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Check OUt STEVIE and MR BECK !


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see if this {censored}ty ass forum will load this mother {censored}er. this time

the smoke flys at 1:23 poor little mr beck l o l



I actually caught them on that tour - Beck was AMAZING and SRV was good but not great.


Carlos Santana came out to do the encore with Vaughan instead of Beck - he soiled himself (Carlos, not SRV) and slinked off stage after 2 songs. Pathetic to watch...

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The SRV "In Step" tour was a lot better for SRV. I got to see Rene the guitar tech tune up #1 up on stage before the show, I could have reached out and touched the headstock. :eek: My seats were closer up for the in step tour too, always makes a difference. did carlos really shat himself? :eek:

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Yeah. I think I saw Jeff Beck's hair start to smoke. SRV PWNED him. Ive never really listened to either one of them, and Im sure that Im going to get an earful for that.


Nobody was pawned. What you saw was a Great Player(Beck) pushing and inspiring SRV during a song that was tempo perfect for SRV's style.Knowing your place in the heat of the moment is what separates the guys that play guitar from a Guitar Player.It was all about the song.

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I'd agree that there doesn't seem to be any competition going on there, just two guys enjoying themselves. It's definitely Stevie material, and Beck only attempts to take one chorus, the rest of the lead is all SRV, so it would seem to me that it was agreed beforehand to split rhythm and lead that way. No one-upmanship going on, IMO.

Two awesome players. I'd love to have seen that live.

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