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Seeking information regarding an HC member named Mykie. Anybody know this guy?


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MEAN STREET would like to invite you to the NORTH STAR in TERRE HAUTE, INDIANA on Friday November 20 and Saturday November 21. It is especially a great time for us because we will get to introduce you to our newest member, guitarist and back up vocalist Mike Von Dude . Mike comes from one of my favorite local Terre Haute bands SWAG . We are excited to have Mike as a STREET DUDE and if our first two rehearsals with him are any indication of what it will be like playing with him we are going to be an even better and more explosive band. Mike is what we have been looking for as the last piece of the puzzle to complete the band.

I guess we know where he can be found this weekend.......
and this is a pic. from myspace....[ATTACH]308360[/ATTACH]:cop::cop:

This is copied and pasted right from the myspace site....

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I will say as someone who spent many years working with Cyber crimes and Internet security for various agencies; you guys seem to be quicker than the real deal at calling out scammers. Bro Blue you do have a talent for this as it took me awhile for find the similarities and I have done this analysis for over 10 years now. Most likely you guys are right, it is the same person posting but my guess is that it is truely 2-3 guys running a "ring". I have seen it before. They will claim that "X" stole their account and it is not their address, etc but really they are all in it together. They will setup many differnet aliases across many boards, etc. May not strike for many months and build a rep etc. They do this as having multiple members with many addressess, possible suspects etc. It causes there to be reasonable doubt and can make it so that investigators cannot piece together enough evidence to get a DA to prosecute. I will say that these are most likely guys new to the business as this con seemed to be very small. This most likely means they will be moving up to more valuable items etc. All the reason they need to be caught!
As for closing all the accounts. That is standard as things like FB, and photos on PB can lead investigators to clues.
This is a case of Interstate/Mail Fraud so you need to take the case up with the FBI. You can file a report on the FBI's website. There is a link for Internet crimes. The reports are looked at and forwarded on to local LEA for investigation.
PM me if there is anything I can do to help. I have alot of experience in this field and I want to keep HC clean so that we can all trade with confidence. I have done over 40 trades/Sales on here and all went well (thankfully) but I know how I would feel if I got ripped off.

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For the last time I have not taken one thin dime from anyone on this forum,Never even toyed with the notion of doing so. I have avoided responding to this b.s. cause i simply have no answers for anyone. As items in question were items I A. never had for sale or B. have never even owned in my lifetime. Much less taken money from anyone for. PERIOD!!! I do not know how many times I can stress that!!!
I have deleted all kinds of accounts either due to the fact that they have or had been tampered with or I am getting inundated with things about this.I mean seriously!! I know people are quick to hop on bandwagons in situations like this. I myself have thought guilt upon people in similar situations. But I have SOLD nothing here I have taken money from nothing sold here. flat out bottom line. Not one thin dime..I mean do you think if I were going to pull some such nonsense I would use my own user id i have had for nearly 3 years.? Especially sense I knew people here and they as well know me??? seriously...

Putting my name or googling addresses & attaching them with threats being made upon me? i feel for the people involved with this. Seriously do. But aside from my id being used I had no role in it.. Were that the case do you think I'd have ever surfaced or acknowledged any of this?

And for those above doing the searches my Middle initial is E. and your address searches are not fruitful as i have not had an address in that city since 2005.

And again for the last time I will no longer respond to anything publicly on this situation i have tried privately working with people involved in this matter it is those not directly involved that keep fanning the flames on this...And I would appreciate none of my personal information being posted publicly attached to threatening posts.

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..I mean do you think if I were going to pull some such nonsense I would use my own user id i have had for nearly 3 years.? Especially sense I knew people here and they as well know me??? seriously...




Well since this was posted only one guy said he could speak for you; so apparently you didn't make much of an impression since your Userid was mentioned in the subject. I know if it was someone I knew on HC I would be all over it.

You would have been more trustworthy had you not created that fake second userID; that was pretty lame. Not buying it was not you. Similar "speach" pattern, routinely did not capitalize the same letters, spelled the same words incorrectly, and on on on...

If it really isn't you who stole the money and you created that second ID just to get us to believe you then just say that.. Fess up ..


If it really wasn't you; then tell us what jurisdiction you have filed the Police report in for identity theft as we can all request that record via the FIA (as long as there is no open investigation). Then you will be cleared. If you have not filed a report then you are guilty as no one who has been hacked to this level would just let it slide as there are too many legal reprocussions.

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Please contact me via PM. You've stated that you have information as to who was the responsible party and I'd like you to provide me that information.


If he doesn't provide this then in most states is he considered an accomplice; if he has material evidence or first hand knowledge of a crime and fails to report he can be charged as well.



Do the right thing; if you have a name give it to PBR so he can report this to the authorities.

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Maybe it was his ghost, or he has a really bad close ratio 143:1

yes I saw all those posts. Some were for things of mine I have never tried to sell nor had any intention of selling.. As I stated from the very beginning i have made a grand total of less than a handful of deals here in my life.. the last of which I had made was last winter..And of all my handful of deals I've made here they were done smoothly and honestly..See below a copy of the last transaction i did here.

03-11-2009, 03:04 PM

Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Louisville, Kentucky
Posts: 430

Re: Ibanez

Got the guitar today. Looks great. I think the only thing I am going to do is replace the pickguard. Ma that was lightning fast shipping. I got it around 2pm. Thanks again.


As i have said and cannot say enough apparently i'm trying to help these guys out anyway I can. however all i am getting here is threats made towards me or my well being. People posting my info publicly. While I understand the lynch mob mentality and have even gotten pulled into things like it myself before I cannot stress enough that I am not the type of person to pull a stunt such as this. There was never any transaction made here involving any account of mine.Hell the last thing i sold as you can see above I never even used paypal for. there was a guy who sent me a money order. i sent him a guitar.

A handful of people here on this site know me and who i am. So to put this all together with the case being presented i am to believe that I a man in his late 30's and a fulltime job used the internet to scam $100 and some dollars off of a person(s)?? knowing full well that people here knew who i was and could easily identify it?...Seriously...
As i have said I do not get online everyday. here nor anywhere..When i do I communicate with the guys involved in this matter privately and responding or trying to keep up with the threats or postings of my personal info in this thread does nothing but take time away from that.
I noticed the day i was alerted to this fiasco when i searched the username and started seeing threads posted with things of mine for sale that i have no intention of nor ever had any intention of selling that this was going to be a long process of sorting out. I do not know what else I can do to curb these threats and accusations.

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No one should receive threats... That is not cool...and I would hope that wouldn't happen. The issue is you keep saying you are "sorting this out". This is something that you need to sort out with the police if indeed you were "hacked". You need to file a police report and provide that info to PBR so that he can call the police and obtain a copy of that report; as it is public record. Then and only then will you have a shred of credibility. Why are you evading this point?

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No one should receive threats... That is not cool...and I would hope that wouldn't happen.



Agreed, and I have never threatened Mykie in any way here. I don't think that it's an effective way, at this point, to get what I want. I just want my money returned. That's it. End of story.


I'm in Brooklyn, NY he's in Indiana. Not much I can do from here. I have threatened, however, to contact the authorities in Terre Haute if I'm given no other recourse, but have not yet done so.

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Mykie...good work on getting this stuff figured out...stand up guy, helping out even when it wasn't really you who started this mess..way to go!!



Interesting first post, charv. Welcome to the forum.


Nothing's been sorted out, BTW. There's no "stand up guy" that's come forward as of yet. The opportunity still presents itself for just such a thing to happen, though.

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