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Quote Originally Posted by Zurich17

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One girl springs to mind actually - a friend of mine, really pretty, goes home with a different guy every week; we always thought she was just slutty, turns out she was hurt when she was younger and has never had an orgasm, so thinks the more guys she sleeps with will heighten her chance of coming.


Tell her I'd take good care of her for a night... biggrin.gifwink.gifredface.gif
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Quote Originally Posted by Zurich17

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Terry -

I've just finished #IX.

I know girls like Janis and Gail, and can see where you're coming from with the emotional damage and stuff; its weird thinking about what you've said and then seeing the same storylines evolve in our little London scene.


Janis, Gail, Lucia, Lisa, Linda Kay, I could name a couple of dozen other groupie girls from that time. Linda Kay was unique in that she only did married couples. She was a lesbian, mostly. I liked her, she was my best friend for a while until I betrayed her and she never forgave me. cry.gif

On the surface they were all interchangeable though they came from many different backgrounds.

What they all had in common was they were emotionally damaged in some way. Trying to fill some bottomless hole in their hearts, all trying to make love out of a {censored} and not succeeding. frown.gif

Thanks for reading. wave.gif


P.S. Damn! How could I possibly forget at Linda Kay? freak.gif She happened to me in this same time period, even is parenthetically mentioned in the story (not by name), I could have written a chapter or two about my experience with her. redface.gif

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Quote Originally Posted by MrKnobs

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P.S. Damn! How could I possibly forget at Linda Kay? freak.gif She happened to me in this same time period, even is parenthetically mentioned in the story (not by name), I could have written a chapter or two about my experience with her. redface.gif


OMG, now you have to write about her
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okay, so, if you were a 20 yr-old guy and a girl you spent a night with after a show one time was kicking around the idea that it could be fun to be a "repeat offender" would it be better if she:

tried to come and said hi after a show in a major city in a venue that holds about 600

first tried contacting you via your online profile

neither, depending on how you felt about the previous experience

(hey this forum might as well have a practical side, yes?)

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Quote Originally Posted by iheartdc2

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okay, so, if you were a 20 yr-old guy and a girl you spent a night with after a show one time was kicking around the idea that it could be fun to be a "repeat offender" would it be better if she:

tried to come and said hi after a show in a major city in a venue that holds about 600

first tried contacting you via your online profile

neither, depending on how you felt about the previous experience

(hey this forum might as well have a practical side, yes?)


Told you first online. That way you know to steer clear of all the other girls in the club until she comes along.
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Quote Originally Posted by BadgerMolester

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None for me, but we did accidentally leave an amplifier at a venue 500 miles away as it's owner was having his cock sucked by an underage girl at a bus-stop instead of loading-out.



First real rock-n-roll post in a while.thumb.gif
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How about most rock'n'roll thing done while not actually in a band? My favourite would have to be:

> Was supposed to be going to a gig on a Friday night. Some beautiful girl that had been messaging me on myspace told me she was coming down, and I should come hang out at her hotel room before.

> Wasn't expecting anything, I never expect poontang till I get it, if you know what I mean.

> Went to the gig, got bought drinks by maybe every girl there (it was a small venue and the only fans, basically, were girls who'd come for this band)

> Went back to the hotel room, got fed drugs. Had orgy.

> Woke up the next day best friend had arrived because he was supposed to be hooking up with one of the other girls that was staying at the hotel for this gig. Hung around in town, drank, be'd merry, generally had a nice day.

> Went to another gig (same band, different venue). My stalker (long story, another pretty rock'n'roll touch I think, tbh) had evidently contacted the venue beforehand telling them I was an underage drug dealer, as was my 'accomplice'. This venue IDs literally everyone, its 14+, but they're really tight, and even if you're say 25 and don't have any ID you're pretty screwed. I have friends who've had to call home and get their parents to fax through copies of their passports or birth certificates. ANYWAY.

> The manager takes one look at my ID, sees my name, and has three bouncers drag me and my friend into the office. They strip search us right down to our underwear. They look for hidden compartments in the heels of our cowboy boots, try and tear open our wallets looking for hidden stashes in literally every part of them. That sort of stuff. They reluctantly let us in.

> I have a weak bladder when I'm drunk. That, and the support bands were awful, so I kept going to the toilet area either to piss, or to hang out and get away from the music for a bit. Bouncers were tailing me everywhere I went, looking over the cubical walls while I was peeing etc etc. Got taken out back (with my friend) and strip searched (down to boxers etc etc, you know the score) AGAIN. Went back in, was starting to get upset (because the stalker was really starting to get to me, and I didn't want my friends' nights ruined) and my friend was starting to get really angry (short temper). 1/2 hour passed, me and my friend get dragged out for the last time, told we're 'convinced' we're drug dealers and that 'there have been complaints about your behaviour'. We protest to no avail. Grab a few girls, trash the entrance-way to the venue, go back to the hotel.

> Have another orgy. Find unopened bottle of vodka. Knock back vodka.

> Go to club that I was a regular at, at that time. Tell story of injustice to friends, get bought drinks & drugs.

> Go back to another friend's house. Sleep.

That was a pretty crazy 48 hours, maybe an hour sleep, many girls, too much booze, and general craziness.

I'm sure I've got something that can top that though, I'll have to think. That's just the first story that pops into my head every time someone mentions 'decadence'.

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Quote Originally Posted by MrKnobs

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Large people are used to things breaking and collapsing during the act, they've sorta learned to ignore it. thumb.gif

Terry D.


I am 6 foot 8, and have never broken anything in the act.

Maybe you meant "Balding, fairy tale tellers"

Wait, let me guess, you have a story about that too? I think a man would have to live to be 375 years old to live through all the dreck you have posted.

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Quote Originally Posted by phildogger

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I am 6 foot 8, and have never broken anything in the act.

Maybe you meant "Balding, fairy tale tellers"

Wait, let me guess, you have a story about that too? I think a man would have to live to be 375 years old to live through all the dreck you have posted.


Pffft. You aren't livng enough then. I'm 17 and have had at least half of those things happen to me or similarly happen to me........
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Quote Originally Posted by iheartdc2

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that's a fine story Zurich. crazy.

So does the amount of groupie action a band gets depend on what kind of rock you're playing? Which does the best and which the worst?


Hair metal/Sleaze rock/Punk does the best I'd imagine. Followed by sort of classic rock (Jimmy Page never went short). Right down the bottom I'd imagine would be Prog.
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Quote Originally Posted by Volitan

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Pffft. You aren't livng enough then. I'm 17 and have had at least half of those things happen to me or similarly happen to me........


beleive me, when I was 17 I was breaking other things. Wide Open.

But age catches up with us all.

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Oh, that weekend happened when I was 16, by the way.

I used to have a thing for MILFs actually, when I was 16 I had, in this order, 23 (my virginity), 17, 39, 35, 20, 25, 28 and then I dunno, I think after that it was my 17th birthday I can't remember. I'm settled with a girlfriend my own age now, but those were weird days.

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Quote Originally Posted by phildogger

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I am 6 foot 8, and have never broken anything in the act.

Maybe you meant "Balding, fairy tale tellers"

Wait, let me guess, you have a story about that too? I think a man would have to live to be 375 years old to live through all the dreck you have posted.


What I posted was a true story. The dialog, of course, isn't word for word because who has a memory like that?

Sorry you didn't enjoy it. redface.gif

Terry D.

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ok one time i took one for the team!!! there was a after-gig house party some where outside of stroudsberg PA. we were on tour. the chick was smoking whos house it was .. real hott. her one friend was a GIANT! she gave our singer like some valium, thrrough him overher shoulder and went up stairs and just pounded the poor guy for hours! me there was a girl who had a good body but her face was just mehhhh.... so i drank til the point i could tolerate {censored}ing her and i take her out to my car and she gets on and i just lose it from al the booze! couldnt keep it up!

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