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Headphone choices

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It's not about fidelity, it's about a flat hz response, which these give well. They do not color the sound, so what you're getting in the can is what is coming in from the instrument.



7506's are the audio equivalent of a "boom car."


They're loud, w/hyped highs and lows.



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i cant wear the hd280's very long although with some stretching they are better than when i bought them. fortunately i never need to wear them more than a few minutes. its not that they are too tight (they were. a night over a basketball fixed this), i just dont like all that mass on my head for so long.

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I sometimes mix the night primarily on cans. For some of our corporate/blacktie events, the console CANNOT be out front. I can't even sit out front with a laptop. For those, FOH goes up sidestage where monitor world would usually be. At setup we match that cans are hearing pretty much what FOH produces. I trust my EQ settings on the console, so the cans are primarily for levels and FX. I have found that I can produce as good (and sometimes better) mix from the can as from mixing at FOH. I wouldn't try this in a club or loud environment, but for the events mentioned above I can get a very clean, quality mix with good cans.



At the venue I am Tech Director at, I do board mixes of the artists that come through, being mostly Celtic/ Trad music. I consistantly monitor the channel eq of the inputs to give the board recording consistancy through the night. I've got 3 CDs from last year in various degrees of production for release as Live Cds, thank you headphones.

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I sometimes mix the night primarily on cans. For some of our corporate/blacktie events, the console CANNOT be out front. I can't even sit out front with a laptop. For those, FOH goes up sidestage where monitor world would usually be. At setup we match that cans are hearing pretty much what FOH produces. I trust my EQ settings on the console, so the cans are primarily for levels and FX. I have found that I can produce as good (and sometimes better) mix from the can as from mixing at FOH. I wouldn't try this in a club or loud environment, but for the events mentioned above I can get a very clean, quality mix with good cans.



Axis, you're right, there are gigs when cans are essential... but some of the hi-fi BS quality that seems to be coming into this discussion is just annoying. Any good engineer can mix a good show with a {censored}ty pair of cans, so when it comes down to it, any of the options listed in this thread fit that bill... you simply do not need great headphones to do live audio.

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What I need in cans is isolation so I know what I hear from the PA vs what I hear from the room (ie: backline.) I need them to be comfortable so I can wear them a long time in some cases. I need them to reach a high enough SPL to hear them easily (after isolation.) I need them free of serious problems such as extreme high end or HUGE bass so that there is SOME level of accuracy that I can trust. I need them to be easy to listen to for long periods of time to prevent ear fatigue. I need them to be a reasonable cost so that when they grow legs, it won't break the bank. I need them to have reasonable durability so that when someone drops them, sits on them, etc. they will still work.


I think most cans in this thread are fine for any of things. I was happy with 7506, ATM50s, and my current ATs. I don't need studio grade reference cans, I need dependable, well built, reasonably good sounding cans. I probably couldn't live with most of what I find that costs less $50 because they generally don't have these attributes, and the ones that cost more than a couple hundred don't meet the requirements either. I usually ballpark that most anything from a major manufacturer in the $100-150 range is what I am looking for. My current cans cost more than that because I wanted a good sounding, attached talk back mic.

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Axis, you're right, there are gigs when cans are essential... but some of the hi-fi BS quality that seems to be coming into this discussion is just annoying. Any
engineer can mix a good show with a {censored}ty pair of cans, so when it comes down to it, any of the options listed in this thread fit that bill... you simply do not need
headphones to do live audio.



Headphones are a tool. The purpose of a tool if that it makes your job easier. In order for a tool to do its job, it must be designed to do that or a similar job. I would not use a screwdriver as a hammer, although I have, even though it is a tool, it was not designed to be a hammer. Yes you can mix without headphones, we all have. I do sometimes. Headphones can offer you a non-varying reference point, as long as they offer good isolation. Something not sounding right with the lead vocal?, on go the cans, see if it sounds bad all alone on the phones, if it sounds ok, you may have to look somewhere else to solve the problem (system setup/ tuning, Main eq, speaker processing, etc). In order for that tool to work, you need somethings from that tool. I think a reasonable amount of comfort is required, and I think a flat response is a reasonable request as well. If you can do the job with Sony Walkmans, that's great. If you just want to use them to make sure there is a signal is present, hell, i've got meters for that, why waste to money on headphones?


My thoughts on the tool is just that, it's a tool, not a crutch. You use your tools, I'll use mine. I'll keep getting hired, I'm sure you'll keep getting hired. If the OP is looking for a good set of phones like he asked in the thread, I'm sure he's got more than enough choices now. Oh, and hi-fi sound? I don't want that in my phones, I want flat. I'll let the mastering engineer for the CDs take care of that.

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i use mine to track live performances for money. for the last couple years my live recording rig has made me more money than my live sound rig, and its about 1/4 the hours and i can fit everything in the backseat of my car verses an entire trailer.


when i used the 7506's i was always surprised when i played the recording back later; even knowing that the mids were all wrong during the show i couldnt compensate for them.

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So how come so many ofthe headphones that supposadly do not have the "quality" or "accuracy" "needed" are so damn commonly used by the very guys who pay for their own and could afford anything that they want?


This is similar (though not quite identical) to the argument that an SM-58 or B-58 is a piece of crap and unsuitable as a vocal mic.


C'mon guys, look at the big picture.

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So how come so many ofthe headphones that supposadly do not have the "quality" or "accuracy" "needed" are so damn commonly used by the very guys who pay for their own and could afford anything that they want?

This is similar (though not quite identical) to the argument that an SM-58 or B-58 is a piece of crap and unsuitable as a vocal mic.

C'mon guys, look at the big picture.


Two reasons;

1. Those guys are cheap (don't want to spend the $$$) :p :poke:

2. They've probably never listened to a truly hi-quality headset.

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The old time sharpshooters were great marksman. If the sight was off a little on their gun, they learned to compensate for the problem. They still hit the target almost every time after they learned to do that. Just saying.....


Amen to that.:)

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They might look a lil' clunky, with one draped on either side of your head.


how about minimus 7's then? we could even use 18 gauge lamp cord from the shack too. as long as we are going ghetto, pick up a plastic AB switch so you can patch those NS10's in - then we can all sing through 58's and rock out to 500hz.

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how about
minimus 7
's then? we could even use 18 gauge lamp cord from the shack too. as long as we are going ghetto, pick up a plastic AB switch so you can patch those NS10's in - then we can all sing through 58's and rock out to 500hz.

I actually remember those.:thu:

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I didn't say go ghetto. But I will say I don't care about the difference in accuracy between 7506 and HD280. I just mentally adjust for the difference. I don't buy junk, but absolute accuracy is not my priority as much as many other criteria.

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