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The Next Level?

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Hey guys, I have been in this band for about 2 1/2 maybe 3 years (see sig below) and i really like these guys and we know a bunch of covers and have about 20 of our own originals. We are based in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. (not exactly the best music scene) it seems like all of our peers are just playing covers (and not very well) at small bars with little attendance. We want to play originals, but i understand that that's not what everyone wants to here. we try to play for the crowd (depending on the gig we decide if it's a mostly covers or mostly original gig). I just feel like we are getting lumped in with all of these terrible other bands around here. Do you guys have any advice to getting more original gigs? or how to stand out? anything really, Thanks

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Do you guys have any advice to getting more original gigs?



Play kick-ass music in a well-defined genre. Make a kick-ass demo. Find venues, festivals, etc. that offer original gigs in your genre, or promote your own shows. Exchange shows with bands in other areas. Expect to travel. Be prepared to make no money for a very long time.



or how to stand out?



Well, that's what a whole bunch of threads in this forum are about...

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+1 on the travel.


As you pointed out, Tuscaloosa is hardly a hotbed for musicians; as such, you'll have to leave town to get any kind of significant following.


To my understanding, the scene in Birmingham has heated up in the past couple years, and there are a number of places to play there. That would be a good place to start.


One thing that works in your favor that you're only 3-4 hours away from several decent-sized markets. Birmingham is obviously the closest city, you've also got Huntsville, Nashville, Memphis, Atlanta, Chattanooga, Montgomery, and Jackson MS, all just an afternoon's drive away.


The trick is going to be finding which venues in each city support original music, and trying to get something booked. (Here's a headstart: for Chattanooga, you might try JJ's Bohemia or Ziggy's).


And of course, as has already been mentioned....don't expect to make any money. If you're lucky, you might make enough to cover gas money...but don't be surprised if you end up losing money and paying out of your pocket after the travel expenses are accounted for.


It would be a little bit easier (and pay better) if you were looking to work as a cover band. You could hook up with a booking agent, the agent books the gigs, and you show up and play. Even starting out, the money for cover bands is far more than most original bands make. (Although if you have to rent P.A. and hire a soundman, that money quickly evaporates. The soundman always makes more than the band members....and sometimes as much as the entire band.)


The downside to doing covers is that, in most cases, clubs that hire cover bands have zero interest in hearing original music, so you're still left with no outlet for your original music.

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My advice:

Stop playing gigs that are mostly/entirely covers (or only do so using an alias band name), and if possible, cut playing any covers from the gigs that are mostly originals, AND quit booking gigs in the venues that cater to such hybrid bands.


Keep working on the original music until you get to the point where you've got enough top-flight original material that a crowd will come see you and stick around for the whole show BECAUSE of that original music.

Lather, rinse, repeat.





Do the reverse and focus on covers only/drop the originals.

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My advice:

Stop playing gigs that are mostly/entirely covers (or only do so using an alias band name), and if possible, cut playing any covers from the gigs that are mostly originals, AND quit booking gigs in the venues that cater to such hybrid bands.

Keep working on the original music until you get to the point where you've got enough top-flight original material that a crowd will come see you and stick around for the whole show BECAUSE of that original music.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Here I was just going to say ,, keep doing what they have been doing. Polish your show, your songs , your covers and keep playing all kinds of venues. You are two and a half years in. Strive to be the best well rounded band in your area. do it all and to it all better than anyone in your region.


Do the reverse and focus on covers only/drop the originals.



Here I was just going to say ,, keep doing what they have been doing. Polish your show, your songs , your covers and keep playing all kinds of venues. You are two and a half years in. Strive to be the best well rounded band in your area. do it all and to it all better than anyone in your region.

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Keep in mind, success is about being entertaining, not necessarily about being the best musically. When people go out, they want to have fun. It's your job to be the life of the party. If people know that wherever you're playing, that's where the party is, you'll do well. It's been discussed here before, but make sure you engage the audience. Make them feel part of the show.


Also, make sure you look and sound like a band. People aren't going to be impressed if you look like you just got done cutting the grass, don't have any lights and don't sound particularly impressive. Come up with a style for your band and dress in a way that people can tell you're the entertainment before you even get on stage.


You don't need to be really loud, but you should mic everything and use subs so that you get a good full and controlled sound. Make sure the stage is well lit and have some animated lights.


Try and keep your music somewhat contemporary. I know people like the classics, but keep it fresh.


I've never done the original thing, but I know it's a tougher sell. Around here (Florida), the reggae sounding stuff seems to be doing well for original bands, although I'm not sure why.

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My two cents...


If I'm being critical, when I look at your website I see a bunch of guys in jeans and T-{censored}s standing around playing music - hell in one pic the bass player is wearing a fleece pullover. IMO, this portrays the image that you are TRYING to fit in with the other bands in the area.


If you want to differentiate yourself, you have to do it in every way... The look, the show, the music. I find this especially true with original music. Focus on the details, because they make all the difference.

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My two cents...

If I'm being critical, when I look at your website I see a bunch of guys in jeans and T-{censored}s standing around playing music - hell in one pic the bass player is wearing a fleece pullover. IMO, this portrays the image that you are TRYING to fit in with the other bands in the area.

If you want to differentiate yourself, you have to do it in every way... The look, the show, the music. I find this especially true with original music. Focus on the details, because they make all the difference.



I'm going to go with the shirtless singer look probably doesn't work really well on the cover band circuit either.

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I'd suggest that you do both but not be obvious about the original material. Make sure you've got your covers down and in each set, just drop one or two originals into the mix. Don't annouce them as originals, just do them and move on. After some time people will either ask you about them if they like them or not. If they start throwing bottles and the like, try something else. However, if as time goes by and people like what you're doing, do more. Good luck

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Trickyboy got me to look at the site. If you want the next level, act like it. Shorts? Tee shirts? Baseball caps? Certainly doesn't look like a band wanting much more then getting out of the basement occasionally. If you want to be treated like professionals, act like it. You are purposely lumping yourself in with the other bad cover bands in your area. If you are an original band do them and do them well. If you are a cover band do covers and do them well. Look like you didn't just leave a frat party and entertain the crowd. Establish that reputation and you are already at the next level. Once you have a decent following, travel a little. Play bars a few hours from home and see how it goes.


Seriously, the shorts and tee shirt thing might be cool to you but it screams unprofessional. It screams of a band that doesn't want the next level. It screams of a band that is completely satisfied being lumped in with the other cover bands and does not stand out from that group.

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Trickyboy got me to look at the site. If you want the next level, act like it. Shorts? Tee shirts? Baseball caps? Certainly doesn't look like a band wanting much more then getting out of the basement occasionally. If you want to be treated like professionals, act like it. You are purposely lumping yourself in with the other bad cover bands in your area. If you are an original band do them and do them well. If you are a cover band do covers and do them well. Look like you didn't just leave a frat party and entertain the crowd. Establish that reputation and you are already at the next level. Once you have a decent following, travel a little. Play bars a few hours from home and see how it goes.

Seriously, the shorts and tee shirt thing might be cool to you but it screams unprofessional
. It screams of a band that doesn't want the next level. It screams of a band that is completely satisfied being lumped in with the other cover bands and does not stand out from that group.



I agree ,, You do need to dress for the stage in one fashion or another. as casual as we are ,, i know i look a hell of alot better with a Tropical shirt with a collar that fits with shorts and some sandles. Its hot here, than i would stuffed into a T shirt with my tank out there leadin the way. A good hair cut helps. If you are bald and dont want to show the dome, at least get a cool hat. I do think the cargo shorts T shirts and waffle stomplers and ball hat look is limitied in its appeal.

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I agree ,, You do need to dress for the stage in one fashion or another. as casual as we are ,, i know i look a hell of alot better with a Tropical shirt with a collar that fits with shorts and some sandles. Its hot here, than i would stuffed into a T shirt with my tank out there leadin the way. A good hair cut helps. If you are bald and dont want to show the dome, at least get a cool hat. I do think the cargo shorts T shirts and waffle stomplers and ball hat look is limitied in its appeal.


I'm not entirely sure Hawaiian shirts, short, sandals and cool hat are much of an improvement though. It's hot here too, but that's the $200 gig dad band uniform around here. :wave:

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I'm not entirely sure Hawaiian shirts, short, sandals and cool hat are much of an improvement though. It's hot here too, but that's the $200 gig dad band uniform around here.


We are a trop rock band. Its easy its presentable for a beach gig ,, and its cheap. At the end of the summer tourist season you can buy nice rayon trop shirts for like 4 buckt to 10 bucks. at the used clothing store in brownsville you can get em for 2 and 3 bucks. fishing shirts are good too. If i wear a hat its a straw one to keep the sun from cookin me. We are old guys, nothing is going to make us look any better.. so fuk it. its comfortable.

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We are a trop rock band. Its easy its presentable for a beach gig ,, and its cheap. At the end of the summer tourist season you can buy nice rayon trop shirts for like 4 buckt to 10 bucks. at the used clothing store in brownsville you can get em for 2 and 3 bucks. fishing shirts are good too. If i wear a hat its a straw one to keep the sun from cookin me. We are old guys, nothing is going to make us look any better.. so fuk it. its comfortable.



You've got to dress to fit the band. For a Trop-Rock band, Hawaiian shirts are not only comfortable, they accentuate the music. I've got a few buddies who play in a Jimmy BUffett tribute band here in San Diego. It would be ridiculous is they DIDN'T wear Hawaiian shirts.

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I promise you I'm not trying to be an asshole here..


If you have absolutely incredible songs you can start playing in a smallish market and quickly gain a fanbase and success will find you.


That doesn't apply to your band. you're an average original band. If you want success you'll have to get in front of as many eyes and ears as possible and work on a SHOW. I'll explain: ever have a friend tell you about a band and say "you have to see them live"? You need to be that band. Get in front of people and work on your showmanship and things will be a lot easier.

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I'm advocating for playing enough covers for the crowd to be comfortable and filling the rest with the originals. Eventually the crowd will not be able to tell the difference. The mix could be as small as 30% covers. Most original bands do some covers. The Beatles were originally a cover band. The Stones do covers. Earth, Wind and Fire do some covers. It's not a crime to do covers, but choose well. Nobody needs one more band that does Mustang Sally. A band that does their own rendition of Damn Your Eyes can really make a mark. (Love that song and the few people who do it all approach it differently.)

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I promise you I'm not trying to be an asshole here..

If you have absolutely incredible songs you can start playing in a smallish market and quickly gain a fanbase and success will find you.

That doesn't apply to your band. you're an average original band. If you want success you'll have to get in front of as many eyes and ears as possible and work on a SHOW. I'll explain: ever have a friend tell you about a band and say "you have to see them live"? You need to be that band. Get in front of people and work on your showmanship and things will be a lot easier.






I would guess that the problem you're having isn't the ratio of covers to originals. Lots of bands do both successfully, especially in small markets. If you want to be an all original band, you simply have to move to a city that will support it. I live in a small to medium market, and original clubs here have a shorter life span than the average house fly. Hence, they never get any good, because they rarely ever get to play anywhere.


The problem for most bands is the show they put on, or lack thereof, regardless of what they play. The world is full of no-talent assclowns who became very rich and very famous because they were entertaining. And it's full of talented geniuses who will never play outside their home town. The difference is not so much in what you play, but how you play it. I have a friend locally who isn't a great musician (and he knows it) but the guy can sell turds to a pig farmer, and he regularly gets nice gigs at high profile places like outdoor amphiteaters and concert halls. Why? Because when you see him, you are always wondering what he'll say or do next. If you come across as some sort of local honyock band anyone can see in any town anywhere, you won't have a chance. If you come up with a show and you bring it every time you play, you'll separate yourselves and have a much better chance of causing a stir locally, regionally, and perhaps beyond.

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I would guess that the problem you're having isn't the ratio of covers to originals. Lots of bands do both successfully, especially in small markets. If you want to be an all original band, you simply have to move to a city that will support it. I live in a small to medium market, and original clubs here have a shorter life span than the average house fly. Hence, they never get any good, because they rarely ever get to play anywhere.

The problem for most bands is the show they put on, or lack thereof, regardless of what they play. The world is full of no-talent assclowns who became very rich and very famous because they were entertaining. And it's full of talented geniuses who will never play outside their home town. The difference is not so much in what you play, but how you play it. I have a friend locally who isn't a great musician (and he knows it) but the guy can sell turds to a pig farmer, and he regularly gets nice gigs at high profile places like outdoor amphiteaters and concert halls. Why? Because when you see him, you are always wondering what he'll say or do next. If you come across as some sort of local honyock band anyone can see in any town anywhere, you won't have a chance. If you come up with a show and you bring it every time you play, you'll separate yourselves and have a much better chance of causing a stir locally, regionally, and perhaps beyond.



True ,,,Being an entertainer is a very important aspect of it. The best entertainers are the guys doing the best down here.

No doubt about that.

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Thanks for the help guys, I know that the t shirts, shorts, and sandels aren't the best. I have told everyone in the band that shorts and flip flops are not allowed at gigs, most of those pics were taken for promo shots (:facepalm: i know they suck, I hate them, and it was atleast 100 degrees that day) or just at practice so there is no reason to really dress up or be uncomfortable for that (the practice not the promo shots)

me and the singer do EVERYTHING we can to sell a live show, but the other guitar player and bassist jsut like to stand on their side of the stage all boring, but i'm trying to work on that

I really do appreciate all this, we are having an instruments down meeting tonight so i will drop some of these ideas on the other fellows and see what we come up with

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