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I Really Don't Know What To Do (Speakers, Power Amp Prob)

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Well...it looks we'll need the PR-15 since we're going to sell the subs to get the money to ''get the band on track''

Sorry for keeping asking (and keeping looking like a moron sometimes), but can we run voices thru the 2 subs:confused: ? I know it may sound kinda ridiculous, but if that could happen in two or 3 shows, we could be correctly back in track by buying correct PA speakers for that power amp. What do you think. Meanwhile I'll research on some new speakers.



You're off on a few points. As has been pointed out, vocals don't go through subs. Subs only handle frequencies much lower than anybody could possibly sing. Since you say you're selling your subs, I don't understand the question anyway.


Second, any speakers will work with that amp as long as you operate them within their limits. If they start to distort or sound like they're straining, turn it down. While matching speakers to amp is a worthy goal, you're better buying speakers that meet your needs rather than specifically to match your amp.

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Pardon for sounding moronic. I'm located in Ponce, PR.




Sorry if I came off as harsh. Good luck finding used gear in PR, but you never know a band might be breaking up and looking to sell some gear, or even take a look at used dj gear.


I would keep the subs if possible, and get a new set of mains.


Using the amp you have, one channel would power the subs, and the other channel would power the mains. You would also ideally need an active crossover to send the mids/highs to the tops, and the lows to the subs.


Good luck, and sorry if I came off as rude.



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Sorry if I came off as harsh. Good luck finding used gear in PR, but you never know a band might be breaking up and looking to sell some gear, or even take a look at used dj gear.

I would keep the subs if possible, and get a new set of mains.

Using the amp you have, one channel would power the subs, and the other channel would power the mains. You would also ideally need an active crossover to send the mids/highs to the tops, and the lows to the subs.

Good luck, and sorry if I came off as rude.




Hey no prob man! No hard feeling! Maybe I got kinda desperate since no speakers for singer = no gigs for me, the guitarrist (and the rest of the band too). What really hurts me is that all the band members money were involved in the purchase of everything for the PA. I had not get a cent like from June 2009 to the present, and is really hurting since I'm just 19, can't get a job cuz of several life or death surgeries, and my dad only economical help is to cover food and college. The money I use for fuel is the one I'm supposed to use for food imagine. That's why it hurts.


I'll try to see if there's any bands breaking up in the island to try to negotiate for the gear. I still insist $400 is not enough for getting the band running again. (May need to ask for some economical collaboration from the band members)

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Thanks for the advise! The subs question was to know if there could be a way to ''fool'' the system, and try to make some gigs the hard way so we could keep the subs, and get the new mains.

Hey no prob man! No hard feeling! Maybe I got kinda desperate since no speakers for singer = no gigs for me, the guitarrist (and the rest of the band too). What really hurts me is that all the band members money were involved in the purchase of everything for the PA. I had not get a cent like from June 2009 to the present, and is really hurting since I'm just 19, can't get a job cuz of several life or death surgeries, and my dad only economical help is to cover food and college. The money I use for fuel is the one I'm supposed to use for food imagine. That's why it hurts.

I'll try to see if there's any bands breaking up in the island to try to negotiate for the gear. I still insist $400 is not enough for getting the band running again. (May need to ask for some economical collaboration from the band members)



Sorry to hear about the surgeries! Maybe contact another local band or DJ and see if they will lend you some speakers to cover a few gigs. This way you can kick back some of the cash for upgrades. Just MAKE SURE you don't blow the borrowed speakers!


Keep on rockin! And good luck with college, etc.



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Sorry to hear about the surgeries! Maybe contact another local band or DJ and see if they will lend you some speakers to cover a few gigs. This way you can kick back some of the cash for upgrades. Just MAKE SURE you don't blow the borrowed speakers!

Keep on rockin! And good luck with college, etc.






Well....I'm back with some ''solutions'', but I need you people output for the decision. As the band's budget is very low ($400 as maximum and we still don't have it:facepalm:) my dad told me about ebaying a bit. I came across this speakers....




Will they do the trick?

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Well....I'm back with some ''solutions'', but I need you people output for the decision. As the band's budget is very low ($400 as maximum and we still don't have it:facepalm:) my dad told me about ebaying a bit. I came across this speakers....


Will they do the trick?


At least as bad as what you already have, maybe even worse (if that's possible).

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It's the crap quality of the speakers we have a problem with. Here are some budget PA speakers:






I'd pick the jbls and note that you amp is too powerful for ANY cab under 500 bucks EACH. I know this isn't very technical but it is just a guideline. Don't bother buying something not peavey, JBL, EV, Yamaha (newer). Avoid all others.

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For starters, use your exsisting amp. Put both speakers on 1 channel and leave the other one not used. This will help some in lessening the power to each speaker (though with only 1 channel driven then the amp will put out more than rated for the used channel, how much is anybody's guess).


The crap pa speakers you linked to are really really aweful and in no way are rated what they say. A common trick in the car/crap/audio marketing is to add both speakers together for a handling, i.e. 1500w would be divided between both speakers, or 750w ea. But that would be a peak rating as well, 750w would be closer to 175w (6dB crest factor) each. And maybe it really turned out to be the wattage of ALL the drivers in each cab ADDED together (woofer is 100w, mid is 50, tweet is 25). Usually the woofer determines the wattage of the cab (100w). See, the numbers go away quickly.


Also the SENSitivity of the cab is quite low (90dB is common for DJ and home/car audio cabs). 96-99 is common for pro applications. Every 3dB is a doubling of power needed to get to that point, so:


90dB DJ speaker @ 1 watt (2w=93, 4w=96, 8w=99)

99dB Pro speaker @ 1 watt


the the DJ speaker handles 100w peak, 25w long term. 25w ~ 106ish

the pro speaker handles 400w peak, 100w long term. 100w ~ 119ish


That's a difference of 13dB. A LOT of difference too!


There is no free lunch, but buying used something good can take a lot of hassle out of buying crap and throwing it away when it breaks. Buying a name speaker means you can get {censored} fixed too fairly easily if needed.


good luck

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But if a brand new 15'' speakers is needed to get back on track, the band will make the sacrifices.


Something personal bothers me is about the continous watts and the peak power one's. I'm trying that the peak power is quite a big one (higher than 2,400 watts), but I saw some speakers that people posted here that got quite a low continuos watts and not so high peak power. How I'm going to tell the band to buy something that to me it doesn't convinces me by the numbers? I just really want nothing goes boom again.:)


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The world is full of manufacturers that sell gear to bands that want to learn the hard way.


You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. And you can lead a musician to a sensible solution, but you can't make his bandmates agree with him.


Good luck.

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Rent a single powered speaker for your next show, and stop and catch your breath for a bit. You're grasping at straws right now. If you have no cash, leave that damned amp with the rental guy, as a deposit. If that doesn't work, ask the venue to handle the rental, and deduct it from your pay.


Misuse of that amp is what caused your current predicament, so get rid of the damned thing, and tell your bandmates to come with you to the rental place, and have them talk to the owner/manager, to get some advice. They obviously don't believe you. As it stands now, it seems like they want to dig the hole you're all in, a bit deeper. You'd think they would have been smart enough to learn from the first lesson.


Sorry about the blunt response, but infortunately, this is what the situation calls for.


Good Luck,



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Rent a single powered speaker for your next show, and stop and catch your breath for a bit. You're grasping at straws right now. If you have no cash, leave that damned amp with the rental guy, as a deposit. If that doesn't work, ask the venue to handle the rental, and deduct it from your pay.

Misuse of that amp is what caused your current predicament, so get rid of the damned thing, and tell your bandmates to come with you to the rental place, and have them talk to the owner/manager, to get some advice. They obviously don't believe you. As it stands now, it seems like they want to dig the hole you're all in, a bit deeper. You'd think they would have been smart enough to learn from the first lesson.

Sorry about the blunt response, but infortunately, this is what the situation calls for.

Good Luck,




Is a good idea man, but I'll tell you about the situation on the music biz @ Puerto Rico's south coast. The ''bigger'' covers band get $250 per gig. The ''not so big'' get $200. My band gets a lot of youth to the pubs but as we all know, youth aren't really the ones that generate money to pubs, so we are on the ''NOT SO BIG = $200'' range. I can get a guy to put sound for us for $75, but the problem is that....that's the price if we play on the local city of Ponce, but Ponce has the same damn bands again n' again n' again = no gigs for us there. We need to move out from here to other towns that yet don't know us, so there's a risk of not getting paid ( Puerto Rico works that way).

I believe the most we can pay him is $100 bucks no more, no less to see if we can get back on track.


A few minutes ago, the band singer send me this to my e-mail address......




He believes that could fix the problem. (Again what do you all think?)


Searching the puertorican rock music forums, there's a man selling this speakers...




for $300 the pair. Someone here told me to buy used (that's the only thing that has appeared by the moment)


I want to comment you all that my band speakers situation really frustrates me, and it kinda hurts that I need to write often here about the case (that is not yet solved), maybe sounding like an ignorant, fool or something. But I would really like to get out of this situation together, not running away or anything cuz this guys besides other bands I have played on, they have really been on my worst hard times for me n' I would have not get as far as I've had done now, without them. I would really like to have a great conclusion to this, and if the band falls apart that is because of other stuff besides this! If any of you have any ideas, 15'' speakers suggestions or something; please say it! I'll keep appreciating all your help!



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Well HC people, looks like this is the final band decision about the actual situation with the band speakers. The band just got a $350 loan (from the drummer's mom), and the band leaders decided to buy this speakers....



as a replacement for the now dead, Behringer woofers.


The decision is done, but I would like your final outputs, before buying the speakers tomorrow morning. Is this gonna be worth it, a high risk situation or is it gonna be a failure? All your final opinions are accepted (maybe you could change the final decision).


Thank all of you that help out on this forum for my band situation. I'll make a follow up to the situation no matter if you write or not in this thread so all of you know what happened next!

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