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Post your racks!!

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Sorry,all the stuff I jam thru belongs to him and I'm glad too because I haven't seen or heard anything else that I think would be cooler. He used to have a triaxis rig sort of like yours but with more rack stuff in it that I used to jam thru before he sold it-and it sounded lame compared to what he lets me use now.

You seem hostile



I'm not hostile, but we've all seen zachman's rig many a time. It's kind of kicking a dead horse.


And thanks for saying that a "triaxis rig sort of like" mine "sounded lame compared to what he lets me use now."


Insulting the people on this forum because your dad has nice guitar equipment won't get you any brownie points.

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I'm not hostile, but we've all seen zachman's rig many a time. It's kind of kicking a dead horse.

And thanks for saying that a "triaxis rig sort of like" mine "sounded lame compared to what he lets me use now."

Insulting the people on this forum because your dad has nice guitar equipment won't get you any brownie points.



I'm with TLC808 on this one... calm down man.

He thinks it's a better rig. Why not? It's like being insulted because someone says that a Suhr sounds better than an American Standard strat. I don't see your point, man.

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I've always wondered what he did to get banned in the first place. He seemed to be on good terms with the admins before all this happened



He was arguing with some guys and got a temp ban. I thought that was lame and signed on under an account I created on his computer, and phil perma banned him thinking I was him. I felt bad but my dad said not to worry about it because the cool guys that know him here still keep in touch at other forums and via his email.

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It's too bad. He was always a great help when it came to rack advice



I can always ask him stuff for anyone if you guys want to talk to him and give you his email.


He's really smart with gear stuff. He's always had really crazy gear ever since I can remember. He loves helping people and sharing what he knows. He's never been into hiding tricks from guys that are interested in learning.


I have always thought it was ridiculous seeing guys argue with him about gear they have no clue about. Oh well that's the internet I guess.


My dad says there are certain things with which mediocrity should not be endured.

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I've never had a problem with zachman, but YEAH people take their equipment personally on this forum.


I used to use a Strategy 500 and Eventide 4000 series ultra-harmonizer, but had to sell them due to having my car totalled while going to school and trying to find a new job.


I am fairly proud of being able to FINALLY afford a new power amp (even if the 2:Ninety is, admittidly, not quite on par with the headroom of the Strategy 500). So yes, I take it personally...


Besides, if I'm not mistaken, the rack is mostly effects whereas the amps were a Marshall 30 year anniversary head, a Mohave Peacemaker and a Mesa Mark III(?).


Though I like the sound of the Marshall 30 year head, and have never played a Mohave, the Mesa Mark III/IV sound has always been something that I've liked (with the right adjustments that is).


My current rig, though it lacks the headroom of my former Strategy 500 setup, is much tighter with more mid saturation because I'm driving the hell out of the midrange up front with the Dunlop pedal, then restoring the highs and lows at the back end with the 2:Ninety's deep, modern, & presence controls...


Again, being a student who works two jobs, I don't have the luxury of having a studio setup where I can post clips. But still, don't compare someone's rig to something that you consider lame...it just lacks tact.

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I've never had a problem with zachman, but YEAH people take their equipment personally on this forum.

I used to use a Strategy 500 and Eventide 4000 series ultra-harmonizer, but had to sell them due to having my car totalled while going to school and trying to find a new job.

I am fairly proud of being able to FINALLY afford a new power amp (even if the 2:Ninety is, admittidly, not quite on par with the headroom of the Strategy 500). So yes, I take it personally...

Besides, if I'm not mistaken, the rack is mostly effects whereas the amps were a Marshall 30 year anniversary head, a Mohave Peacemaker and a Mesa Mark III(?).

Though I like the sound of the Marshall 30 year head, and have never played a Mohave, the Mesa Mark III/IV sound has always been something that I've liked (with the right adjustments that is).

My current rig, though it lacks the headroom of my former Strategy 500 setup, is much tighter with more mid saturation because I'm driving the hell out of the midrange up front with the Dunlop pedal, then restoring the highs and lows at the back end with the 2:Ninety's deep, modern, & presence controls...

Again, being a student who works two jobs, I don't have the luxury of having a studio setup where I can post clips.
But still, don't compare someone's rig to something that you consider lame...
it just lacks tact





My dad said to say by the same token, you saying "Ok, so post YOUR rack... We've already seen your dad's rack equipment..." wasn't exactly welcoming or showing any tact on your part either, and he can't believe that you expected a warm and fuzzy response let alone a heaping dose of respect for that, especially since you've been here for a while- so you'd have known better. It seems like you were suggesting that I can't post the gear that I play through since I don't OWN it-- according to the tone of your posts so far, and that doesn't seem well...I say lets just forget the whole thing.


BTW I didn't think the triaxis rig sounded lame

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I'm bowing out of this conversation, and this thread, and forum, yet again... I have been here a long time, but have spent quite a few times away from HC. It seems every time I bother posting, someone gets riled up.



Sorry it ended up like that. It wasn't my intention to post and have my dad's rig cause you to post aggressively. Perhaps the reason this has happened before is your attitude. I wasn't riled up, but it seems like you got riled up at my dads rig so much so that you decided to become confrontational. It's not a gear competition. If it were my dad's rig would win imo


Anyway I wish you luck and peace of mind

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Sorry it ended up like that. It wasn't my intention to post and have my dad's rig cause you to post aggressively. Perhaps the reason this has happened before is your attitude. I wasn't riled up, but it seems like you got riled up at my dads rig so much so that you decided to become confrontational. It's not a gear competition.
If it were my dad's rig would win imo

Anyway I wish you luck and peace of mind



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Perhaps daddy should've teached you some manners, and how to make friends instead of enemies.



Oh, you figure those guys were trying to be friendly and make friends huh? Not me. My dad taught me how to recognize BS, and that is what that was and what your comment appears to be. Watching your friends back is one thing, but when you are trying to get the back of someone who is trying to be an ass is something else


FWIW----- I didn't START anything with anyone, but I get the feeling you knew that.

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o god, i thought this forum was done with this zachman stuff.....



I guess there are guys that want to make trouble to me because of NOTHING that has to do with me.


I guess the general reputation of this place IS well earned. I'll not be frequenting. No worries

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Come on man, don't give them anything to rave on.

It's cool to have you here, really.

The pics were kind of unnecessary though... but that's taste differences I guess. Not trying to scold you, I just wouldn't like for you to get banned as well... and I've never liked threads that were disrupted by something like this. And that goes for all of you. Just let it be, and contribute to the forum.

As for TCL808 and Zachman, I'll see you guys over at HRI.



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Come on man, don't give them anything to rave on.

It's cool to have you here, really.

The pics were kind of unnecessary though... but that's taste differences I guess. Not trying to scold you, I just wouldn't like for you to get banned as well... and I've never liked threads that were disrupted by something like this. And that goes for all of you. Just let it be, and contribute to the forum.

As for TCL808 and Zachman, I'll see you guys over at HRI.



Thanks Andy. My dad posts over there not me, but it's cool of you to be so hospitable. :thu:

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Sorry about the overly large pic... I'm still adding to it a bit - getting a power conditioner this week and wouldn't mind a funky UV light



Is the bottom 1U device a rack interface? If DIY, do you have any handy schematics or details? I'm at the ground stages of learning how to put one together. THanks!

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