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Liberal peeps, I urge you...

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... support Ralph Nader if he runs for president.


We all know the system is screwed up. The only way out is through a singular ethical person, a person who can't be bought and sold by corporate interests.


At worst, he can bring topics to debates that would never otherwise be addressed due to the corporate interests that have a stranglehold upon the dems and republicans. At best, he could unite our country and put power back where it belongs: in the hands of the people, not corporations.



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I would vote for Nader if he had a chance in hell but unfortunately in this 2 party system of ours it usually means taking away votes from the dems or reps and in this next election we can't risk the chance of the f**king reps winning again. The main goal is to get George W out of office even if it means putting the dem candidate in. We failed to do it in 2004 and now things are even worse.

This president is a disgrace to our great nation and a sorry excuse for an american. Yeah, that's right. I'm not afraid to say it.

I just hope to god the NSA isn't listening. :freak:

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We all know the system is screwed up. The only way out is through a singular ethical person, a person who can't be bought and sold by corporate interests.



with all the gossip about bloomberg running as an independent, i'd be interested to hear his platform. the first thought that came to my mind is that he has all the money in the world and therefore wouldn't need to cowtow (sp) to anyone.


i'm not politically minded at all, but i think he's done pretty well for nyc. (i'll probably catch heat from someone)

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why havent any of you liberals randomly stated that you support the troops without the topic coming up in the conversation?

i dont think any of you are real liberals.

I don't know if I'm considered a liberal. I do know I'm not a conservative in the broader sense of the word. I'm just a dude that lives according to his own convictions. I'm also a former U.S. Army soldier and the only way I see to support our troops is to stop telling them that they're actually protecting our nation by policing a civil war in Iraq and get them back home to their families and friends. There will always be terrorists in the world just like there will always be drugs. And the mess that's in Iraq right now was created by George W not Bin Laden and the idiot still hasn't caught him and still refuses to get our people out of there.

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I would vote for Nader if he had a chance in hell but unfortunately in this 2 party system of ours it usually means taking away votes from the dems or reps and in this next election we can't risk the chance of the f**king reps winning again. The main goal is to get George W out of office even if it means putting the dem candidate in. We failed to do it in 2004 and now things are even worse.

This president is a disgrace to our great nation and a sorry excuse for an american. Yeah, that's right. I'm not afraid to say it.

I just hope to god the NSA isn't listening.

To start with, you're an idiot.

Sure, I voted for Bush (both times), but I'll also be the first to admit he is not taking care of the country to the best of his ability. But for people to assume that every problem in this nation is a direct result of Bush only supports the idea that Liberal-brainwashing is extremely prevalent within our culture.

On the one hand, I support our president for making an attempt to secure our nation by ivading Iraq and fighting terror. On the other, I am terribly dissapointed with the way in which the current administration (thanks to bi-party bickering) has followed through with the war. My opinion: either fight, or go home. You can't "half way" fight a war and that's what we're doing. Our soldiers have no choice but to remain sitting ducks in a country that's literally hopeless and helpless without us. This is all to do with the fact that they are limited in their options for proactive action related to fighting terrorists - thank you, Dems.

But more importantly for 2008 - we must secure our border. If not for the reasons involving terror attacks, then for the fact that our economy can not support the growing number of illegals invading our country. Social Security, health care, education, jobs... they're all at stake. If our federal government continues to ignore these problems, we may as well become Mexico - 'cause it looks as though our government cares more about the needs of law-breaking illegals than about the well being of law-minding natural citizens. For 2008, I don't care who it is - Republican/Democrat - if they promise to secure our border, they've got my vote. I gurantee this will be the key issue come next year and the longer they refuse to solve this problem, the more I belive all Americans will become discouraged with our government.

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To start with, you're an idiot.

Sure, I voted for Bush (both times)......

Well, that was pretty rude. I never said Bush was responsible for everything that's wrong in this country but his administration is responsible for the mess our troops are in. He's talked about protecting us but that's all it is - talk. We're no safer and 9/11 happened on his watch. With the resources he's wasted over the years in Iraq we could've brought Bin Laden to justice by now. Instead, he uses the fear of terror to promote the control of oil in the middle east. I could go on and on but, hey, what do I know, I'm just an idiot. I guess I should stick to pedal talk.

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Well, that was pretty
. I never said Bush was responsible for everything that's wrong in this country but his administration is responsible for the mess our troops are in. He's talked about protecting us but that's all it is - talk. We're no safer and 9/11 happened on his watch. With the resources he's wasted over the years in Iraq we could've brought Bin Laden to justice by now. Instead, he uses the fear of terror to promote the control of oil in the middle east. I could go on and on but, hey, what do I know, I'm just an idiot. I guess I should stick to pedal talk.



Rude, honest... take it how you wish. Anyone who makes it their political goal to get any ONE person out of office has serious intellectual issues, especially considering W's second term is nearly over (not sure if you know the rules on this law - you can't win more than twice). More importantly, however, one should know with any knowledge of politics that there's more to decision making regarding policy than the "yes/no" one will get from the president.


And in regards to your notion that our country is no safer since 9-11... you have got to be kidding! What more evidence do you need that we're safer? Better airport security, better port security, better intellegence capabilities... is that all not enough? What about the fact that we have not endured another attack since 9-11? Still not enough??? Please. How dare you sit there, saying our president is such a things as a horrible American... you should be ashamed. He might not be the best president in our great history, but he isn't half bad, considering the times we live in. You're wrong. Get over it.


And, on a side note to those discussing Nader... a vote for Nader would be a thrown in towel to anyone who cares about this country. Just because our two party system is horrible and refuses to listen to the voice of citizens doesn't mean we should fork our vote over to just anyone - especially not to a radical candidate like Nader who encourages silly ideas such as the lagalization of marijuana. Grow up - there's more to life than getting high. If Nader had a serious stance on anything concerning American life, he would have a chance, but - just as stated - he has no chance in hell, because of his redisulous policy agendas.

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And let's watch the personal attacks / name calling please folks.

You're absolutely right. And I should not have reacted to Mr.Texas' insult and attack on my character. After all, he probably gets his facts from FOX NEWS and we all know they're extemely fair and balanced.

I'm going back to talking pedals. :cool:

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