 75 seats = $33.33 each. Assume every person tipped 10%, and that means every person ( 75 people ) drank $30.00 worth of booze based on prices 15 yrs. ago. I'll be real generous and say the bar charged $5.00 a drink, regardless of what it was and that there were actually 75 people there. That would mean, each person drank 6 drinks. However, there could be, and probably was, some turnover. How much, who can tell, unless a head count was down at the door. Needless to say, most people today do NOT drink that much booze in a bar anymore. IMO, this is primarily due to three things. The overall economy, the increased cost of drinks at bars and the stricter enforcement and punishment of DUI. Most folks WANT to drink more but they are either afraid to or cannot afford to.




Yeah, we get turnover, we also get about 100-125 folks in those clubs. Most of them have to stand, but oh well. But yeah, there isn't the drinking going on that there used to be.

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But yeah, there isn't the drinking going on that there used to be.



Ain't that the truth. I guess it's good, or bad, depending on where you stand. Less drunk drivers, that's GOOD. Less alcoholism, that's GOOD. But, it does mean an establishment must get many more people in their place and charge more for drinks to earn the same amount they used to. That hurts both the establishment and the paid staff, whether you're a bartender, a waitress, a cook or an entertainer.


"Everything must change

Nothing stays the same

Everyone must change

No one stays the same"

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Wow...6 drinks each and you guys are saying that most ppl wouldnt have drank that much? Things must be different out there....


If we are going out drinking for the night - it's not unusual for us to spend upwards of $75-$90 each on booze at the pub (or pubs i guess).

If a Jim Beam and coke (in a bottle) is $8....well...yeah. And that's not even on a "big" night.


Altho - we dont tip out here so that takes out some of the equation.

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My two cents on playing for cheap.


If you play for cheap, you'll be looked on as a cheap band, not worth more than a cheap price. In business, I've found, many people just ask for a cheap price as a standard phrase. If they get it fine; if they don't, it didn't cost them anything to try.

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Uhh, yeah, you're in Australia. What's the fine and court costs for a DUI? Here in the USA, .08 alcohol content is over legal limit and arrestable. 1st time offenders in CA = loss of license and approx. 5K in fines and court costs. Things have changed here in the USA re: drinking habits, and quite a bit. Even manufacturers of booze advertise "responsible" drinking. Really, the only ones getting plastered anymore are the hardcore alcys and the kids, who haven't learned any better yet.

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Wow...6 drinks each and you guys are saying that most ppl wouldnt have drank that much? Things must be different out there....

If we are going out drinking for the night - it's not unusual for us to spend upwards of $75-$90 each on booze at the pub (or pubs i guess).

If a Jim Beam and coke (in a bottle) is $8....well...yeah. And that's not even on a "big" night.


Yeah, same here where I am. But Heg, you're in Australia and I'm in Canada - two countries where massive drinking is raised to an artform LOL :badump:

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Yep. It's really been cracked down on here.


When I was a kid, the drinking age here was 19, 18 in Montana and Wyoming. Washington was 21, so here in North Idaho the clubs would be packed. Legal BAC level in Idaho was.12%.


Then the federal government arm twisted the states to raise the age to 21 or risk losing federal highway funds. Then, they started getting pressure from MADD and insurance groups to lower the BAC level to .10 and then .08; soon it might be down to .06 and some places are talking about .05.

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Uhh, yeah, you're in Australia. What's the fine and court costs for a DUI? Here in the USA, .08 alcohol content is over legal limit and arrestable. 1st time offenders in CA = loss of license and approx. 5K in fines and court costs. Things have changed here in the USA re: drinking habits, and quite a bit. Even manufacturers of booze advertise "responsible" drinking. Really, the only ones getting plastered anymore are the hardcore alcys and the kids, who haven't learned any better yet.



Everything you said is the same here - except the BAC is .05


I didnt say we were driving when we were drinking. If we are "out drinking" we either catch a taxi to someone's house locally and stay there, walk somewhere local and stay there, or have a DD for the night.

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