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Stopping in the middle of a song


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I had a singer we were trying out the other day tell me that in his previous band, they would be halfway through a song at a gig and the guitar player would stop and say that he didn't want to play that song anymore. WTF?!?

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I had a singer we were trying out the other day tell me that in his previous band, they would be halfway through a song at a gig and the guitar player would stop and say that he didn't want to play that song anymore. WTF?!?



Ergo "previous" band.


That guy would be gone at the end of the night if he pulled anything close to that with me.


OTOH, I have a drummer who sometimes forgets the words to his songs and will just stop the song and start over. It works though because he turns it into a "get the crowd more into the song" moment.

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our drummers forearm cramped up last night during the intro to "i want you to want me"


It was a sort of trainwreck, but you just keep going and recover. The sooner you can get past it, the sooner you get back to rockin face!

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I had a singer we were trying out the other day tell me that in his previous band, they would be halfway through a song at a gig and the guitar player would stop and say that he didn't want to play that song anymore. WTF?!?



Some 'musicians' should never leave the practice room.

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That's gotta be the WORST. Stopping a song in general is the worst. I've never done it, but I've seem some cats pull it off. Most times it's a fail though.


stopping a song just cuz you don't feel like playing it... nahh! hell I don't stop a song if we are Train wrecking it!!!! I would have a talk with this person and say never again.

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stopping a song just cuz you don't feel like playing it... nahh! hell I don't stop a song if we are Train wrecking it!!!! I would have a talk with this person and say never again.



Every once and a while if a song just completely poops on itself right at the beginning, we'll stop it and start over. But that hasn't happened in quite a while.

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After a trainwreck we usually laugh it off, say something along the lines of sounds like the first time we tried it, blame each other, get the crowd to blame me, have fun with it.


Yeah, that's the only way to handle it. Make it a fun part of the show. The crowd is there to see a live band. Done right and a trainwreck could be one of the highlights of the night from the audience's perspective.

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Two words for dealing with a trainwreck:

Extreme Fingertapping

Works every time!

On bass it makes more sense to lay out; play a long half note or something, wait for everyone to get back on the beat, and go.


I agree on the guitar needing to fill up the space though.

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Trainwrecks are future highlights. Sometimes when you recover you can make it sound like you meant to do that. And next time you play that song you may just do it again. But to just stop in the middle of a song because he doesn't want to play it, that's a prima donna that needs to be shown the door.

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