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Everything posted by methusalem

  1. My ex-band opened up for Kittie, Silent Civilian, and I think Nonpoint (not sure, was about 2 years ago) at a local club. Right after we played this really good-looking goth girl comes up to me and starts talking to me. Well, we ended up making out during Kittie's show, and we made up the excuse of her not having a ride so that I could take her back to my place. She "slept" in the guest room, which didn't really happen of course... needed to be really quiet though, after all I was still in high school and living at my parents'. Told'em two weeks later that we were going out... they were pretty surprised. I ended up spending a good many of whole weekends at her place before she disappeared to (apparently) Arizona one day. Pretty weird story... and my only one like that. Can't say I'm too proud of it either. Oh well, Andy
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