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Your groupies stories. Here.


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Originally posted by MrKnobs

Since you asked (sort of), I will surprise you with a non-judgemental reply:

I'd say the moral of your story is, "Until you make your subconscious conscious, you'll continue to be surprised by what happens to you and call it bad luck."
Oh, absolutely true. I didn't realize how badly I wanted out of that relationship, and purposely (albeit unconsciously) found ways to sabotage it. That wasn't the only time I did that, just the only time I got caught, at least with her.

Of course, I'm married to the right girl now, and would never dream of cheating on her. cool.gif
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Taking to a friend of mine just reminded me of another groupie incident:

At an after-show party at a friend's house, a girl whom I had seen around was suddenly taking an interest in me. Well, who was I to argue? So the party's moving to another friend's place and she wants to ride with me. "Hop on in!"

Well, she was one of those girls who gets off on being abused, which is not my thing. Anyway, after some preliminary fun in my car, she wants me to take her back to her place (or more accurately, her parents' place). So, she sneaks me up to her room, although I couldn't tell since it was pitch black in the house. The requests for abuse continued and became increasingly severe. Too weird for me, so I said, "Screw this, I'm outta here!"

As I'm fumbling for the door in the dark, she starts screaming at me, "{censored} you!!! Get the {censored} outta here!!!", and more of the same that I was no longer paying attention to as I groped my way down the dark stairs toward the front door. I finally found the front door, which had about a dozen different locks on it. As I'm fumbling with those in the dark, a light comes on behind me and the voice of someone who was presumably her father yells at my back, "HEY! Who the hell are YOU?! Get back here, dammit!!!"

Just as he was stomping angrily toward me, I made it out the door screaming all the way to my car and got the hell outta there before he could get to me. Since we both lived in the same town and had some mutual acquaintances, we ran into each other several times after this. She went back to ignoring me, luckily, but not before I told my buddies what a mental patient she had turned out to be. freak.gif

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Originally posted by Psychotronic
Taking to a friend of mine just reminded me of another groupie incident:

At an after-show party at a friend's house, a girl whom I had seen around was suddenly taking an interest in me. Well, who was I to argue? So the party's moving to another friend's place and she wants to ride with me. "Hop on in!"

Well, she was one of those girls who gets off on being abused, which is not my thing. Anyway, after some preliminary fun in my car, she wants me to take her back to her place (or more accurately, her parents' place). So, she sneaks me up to her room, although I couldn't tell since it was pitch black in the house. The requests for abuse continued and became increasingly severe. Too weird for me, so I said, "Screw this, I'm outta here!"

As I'm fumbling for the door in the dark, she starts screaming at me, "{censored} you!!! Get the {censored} outta here!!!", and more of the same that I was no longer paying attention to as I groped my way down the dark stairs toward the front door. I finally found the front door, which had about a dozen different locks on it. As I'm fumbling with those in the dark, a light comes on behind me and the voice of someone who was presumably her father yells at my back, "HEY! Who the hell are YOU?! Get back here, dammit!!!"

Just as he was stomping angrily toward me, I made it out the door screaming all the way to my car and got the hell outta there before he could get to me. Since we both lived in the same town and had some mutual acquaintances, we ran into each other several times after this. She went back to ignoring me, luckily, but not before I told my buddies what a mental patient she had turned out to be. freak.gif
I had a chick with a similar attitude once in Oregon. She was a very hot redhead, and I have a soft (or is that HARD?) spot for redheads. Anyway, she and her friend come to the hotel and "kidnap" me and another guy from the band. When we get back to her place, she takes me in one room, and the other couple go in the other room.

The girl and I have what I believe to be a great time, and I'm really pouring it on, so she'll come back for more. I was really hoping to have a lot more of her in the future, as we were going to be in town for a week. I gave her the best I had, and felt like a real stud afterwards.

A couple of days later her friend is at the club, but not her...I'm asking where she is, is she coming out this week, etc. and the girl keeps dodging, making lame excuses, etc.

I'm starting to wonder about her...I know I was great, she came like crazy, we had a great time...what the hell's going on? She told her friend, who told the other band member...and it got back to me what was up. I was TOO NICE and TOO GOOD! Can you believe that? It turns out that she was feeling really low, and wanted to be abused, in her words "hate {censored}ed"...and she picked the wrong guy for that. I'd never heard of anything like that before, or since.

She really liked me, and felt guilty because that wasn't what she wanted...she didn't want to like me...she said it was like {censored}ing her brother...I wonder how she knew that? SCARY stuff!freak.gif
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Originally posted by one4rich

I I was TOO NICE and TOO GOOD! Can you believe that? It turns out that she was feeling really low, and wanted to be abused, in her words "hate {censored}ed"...and she picked the wrong guy for that. I'd never heard of anything like that before, or since.
My friend, I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you, but you're obviously "some kind of f*cking nice guy."


On a serious note, years ago a shrink explained to me that whatever situation a person grows up in as a child, that feels like love to them. So that's what they're looking for in a relationship.

Sad? Yes. Useful? Terribly.

Terry D.
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Originally posted by MrKnobs

My friend, I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you, but you're obviously "some kind of f*cking nice guy."


On a serious note, years ago a shrink explained to me that whatever situation a person grows up in as a child, that feels like love to them. So that's what they're looking for in a relationship.

Sad? Yes. Useful? Terribly.

Terry D.
Well, I don't really know how to use such information...in the words of Popeye, I yam what I yam. Luckily, my wife of 7 years is very happy with me just the way that I yam.smile.gif
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Originally posted by axe2 2001
our band played at a friends wedding some years ago. Everyone was openly telling the guy ,, dude, don't marry this chick, she's a whore! He just laughed and says hey, I knocked her up, i'm gonna do the right thing. So we do the wedding and it was a blast. Not your typical wedding. It was at a bar and it was a truely rockin time. Well, durring the coarse of the night, the bride starts flirting around with ALL the band guys. Our other guitarist was single and he was drinkin and gettin horned up. By the way, this girl was hot. Just a slut is all. Well she ended up following our guitar player home, walking in his house and {censored}in his brains out on the wedding night! Two days later she was at my house but my then girlfriend was over so she just visited. Then I heard that same night she went to our drummers house and did him! WOW! Needless to say, they are divorced now.

with friends like that...
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Originally posted by srsfallriver
Very short version (and general warning for giging overseas):

I did a gig in a fairly poor European country, met a girl, fooled around, and to my surprise she came to the States a month later in the hopes that I'd marry her so she could stay here. I fooled around a bit more but I told her no way and she ended up finding someone else to keep her here.

A few years later, I giged in the same country with another band. The exact same thing happened again! One of the guys in the band said that the girls there will hook up with just about any American guy that they can get, just to get out of thier situation.
damn that's sad
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Originally posted by jem7vwh
Hey MrKnobs, if you could go back and redo your life, would you choose to not have met Gail?
Hey, cool idea....hey Terry, why don't you rewrite the story, correcting things so they correspond to what you should have done and imagine the consequences...just to give you some inspiration. Go Terry, go... smile.gifwink.gif

BTW...wow 500+ posts ! eek.gif
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OK... I'll chime in...

About 8 or 9 years ago, I was playing a gig at this small bar in Allegany, NY, near St Bonaventure. It was during the beginning of spring break, so naturally the place was packed with college kids. I was playing a set during which this rather attractive lady kept on staring at me. Of course, I stared back. During break, I went over to the bar kind of non-shalantly where she was standing to order a coke(as I always do at gigs). I turned over to speak with her when some dude started asking me questions about the band. Later, I was able to get a conversation going with her. We talked for awhile until it was time to start the next set. She told me that she was a elementary school teacher and had been teaching for 20 years. She also told me that she was formerly a piano teacher and how much she really enjoyed my playing. Later in the conversation, she asked how old I was and I gave her my age(I was about 30 yrs old at the time). I was totally shocked when she told me that she was 40. I didn't care, she was gorgeous. Only one problem, I had lived about 2 1/2 hrs away from the bar, she had lived only 22 miles away.

I used to come over her house almost every weekend and call her every week(gas and phone bills were outrageous) and sometimes she would drive over to my apartment. She had this old upright piano that was out of tune. We had dated for about 3-4 months until I found out that she had seeing her old boyfriend. I remember one night while I was at her place, her old boyfriend started knocking at the door. I asked her what the hell is going on, she responded with "he just has another ax to grind". Needless to say, that night was the last I saw of her.

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Originally posted by brikus

Hey, cool idea....hey Terry, why don't you rewrite the story, correcting things so they correspond to what you should have done and imagine the consequences...just to give you some inspiration. Go Terry, go... smile.gifwink.gif

BTW...wow 500+ posts ! eek.gif
No way I would have not met Gail, looking back on it. I learned so much from that brief relationship, and she was the wrecking ball I needed in my life. I realized I needed to let go of my two exes and let them get on with their lives, I got out of that band full of assholes and the whole sordid, druggie, promiscuous lifestyle, I got fired from the low paying job I hated for years but was too lazy to quit.

Most importantly, I came to realize what an asshole I was and that I needed to change. In the process, I met and married my soulmate. We've been together 20 years now.

When you ask God/life for answers, you always get them. But life rarely gives a straightforward, simple answer, and it's always at least a little bit painful. As C. S. Lewis calls it, "The chisel of God."


Terry D.
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My groupie story :
After a quite successful gig I'm having a drink when this very cute girl walks up to me.
She says "Hey, you're in the band, right?"
I give her a big smile and say "Yeah..."
She then asks :"Can you tell me where I can find your singer?"

She must not have liked the look on my face because she didn't hang around for the answerfrown.gif

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Originally posted by Monster Joe
My groupie story :
After a quite successful gig I'm having a drink when this very cute girl walks up to me.
She says "Hey, you're in the band, right?"
I give her a big smile and say "Yeah..."
She then asks :"Can you tell me where I can find your singer?"

She must not have liked the look on my face because she didn't hang around for the answerfrown.gif
The proper answer to that question is, "Oh, he's probably out in back screwing some groupie!"eek.gifthumb.gif
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Chapter 1

I was looking for a job several years ago after my previous place of employment closed down. I had been suffering a dry spell finding work (at least a job that would pay a decent wage). I found a job that looked promising after several months of job hunting.
Anyway I called the place up and asked some questions, the job opening was for a HR rep for a sales company (I wont mention names). After some discussion I decided to send them my resume. Within a week or so I received a call for an interview. I was asked to come in for an early morning interview. I accepted the interview hoping to find a good job, which is hard to come by in my area.

When the day came for the interview I did the usual thing, prepare my self and that sort of crap. I couldent help but think man 7 in the morning is an awful early interview, but who knows maybe it will pan out well.

When I get to the place It felt strange from the start, most of the lights were not on and the place seemed unoccupied, then I was invited in. The lady that invited me in was the HR manager and she was the only person there. I must say that she was very attractive, she had dark hair that was shoulder lenth and she was around 5' 9 and looked to be in good shape. Her smile cought my attention instantly, her pleasant eyes were attitude made me feel more at ease.

She took me to her office and I sat down ready for my interview.

(more later in chapter 2).

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Originally posted by madjack

The proper answer to that question is, "Oh, he's probably out in back screwing some groupie!"eek.gifthumb.gif
great line, but replace 'some groupie' by 'some other groupie' in the sentence, and there you have something stellar ! biggrin.gif
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I got a quick pseudo-groupie story.

I was recently at a show for one of my favorite bands. I'd been hanging out on the tour bus having drinks with the band before the show, and quite a few other people had been streaming in and out of the bus prior to the show as well.

At the set break, one older guy who had been on the bus earlier came up to me. He was sort of a "male groupie" who obviously thought that he was pretty cool for stalking out the band and hanging out on the bus with them. He spent a lot of time pissing off the bartenders and club owners, as well as the band. He'd gotten into the show as a friend-of-a-friend-of-the-band and was running around like he owned the place. He was about my dad's age, and was noticeable intoxicated. He didn't recognize me from being on the bus earlier, came up to me grinning and slurred, "Do you wanna meet the band?" in that let-me-impress-the-young-lady kind of voice.

I told him I would LOVE to meet the band, and especially the guitar player.

So, Old Drunk Guy goes on to proudly introduce me to the guys in the band, all of whom already know me. They started cracking up and I stood there grinning.

Old Drunk Guy realized what was going on and felt stupid. Finally, he left everyone alone. I can't stand people who act like that.

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Originally posted by fuzzball
Chapter 1

I was looking for a job several years ago after my previous place of employment closed down. I had been suffering a dry spell finding work (at least a job that would pay a decent wage). I found a job that looked promising after several months of job hunting.
Anyway I called the place up and asked some questions, the job opening was for a HR rep for a sales company (I wont mention names). After some discussion I decided to send them my resume. Within a week or so I received a call for an interview. I was asked to come in for an early morning interview. I accepted the interview hoping to find a good job, which is hard to come by in my area.

When the day came for the interview I did the usual thing, prepare my self and that sort of crap. I couldent help but think man 7 in the morning is an awful early interview, but who knows maybe it will pan out well.

When I get to the place It felt strange from the start, most of the lights were not on and the place seemed unoccupied, then I was invited in. The lady that invited me in was the HR manager and she was the only person there. I must say that she was very attractive, she had dark hair that was shoulder lenth and she was around 5' 9 and looked to be in good shape. Her smile cought my attention instantly, her pleasant eyes were attitude made me feel more at ease.

She took me to her office and I sat down ready for my interview.

(more later in chapter 2).
chap. 2 expected, Mr. fuzzie.... redface.gif
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