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Ottava Magus and Serrano Picoso Review

Ron Burgandy

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I'll start with the Ottava Magus:


Through my Marshall this thing KILLS! I recently purchased a Fulltone Octafuzz which is a great fuzz pedal, but it seems finicky when I activate the octave. The Catalinbread Ottava Magus is soooooo smooth through my setup and just provides that extra sound the Fulltone pedal did not provide.


I've been jamming through this thing for the past 2 hours and if the 100 watt Marshall wasn't so loud I'd still be going. Kudos to Nicholas and crew on this pedal and the great promotion they provided while introducing it.


The Serrano Picoso is my first time to really use a clean boost. I've always had my TS9 for boosting my amps, but this clean boost is a really cool pedal. I placed it at the end of the chain and it really fattens things up!


Even when used by itself it provides an awesome unadulterated boost that tightens up the Marshall at high volumes. Don't get me wrong I love the TS9 for what it does, but it does cut a lot of the low end out. The Serrano also has a lot more volume on tap. It doesn't quite have the WOW factor that the Ottava does, but when I turned it off after extended riffing I immediately wanted it back on.


I don't mean to come across as an instant fan boi, but I'm just really stoked with the quality of the tones these two pedals provide. I'm still new to pedals, but I guarantee I'll be looking at Catalinbread stuff for my future needs.


It is just icing on the cake that even at brand new prices the Ottava is less than most boutique octave pedals are used.

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How much did the Serrano Picoso set you back? My Ottava Magus is still on its way to me, but if I like it, then I'll consider the Serrano Picoso. I'm in the market for a decent clean boost, and while I could easily build one for a lot cheaper, I like the tiny casings on these Catalinbread pedals a lot. They're so small you almost don't need to check on pedalboard realestate.

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How much did the Serrano Picoso set you back? My Ottava Magus is still on its way to me, but if I like it, then I'll consider the Serrano Picoso. I'm in the market for a decent clean boost, and while I could easily build one for a lot cheaper, I like the tiny casings on these Catalinbread pedals a lot. They're so small you almost don't need to check on pedalboard realestate.


I'm still playing with the Serrano, and I'm not sure how much they'd run over in the UK. I know they're not that expensive over here for what you get. (IE hand assembled, tiny case, extremely quiet, clean boost)


I was running mine as a buffer, and then later as a boost pedal into the front of a Marshall Jubilee 2555 cranked up on the clean channel. I got some absolutely killer crunch tones from it without losing any of the frequencies.


Again I don't mean to gush over these things, but I'm really liking them. The Ottava to me is far superior to my Fulltone Octafuzz that I bought a week or two ago, but I don't have anything to compare the clean boost to. I can say it works exactly as advertised, and is quiet to boot. That's a big requirement for me since I run noisey Marshalls, and a P90 equipped SG. :D

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I plugged in my Serrano Picoso last night and I {censored}ing love this little boost pedal.


As you said, it fattens everything up. I play through a Krank Revolution and have been having the problem of not being able to turn my amp up enough to get a good tone because it's too loud.


The Serrano gooses the input just enough for the sound to fatten up just like if I turned up the amp, but without the head-splitting volume.


Now for even more Catalinbread fun, try out a SKII in front of the Serrano for some serious tone shaping harmonic OD goodness.

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