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New Ridiculous Low at a Gig Last Night.


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I play piano. Last night, playing with the Joe "Survival" Caruso Blues Band, I was starting off a Boogie-Woogie using the intro to Ray Charles' "Mess Around" and this woman came up to me and grabbed my left hand off the keyboard and tried to shake hands with me. :facepalm:

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I play piano. Last night, playing with the Joe "Survival" Caruso Blues Band, I was starting off a Boogie-Woogie using the intro to Ray Charles' "Mess Around" and this woman came up to me and took my left hand and tried to shake hands with me.


That's AWESOME. I love it when people come up and want to talk to you while you're singing a song.

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That's AWESOME. I love it when people come up and want to talk to you while you're singing a song.



Isn't that the best? I love when I'm singing a song with a guitar strapped on and both hands playing keyboards and some girl is standing on the side of the stage motioning me to come over because she wants to ask me something...


...apparently after all these years I still need to work at bit more at my "uh....I'm a little bit busy right now..." look.

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...apparently after all these years I still need to work at bit more at my "uh....I'm a little bit
right now..." look.



I just said that out loud the last time someone tried to talk to me while I was playing, mouthing the words extra-carefully. She got it & retreated.


Friend of mine had an even more ridiculous occurrence last night: while he was playing a New Orleans style brass marching-band gig, somebody dropped a half-full beer in his sousaphone. He said about 12 people, himself included, were lining up to pound the guy. I told him they should have held the guy down while he drained the beer out on the guy's face through the spit valve.

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I seem to have alot of those moments too - no doubt because I'm a) sitting b) relatively stationary and c) usually the most accessible band member on my side of the stage. The joke is usually on them though ... because I simply can NOT talk and play at the same time. I can listen fine - and am most excellent at smiling and nodding my head - but, providing any sort of verbal response? not so much. In the end I suspect most of 'em walk away having written me off as being one of those high functioning autistic individuals that are always on the news channels.


I don't mind the folks that just want to talk ... those folks quickly tire of my nod and smile response. The "touchers" are another story however. Those get the best "full metal jacket" psycho killer furroughed brow, thru the eyebrows glare that I can muster. Not surprisingly given that I'm 275 lbs, the happy owner of a big, buzz cut mellon that sits atop a 19 inch neck ... all but the drunkest folks seem to pick up my get the {censored} away from me vibe on the first glare and back off.

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I love it when some gal comes up while you're starting a song and starts in:


her: "wn unga prma flavit mong!"


Me: "I can't hear you."


her: "wn unga prma flavit mong!"


Me: "Sorry, not getting it."


Her: "When you gonna play my favorite song, dammit!"


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I seem to have alot of those moments too - no doubt because I'm a) sitting b) relatively stationary and c) usually the most accessible band member on my side of the stage. The joke is usually on them though ... because I simply can NOT talk and play at the same time. I can listen fine - and am most excellent at smiling and nodding my head - but, providing any sort of verbal response? not so much. In the end I suspect most of 'em walk away having written me off as being one of those high functioning autistic individuals that are always on the news channels.

I don't mind the folks that just want to talk ... those folks quickly tire of my nod and smile response. The "touchers" are another story however. Those get the best "full metal jacket" psycho killer furroughed brow, thru the eyebrows glare that I can muster. Not surprisingly given that I'm 275 lbs, the happy owner of a big, buzz cut mellon that sits atop a 19 inch neck ... all but the drunkest folks seem to pick up my get the {censored} away from me vibe on the first glare and back off.




Yea i get that too ,,, I set up sideways on a small stage, so I am easy to get to. I just get use to it. I have just stopped playing and said ,, "what do you need , make it quick because that guy over there singing expects me to be playing keyboards" we get that kind of stuff all the time. NO big deal,, we run a pretty up close and personal kind of show ,, so i guess if the front guy can carry on a conversation with people from the stage which is a big part of his personna they prolly feel they can talk to us. We that guy thursday night. You know the one ,, they stand there in front of the stage and just look at you playing air guitar and mouthing words. He was one click to the weird side for sure.

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Wow, hard night... I got groped and my ass pinched. Followed up by the same gal showing her boobs for a pic.


Being the camera man, I make no apologies. I don't know why girls like to flash the camera but who's to stop them? ;)

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A really low low is when someone really drunk stumbles up on the stage and grabs a microphone and tries to sing.



Had that happen on Thanksgiving Eve. A big fan of the band started inching closer and closer to the stage (this is near the end of the night). Finally, he just starts walking in big strides towards us while I'm singing and stands on stage next to me, beer in hand (obviously, really buzzed). He stares at me for a bit while I'm looking at him, then yanks the mic away from me and goes "Wooooo!" or something. I immediately stopped playing guitar, yanked the mic back and tell him, "GET OFF THE STAGE!" (not into the mic, just at him). He looked at me and said, "Really?" and I reassured him, "Yes, really!" as I pointed to the bar area. He got the message and sheepishly left.


I found out later from the guys in the band that he has to have "handlers" (friends that stop him from making an ass of himself), but those handlers weren't around at the moment.


I don't like acting like that, because it makes me look like an asshole, but I find it extremely disrespectful when someone just GRABS my microphone or invades my personal space without even asking if they can sing with me.

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Last night was the sloppiest night I've seen in a while.

Hundreds of $$ of booze spilled all over the floor, broken glass and so much gunk on my cables i want to put them in the back of a pickup truck and drive through a car wash!

Fun night and great crowd, they were just unusually clutzy!

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I had the scene where some girl tried talking to me while I was playing last night. She finally got that I couldn't hear her, so she stood next to me until the song was done, and then asks "Do you guys know Respect?" "no, sorry"

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I had the scene where some girl tried talking to me while I was playing last night. She finally got that I couldn't hear her, so she stood next to me until the song was done, and then asks "Do you guys know Respect?" "no, sorry"


How ironic . .:lol:

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When we played out Friday night some chick was leaning over the stage and reading the set list and was trying to make us play her favorites first.She saw we play"Summer of 69" and she kept saying between every song"Summer of 69!!!!,Summer of 69!!!!!!"We played it just so she would shut the hell up LOL. However at Last nights gig 3 girls walked up to the stage and pulled up there shirts to show us there tits!!!! I guess the rock gods where rewarding us for being nice and playing the hags song the night before even tho she was being obnoxious.;)

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What sets me off is when you spend $2000+ on a new digital piano or organ- and some idiot decides to use it for a drink stand while they dance. C-I-L-L!


Welcome to the life of a sound person. :facepalm:


It's especially wonderful when the large brute who placed it there returns after his drunken dance and threatens to kick your ass for moving his longneck 6 ft to a nearby table. :freak:


One night when a variant of this was in progress, the band's singer jumped off the stage to confront the guy just as I was getting him calmed down. Let's call him Ronnie Joe (since that's actually his name). RJ (a large amateur rodeo guy whose day job was at a slaughter house) pushed his way between us, pulled out his front teeth, and said, "Somebody want to fight? I LOVE to fight! It'll heal, get you some!"


And to think as a boy I thought the life of a musician glamorous.




Terry D.

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I think the two most stupid ones ever were


1) I was playing in Saskatchewan back in the 80s in a southern rock/country rock road band. Some gal comes up and says "say, can you play 'Guilty' by Barry Gibb and Barbra Streisand?" I said no, we weren't that kind of band. She turned around and as she was walking back to her table proclaimed loudly "this band is really the {censored}s, eh?" :facepalm:


2) A guy kept requesting obscure rock songs from my 7 piece R&B horn band. Again, we told him that we didn't play stuff like that. And he said, "Hey, I work for the phone company! I know what good music is!":lol:

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