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Liberal peeps, I urge you...

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Why, does Bush have a chance of being elected for a third term?.......

Sorry about that. I think we all know that there's a 2 term limit. What I meant to say was that we need to get Bush & Co. out of office (the reps) because as far as I'm concerned most (not all) of the rep candidates will perpetuate Bush's Iraq policies (especially McCain).

As far as dems go, I'm favoring Obama slightly over Clinton right now.

Maybe we can get Donald Fagen to run as an independent.
That would be so cool. :cool:

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For those of you who drank the Kool-Aid regarding "a vote for anyone except a Dem or Repug is a wasted vote," you have been manipulated (yet again) by the corporate politics that has no interest in true democracy. A vote for a third-party candidate (or 6th-party candidate) is an expression of political action based in your true values. Of course, you can always compromise your values just like your "lesser-of-two-evils" candidate does.



Yay for acts of symbolism but acts of symbolism aren't going to win this election. Voting for an independent party is pretty much wasting your vote and throwing a vote away that could determine an election. The only indie candidate that might have a shot is Michael Bloomberg, but he claims he isn't running. I find that very hard to believe. But at any rate, pretty much anyone is an improvement over that bumbling idiot Bush.

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I'm voting for the worst possible candidate that will do the most damage to this country. I'm not entirely sure who that is at the moment. I have come to the conclusion that there is no fixing this place. I am just trying to catalyze the fall of the American Empire so we can be hungary once again. Then we can start to rebuild with a new chance to find something better.

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Bush is just the public comic mouthpiece for the system, those who need replacing wont worry about an election.



Participating in an election now is just a nostalgic gesture. We, the people, have NO say over how this country is governed. Want choices? Go shopping.

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Participating in an election now is just a nostalgic gesture. We, the people, have NO say over how this country is governed. Want choices? Go shopping.




Tell me about it. I get so confused at the grocery store. Way too many choices! I don't have the time. Just give me the basics!

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As a leftwinger myself I am inclined at the moment to support RON PAUL.

Ron Paul is a libertarian. Libertarians are far from the left wing. Ron Paul is against all the federal programs (like the EPA and public education), that characterize a left wing agenda. Don't be fooled by his sensibleness regarding getting out of Iraq.

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