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Terry, I have an unrelated question for you and I guess this is as good a place as any.

Being a "jack of all trades/master of none" myself, I sometimes wonder if I'll ever find an occupation that's both pleasurable and at the same time will allow me to leverage my potential to its fullest. Have you found yours, or even gotten close?

I am currently at the "working with computers" stage; it's ridiculously easy, the pay is great but I somehow feel like a whore.

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I know what you mean, what does it take to reach satisfaction at work. I have recently changed careers and went from managment to teaching, I hope this fills the satisfaction gap partialy, I would eventualy like to teach college full time.

On the side I run a small recording studio and a pressure washing company. I have also started a small ebay business. What will it take to feel satisfied?

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Originally posted by wdeny

Being a "jack of all trades/master of none" myself, I sometimes wonder if I'll ever find an occupation that's both pleasurable and at the same time will allow me to leverage my potential to its fullest. Have you found yours, or even gotten close?
Nope, still looking.

Terry D.
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Originally posted by orboblivion
so was janis the one who showed up at new years?

also how did gail pass?
(1) Nope. As I wrote in the story, it was a 17 year old intern from the studio I had owned. She ended up marrying me.

(2) As these are real people with families, some things I can't discuss.

Terry D.
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thanks Mr. Knobs. I really enjoyed that story. I think we all want to know one thing:

Did you marry Janis? (I think the answer is yes). (Edit-i guess i was wrong)

Someone mentioned that they thought Gail had herpes. I dont' think that that is the case since you did have normal "relations" with her from time to time. Although you said it was petty, you can't blame us for wanting to know what was up!!!

again, thanks for the hearfelt story.

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Originally posted by biscoholic
Did you marry Janis? (I think the answer is yes).

That would be a neat ending, wouldn't it?

But the story is real, and that's not what happened. In real life, I never talked to Janis again. I think she was embarassed by what happened between us, and as far as I know she kept up her same lifestyle. I'd be curious to know what eventually happened to her, I have no idea.

Someone mentioned that they thought Gail had herpes. I dont' think that that is the case since you did have normal "relations" with her from time to time. Although you said it was petty, you can't blame us for wanting to know what was up!!!

again, thanks for the hearfelt story.

Of course I don't blame you, but I still can't tell you.

Glad you enjoyed the story.
This morning I reread the entire story for the first time. Damn, I left some seriously interesting stuff out, some on purpose (not space or time to tell everything) and some by accident.

One of my coworkers (and several of you) have suggested I try to get this published. I don't really think it's that good, but I'll send it a couple of places because I have trouble remembering what rejection feels like, being a musician and all. wink.gif

On the odd chance that some publisher of trashy books wants to print it, I'm sure I'll have to beef it up and add the parts I left out.

Then again, I've looked at some of the crappy romance novels my wife reads and they seem to have two inches of space above and below the text, which looks like font size 14 doublespaced!

Terry D.
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Originally posted by MrKnobs

Darn, I hoped I'd made that clear in the story.

I ran a recording studio with two partners. The good folks at the local newspaper let us pester them into doing one of the customary new business pieces you typically find in the Business section of any Sunday paper.

But then they surprised us by featuring us as the headline, front page story on the Monday paper. That cost me my job at the university, as it was against the rules to work elsewhere without prior written permission. It still works that way, to this day!

What is ironic to me is that we got the headline because Monday turned out to be a slow news day. Small towns have a lot of slow news days. If someone had been caught shoplifting at the local Albertsons, that story would probably have bumped us and I might still have the same job today. My life would have turned out totally different.

And that's one of the questions I tried to raise in the story. Does life have a plan for us, or is it all just random luck? Or something in between?

Terry D.
"And that's one of the questions I tried to raise in the story. Does life have a plan for us, or is it all just random luck? Or something in between?"

THE eternal question.

I am of the opinion that everyone and everything is linked. Western society has evolved in such a manner that we now have to ask these questions, rather than being aware of the truth.

If you are interested in reading some books on the this issue, then I can recommend the following:

No Boundary - Ken Wilber

Freedom from the Known - Jiddu Krishnamurti

The Limits of Thought - J. Krishnamurti and David Bohm

Wholeness and Implicate Order - David Bohm

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There was a book out a few years ago called "Kitchen Confidential" that was supposed expose' of the restaurant business - sex and all. It did extremely well. Why not "Groupie Stories"? I bet it would do very well if well written. Let's face it, sex sells and every non-musician wants to hear the stories.

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Originally posted by PBBPaul
There was a book out a few years ago called "Kitchen Confidential" that was supposed expose' of the restaurant business - sex and all. It did extremely well. Why not "Groupie Stories"? I bet it would do very well if well written. Let's face it, sex sells and every non-musician wants to hear the stories.
I have read and re-read Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain many times. I have done just about every job in a restaurant including years of line cooking so it really hit home to me, just as MrKnobs fine saga did to all of us here.

I highly recommend Kitchen Confidential. Anyone who liked MrKnobs' story would like KC as well...the only difference is it's about cooks, not about musicians.
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I'd definitely re-edit the story because to me it sort of went off and meandered at the end. It was like you were writing this story with one purpose in mind and then you decided to change it to a wife homage. The end didn't really come together for me because the girl (your wife) was too far out of nowhere. She was never discussed previously. Plus I'd remove the unanswered questions that are placed in the story. It's pretty cruel to introduce them but never answer them or even touch on them again. Great stuff though.

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Originally posted by dissonance
I'd definitely re-edit the story because to me it sort of went off and meandered at the end. It was like you were writing this story with one purpose in mind and then you decided to change it to a wife homage. The end didn't really come together for me because the girl (your wife) was too far out of nowhere. She was never discussed previously. Plus I'd remove the unanswered questions that are placed in the story. It's pretty cruel to introduce them but never answer them or even touch on them again. Great stuff though.
Good points, thanks. smile.gif

I guess what I was trying (maybe too hard) to do at the end was to end it on an up note. In my mind, it really doesn't matter who the young girl is, it's about what she represents - in this case, a new beginning springing from the ashes of the old. Remember that the reader doesn't know who the girl is, that's my fault for providing author's notes here after the fact. She could be anyone, it doesn't matter. It's life throwing yet another curve ball.

In real life I have often noted that there are always would be girlfriends and boyfriends orbiting around just out of sight, held back by the presence of the current husband, wife, lover, or whatever. They tend to move in when the object of their desire breaks up with their current lover. Basically, there are always potential lovers waiting in the wings. I explain my thoughts on this in the "Red" sidestory, using the planets orbiting around a beautiful girl metaphor.

You've given me some good food for thought. I'm thinking now I should have either made the girl at the end a fantasy showing my transition from hopelessness to hope, or else brought her in briefly in an earlier chapter to foreshadow the end. To do that, I'd have had to write a couple of chapters on the recording studio. Maybe I'll do that for the novel version.

Thanks for the idea. smile.gif

Terry D.

P.S. It's also interesting you called it a wife "homage." I only gave the girl two speaking lines, both very short. Did you consider it a "homage" before you read my comments after the story?
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awesome story Knobscool.gif

heres some good stories ...not so much groupie , more one night stands biggrin.gif
some of it might be hard to follow as it is fairly heavy with australian slang ...but classic stuff, but pretty heavy on the sleaze!eek.gif


and if you got the stomach

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Originally posted by ShesGotVerve

Herpes. eek.gif
maybe HIV, but Herpes makes more since.

and a troubled person such as Gail might have taken her own life.

this is purely speculation on my part however.

Couldn't stop til I read the who thread Knobs. Incredible writing skills.

Thanks, its now 6AM on Saturday morning and I have been up all night reading. eek.gifeek.gifeek.gif oh well, at least i dont have to work today.
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Wow! You have renewed my hope that HC does not consist only of pubescent posters of poo bragging about their post counts.

At many points along your story I was feeling that I was you and you were me. So many parallel experiences, we're probably the same age too, and that allows me to relate even more.

You MUST attempt to publish. Expand this story, enlarge the characters, fill in the blanks, well, as best you can while respecting important privacies.

Thanks again, you sir, rock!

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Originally posted by MrKnobs

I don't have the imagination required for it. The stories I tell here on HC are things that really happened - I'm just recounting them. Making something interesting up is quite another skill.

Terry D.

P.S. Also I'm contemplating how to tell part 3 here. Part 3 contains information that is vital to the story but may be too off color for this forum. It reveals the secret hinted to in the first installment above.

I'll think of something.
Remember the words of the great Red Smith; "Writing is easy, I just open a vein and bleed."
Looks like you already know that, at least subconsciously.
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