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Feedback on a proposed lighting system

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Many thanks to burdizzos for assisting me on this. I'm a lighting novice.


My band currently has two trees of Par 38's...period.


Here's what I'm looking at doing:


Two trees at the front of the stage with each tree being outfitted as follows:


(4) ADJ Par 38 LED Pro's

(2) ADJ Par 38 with Bastard Amber Gels


The plan is to mount the LED cans along the bottom of the tree and along the top mount the regular cans between LED cans 1 & 2 and 3 & 4.

I'll add a Chauvet Dimmer Pack to control the four regular par cans across the two trees.


At the rear the stage will be a tree containing two Chauvet VUE II's facing the audience.


I'm looking at a Chauvet Obey 10 for the controller and a Behringer FCB-1010 foot controller.


Any comments? Suggestions?

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No, it's the Vue IIs, Vue 1.1s, ADJ Sunray and Eliminator Piranhas.


The 1.1s are in the middle of the rear truss, the Piranhas are on the front truss and the Sunray is in the middle of the front truss, so you can see when those fire.

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About 45 seconds into this video you'll clearly note me walking up to the laptop to make damn sure the music was going to seamlessly continue at the end of the song. ;)


You'll also notice that as the singer walks past, they quickly shift to the opposite side. ;)

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The Vue II's are at the ends of the rear truss?



Yes, the Vue IIs are outboard on the rear truss and the 1.1s are in the middle. The stage lights pretty much wash out the beams from the 1.1s, but the Vue IIs are way brighter.

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Many thanks to burdizzos for assisting me on this. I'm a lighting novice.

My band currently has two trees of Par 38's...period.

Here's what I'm looking at doing:

Two trees at the front of the stage with each tree being outfitted as follows:

(4) ADJ Par 38 LED Pro's

(2) ADJ Par 38 with Bastard Amber Gels

The plan is to mount the LED cans along the bottom of the tree and along the top mount the regular cans between LED cans 1 & 2 and 3 & 4.

I'll add a Chauvet Dimmer Pack to control the four regular par cans across the two trees.

At the rear the stage will be a tree containing two Chauvet VUE II's facing the audience.

I'm looking at a Chauvet Obey 10 for the controller and a Behringer FCB-1010 foot controller.

Any comments? Suggestions?



Your country rock band right? Should work fine just keep in mind the vue's have the lite brite type of effect. Now if your rocker band like I'm in. Just imagine the vue's while covering Iron Maiden or Dio probably wouldn't be the best light fixture choice IMHO. however the Led Pearls totally rock for us, but keep in mind the pearls must have a smokey bar room like we play in or a hazer or a fogger for their maxium effect lighting.

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Is there a compelling reason to get one controller over the other? I should be placing my order today or tomorrow. There is a backlog on the Elation DMX Controller from my source. I'm thinking of replacing it with the Chauvet Obey 10 because I can get it quickly. They appear to be very similar.

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Don't forget blinders. Do up those hardware store halogen lights, one on either side of the drumset, and aim em up at 45 degrees. Just to give a huge glow of light but not aimed at their eyes at all.


Are you going to use a hazer or fogger?


Oh, and now that I've seen how powerful those Vue II's are, definitely gonna go check em out in a store soon. Just two of those would be enough motion across the stage AND the audience.

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Save the cash from gigs and get the second tree next month or so.





If my bandmates don't step up and purchase the second tree, we won't have one. I've spent $1170 on lights. They can certainly come up with about $500 between them for the rest of the stuff.

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I know how you feel about funding thye lighting thing. In my band I have purchased all the lighitng gear with a little help from our bass player who also happens to be my wife.


Our singer and drummer have invested almost nothing back into the band. Our other guitarist has spent money on P.A. upgrades and I have been building our lighting up slowly over the last year.


We now have 4 colorstrips, 4 LED Rain 56, one Tri Pearl LED, and Two Martin SCX500 scanners that should arrive next week. My goal is to have a better lighting rig than most bands that play the same venues that we do.



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It's nice when bands work things out and everyone has a responsibility. I own the light rig and the trailer. Z-x is responsible for the PA and the singer/guitar player is responsible for booking and maintaining the website/myspace page. That works out well for me because I hate dealing with club owners, but I'm good at making electrical and mechanical things work.


In my last band, I was responsible for everything but booking, playing guitar and drums. Screw that.

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We used to split the pay at the end of the night based on responsibilities. As it was, there were six "cuts" -- the singer/guitarist, bassist, and drummer each got one cut, whoever provided the PA got one cut for maintenance, whoever provided the lights got one cut for maintenance, and whoever booked the show got one cut as an incentive to keep booking.


Nowadays, we each take on one responsibility each, so it gets split evenly.

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In our band I'm the tech geek when it comes to lighting.Started out with the bass players PA but he didn't want it any more so he GAVE it to me. 2 SP-4's 2 SP-118's,2 CS amps,and all the cords.

I've gone ahead in the time between and bought a new mixer and a bunch of outboard gear for it,gates DRPA,powered tops, BUT
















There I've said it.I also do all the booking too.And I got guitar crap for miles.My brother is sponsored by some manufatures and he sends me stuff.


So I take the weight of lighting ,booking and making sure we look as good as we sound.A little smoke and mirrors helps.

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