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SMM w/Hazari vs. DD-20


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I think the DD20 is the workhorse delay. EHX are great pedals but theyre more like the icing on the cake on my board. The DD20 may not have any groundbreaking sounds on it, but they do the trick, and a lot of thought has clearly gone into the interface. Example: I use the ctl jack to turn my DD20 on and off from another place, and I thought 'man im going to have to hold the pedal for two seconds every time I want to tap tempo' Not so. I just set it to mode 3 on startup and now I can tap tempo and switch memories without holding anything down. Not being discriminatory here but I love how the Japanese think about these things.

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this one is a tough call.


i much prefer the sound of the SMMH over the DD20.

but the DD20 is much more versatile and imo, much easier to use.


for gigging, I still use the DD20. it's really hard to screw up using it on the fly during gigs. you have your effect amount, tone, f'dback and so on; all the delay settings react basically the same according to how you have yur pots set.


with the SMMH, whichever setting you're using, the pots tend to do various things, delay setting to delay setting. it takes a lot more work and remembering. though you can save a sound per setting, which is nice.


the looping is also much easier to use with the DD20. the SMMH, you have to do a dance of activating, holding down the switch and releasing to loop and the same to overdub. DD20 you only have to hold down on overdubs. but if you want to get rip of the loop it's just a tap of the other pedal. with the SMMH, you have to hit the bypass switch, then hold down the tap switch for half a second, then activate the bypass switch just to start up a new loop. not easy on the fly.


at the same time, you can use the different delays over the loop for overdubs on the SMMH. can't do that with the DD20. plus you can manually alter the pitch/speed of your loops and make them go backwards and other cool stuff.


DD20 also has more delay types, BPM counter and all sorts of cool stuff if you really want to unlock all it's secrets. there's a lot to it, stuff i haven't even gotten into and i've owned mine for years.


But the SMMH sounds much better to my ears than the DD20. a lot warmer. so for recording, i've been using that.


i think they're both really great pedals. i haven't used the nova delay yet so i'm not sure how it measures up with the DD20 but I'm sure they're comparable. A good analog delay, the SMMH and either a DD20 or Nova and your delay needs are probably set for a long time.

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I think the DD20 is the workhorse delay.



I've really liked my DD-20. But I don't think I want to have it and the SMMH on my board. I think what I'll end up doing is selling the DD-20 and then eventually getting a DD-5 or whatever and making my own mini-tap tempo button. I like all the features on the Boss, but I found the looping feature to not really work live too well b/c the signal dropped a lot and when I played on top of it the levels were uneven. What I DID really like was how easy it was to store and get to personalized sounds. That was nice.

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Honestly, I'd go with the DD-20 if you can only have one. It's going to cover a lot more ground and you can get some pretty great sounds with it. Electro Harmonix stuff is great, and some of their pedals are really well designed (I really like The POG, the Deluxe Memory Man, the Deluxe Electric Mistress and the Stereo Micro Pulsar) but I think a certain amount of the "magic" on some of these newer pedals is hype.


That being said, I've only heard clips of the new SMM, so maybe I'll be knocked out by it when I hear one in person, but from what I've heard already, I don't expect to be. I have to admit, other than the Stereo Micro Pulsar, I haven't been THAT impressed with the new EH Nano/Micro offerings I've auditioned other than to say they're OK for the money. I am dying to try out the Micro POG though. :)

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What does Hazarai mean? I looked up the pedal and see it has a feature that allows presets to be recalled from the Hazarai knob but what does the term itself refer to?


It's an archaic Yiddish term for "All the bells and whistles."



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Dialing the EXACT time is a must for recording if you must do precise repetitions, plus the choice between bpms or millisecs and all that stuff, and while some settings are useless (and nice) some are very very good, like the tape echo.


So DD-20 for me. It has ended my search for a delay, at least until they upgrade it somehow.

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