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Replacement PA Speaker advice

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First post :lol:


I have recently aquired some older Yokville E15 speaker enclosures and one needs a 15" woofer. I was wondering what would be a good replacement for this enclosure aside from the obvious (yorkville).


I Was thinking about maybe something a step up in quality, and then replacing the second enclosure to match them up eventually

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You will always be best off using the same as the original. Putting a higher rating driver in could sound bad and be wasted money.



I agree this is the best advice.


However, if you insist on an aftermarket replacement due to cost or availability, Eminence makes a large variety of 15" drivers with different characteristics and different power capability, so you might find a reasonable match. They are widely available on internet sites.

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One of the 15"'s is not in the cabinet, so a recone is out. I went to the Yorkville site but I didn't find a model speaker. It may be there but I didnt dig far enough.

Ok, can someone stear me to getting whatever was in the Elite box? I can do a search for local dealers, but maybe an internet source??

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The woofer is from B&C. I'm guessing something like this one :




Yorkville may have them custom made to their specifications however...


The Yorkville product code is B&C 15 2448 - a Yorkville dealer will be able to get you the exact replacement which is the best solution.


Al - Party-Time! DJ Services

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Too bad it wasn't an eighteen, I just saw a reconed one on L&M's site that's been marked from $350 down to $150.


You can find the suggested replacement and/or recone kit for practically any Yorkville box. You do have to dig however.


Have you opened up your other box to see what speaker is in there? That might be a start - assuming of course that the box hasn't been messed with.


After that, note the serial number on the box, have the other cab's speaker model (if you can read it) and email... Yorkville. They should be able to help you out.

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One of the 15"'s is not in the cabinet, so a recone is out. I went to the Yorkville site but I didn't find a model speaker. It may be there but I didnt dig far enough.

Ok, can someone stear me to getting whatever was in the Elite box? I can do a search for local dealers, but maybe an internet source??



Ummmm what happened to it?


Reconing is the obvious choice, but you could buy a replacement from Yorkville if it's "lost". Aftermarket is generally a poor idea.

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Yeah I bought these for next to nothing, and one speaker speaker was not in the cabinet. Dunno what haapened to it. The other speaker may not be original....

Thanks guys for the help. Pretty informative site I must say!

are they being used as fullrange boxes or will you be using subs? That makes some difference as far as putting a different driver in the boxes because lowend tuning isn't really critical then. And if you could find out the exact model of the original driver maybe you could also find out the T/S parameters and find out what else is close to them. Or meaure the internal volume of the cab and the vent size/depth and see how different drivers would work in the cab. But reconing or finding the stock driver is the most surefire option.

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