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Can different ohm speakers be run off the same chain?


As in the pic?


Would this result in a 2.667ohm load thus not harming my amp?


Small 50-80 people outdoor (birthday party) gig...


Might need the APX-152 speakers for better coverage...


Rental out of the question...free gig = no cash for expenses...

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Nothing should blow up. Adding additional speakers in itself is no guarantee of additional loudness in the system. You'll need to check polarity to be sure. When you say coverage maybe you mean the additional speakers will be directed to an area that the JBLs won't be. In that case, no problem.


Be aware that there will be less power available to the JBLs.

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How about setting up a dual mono rig?

Use the JBL's on one side of the amp to cover the main area and use the smaller cabs on the other side of the amp (possibly delayed) to cover any additional area.

This will allow you to eq the two types of cabs independently assuming you have a stereo EQ.

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Generally mixing different cabinets with different tunnings results in less than great sound. I would try it first before going out live.

With the 4 ohm cabinet drawing about 2/3's of the power not much will be left for the tops.


One thing to try if the Crown amp is 2 ohm stable is pick up a active crossover and run a bi-amp system. Use the JBL's as subs on one side of the amp with the APX two way speakers as your mid high's. I would put the APX's on stands to get them above the crowds heads with the subs-Jbl's laid on their sides on the floor in the center. Around a 110hz-130hz crossover point to start. You could later pick up a smaller amp for the mid-high's and run the crown just for the subs. A true bi-amp system should perform better than miss matched full range boxes combined. Allot of inexpensive crossovers on ebay.


Kindest Regards


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