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Mesa Nomad 55

Phil O'Keefe

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Anyone own one? I have a client who has a nearly new looking one and wants to sell it. I've only messed with it a little bit, and it's okay (channel 2 IMO is the best of the three channels) but not spectacular - he'll probably let it go for $400 or a bit over that. What's the going rate for one these days? Any concerns? All the potentiometers have already been replaced and it has been freshly re-tubed...

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If it was a Studio 22 or a MkII, there'd be no hesitation... but I'm not really sure I'm crazy about the sound of it. OTOH, the price seems very reasonable (he showed me the original receipt - it cost him $1,200 or so new), and it might make good trade bait for a small Marshall combo... :idea:

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If it was a Studio 22 or a MkII, there'd be no hesitation... but I'm not really sure I'm crazy about the sound of it. OTOH, the price seems very reasonable (he showed me the original receipt - it cost him $1,200 or so new), and it might make good trade bait for a small Marshall combo...

Filthy slut :mad: :poke: :mad:


I have the Nomad Forty-Five and I believe I paid closer to $600 for mine used so YES - jump on that one for $400. :evil:


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If it was a Studio 22 or a MkII, there'd be no hesitation... but I'm not really sure I'm crazy about the sound of it. OTOH, the price seems very reasonable (he showed me the original receipt - it cost him $1,200 or so new), and it might make good trade bait for a small Marshall combo...

...Like this?


What sperker..speakers are in it?

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