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Is it true that small clones cant be daisy chained?


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ive never tried it but i wanna get a daisy chain for the stone, holy grail and clone but ive heard that the clone cant be chained? if this is true, can this problme be modded out or do i have to use a second adapter and loose space on the power bar?

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Sure it can. Open that sucker up, swap positive and negative wires on the DC socket, solder, done...



and don't forget to switch all transistors npn for pnp and pnp for npn ones. and if an IC is in there you might need to change the schematic for the power supply of the IC, just pulling it out and put it the other way round will not work.


from my point this mod would be stupid to much work, you better could easily built a complete clone with less much hassle....


the nano stone is positiv grounded, means + of power supply goes to ground, - has the 9V. if you daisy chain this it will short your ground and none of the pedals in the chain have power.


there are some positive grounded pedals out there (e.g. byoc mkII, byoc fuzz face etc).

mostly the reason on why depends on the circuit design and which tranis are used. voltage wise npn transistors work the complete opposite as pnp, hence what the circuit uses you need a negativ or a positive ground

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Even if you swap reverse the wires it still won't work using daisy chain i'm having the same problem it just shuts down the power supply


If you swap reverse the wires the power supply won't shut down but the pedal won't work


For some reason you can't mix the two polaritys or they will cancel out so you need a isolation power supply



The real question is if all your pedals run off of CENTER NEGATIVE and your daisy chain them but one of them doesn't work but it only works in center negative NOT center positive this is the mystery also about daisy chaining effects, even tho all your pedals power up center negative but one is not working causing a short shuting down the power supply why is the question. It has to do with how each pedal is grounded internally so this is another problem about daisy chaining I'm running it to


How can 2 effects both powered by "center negative" can cause a SHORT shutting down a daisy chained power supply and why does it do this please?

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Someone at EHX should have spotted that nano clone problem.



it was by one here on this forum a couple of months ago. he was very helpfull and listened and said he will talk to the techs. he did and he came back and said that they look into this. but they don't have a short term solution for the current production, but they might have when they do a complete new run.

but this was not to expect in any short time period.


since this last message i never heard of him again on the board...

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if i remember correctly (and i may not) diago sell an adaptor that switches over the polarity so you can still use a daisy chain.


this is it




maybe i'm totally wrong but, eh, maybe i'm not!

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Someone at EHX should have spotted that nano clone problem.


someone at EHX should have thrown the Nano clone in the bin when they tested a prototype.


no idea why they didn't make a nano small clone like the nano small stone. (the same but smaller) the small clone is a wonderful chorus, why did they {censored} with it? :confused:

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someone at EHX should have thrown the Nano clone in the bin when they tested a prototype.

no idea why they didn't make a nano small clone like the nano small stone. (the same but smaller) the small clone is a wonderful chorus, why did they {censored} with it?


maybe if the flip the voltage they could make the same schematic a bit easier with same function, but on a smaller print layout?


or they ran out of stock npn transistors and needed to switch circuit for pnp, cause they had tons of them in stock?

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The Small Clone (regular big box USA version) will power up just fine in a daisy chain, assuming you get the right plug for it. The Nano series Small Clone (MXR-size box) will need its own separate adapter - no amount of flipping plug polarities, using converter cables etc will get around the fact that it is designed with a positive ground. Basically, it's entire power structure is reversed (not just the jack), so as soon as you plug it into a daisy chain or other common ground power supply (Diago, 1spot, Godlyke, DC Brick or what have you) it will instantly short all the power out.



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While we're on the subject, I just got a Micro POG. It comes with a 9V adapter and the instruction sheet says it will work with a Boss type adapter, but that I should only use it with the 9V/200mA adapter that came with it or I may damage the unit.


What's the deal, can I plug it into my VoodLab Pedal Power?

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