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Everything posted by flatheadpete

  1. Some should asK a guy named Eddie. He had this beat to crap red pile... Or how 'bout Stevie? Wore out, wrong parts....junk!
  2. I have a '65 my dad bought new. It's never for sale.
  3. I totally agree, like I said best guitar ever made in my opinion. I've had several PRS's Les Pauls, Grestchs, Fenders, Kramers, Jacksons, Ibanez's,you name it and the Yamaha kills them all! But, alas I'm laid off and have 6 kids to take care of here. I can tell ya got kids. A few of my doors are 'decorated' as well. Cool guitar.
  4. Can't be mad...the 'ole wagon got 25 mpg on this trip!!! Rear wheel drive and a V8!!!
  5. Nice start. Add some strings and a liitle talent and BAM.........Rock star in the making. Really dig the finish on this one.
  6. Bump for a killer (I mean Charles Manson!) guitar. Old cars that break down suck 'cuz they cost more $$$ than guitars!
  7. Huh? I got a six-pack of Heineken in me and still don't understand whatcha gto. I R Confused?
  8. Any Debbie Boone fans here? 'You...light up my life You bring me hope to carry on......'
  9. Didja ever wonder what your bellybutton is REALLY for?
  10. Someone git this before I spend $$ I don't have.
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