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Compressor for vocals suggestions

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I'm thinking about adding a compressor for vocals and am wondering what recommendations others have. I was looking at the DBX 266xs Compressor/Gate or Alesis 3632 Dual Channel Compressor/Limiter/Gate. I was trying to stay relatively inexpensive, but if these models aren't good and should be avoided I would consider higher priced modules.

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Get the 266. Not much love for the Alesis around here, although you might get different opinions on your two choices depending on where you're located. IMO the Alesis wall wart is reason enough not to get it.


BTW I own the 166xl. and it performs as it should. And I also have a 25 year old Alesis 3630 that I haven't powered up in decades. I'm holding on to it in case I get into Electronic dance music :) Apparently something about the way they pump and distort is desirable for that genre.

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