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I think it is pretty unique tone and there are a few variations. There's the Robbin Ford variation, the SRV Texas Flood variation, and my personal favorite is Larry Carlton's which is best heard on the late 80's Last Night CD. Listen to the opening track, a Miles Davis tune called Say What...which is a monster tone...ooooh the sustain and dynamics.


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Over on TGP, a new boutique overdrive builder pops up literally every month. The latest batch are all about dumble tones out of a tubescreamer.

A bigger yawn I could not imagine.


Someone was actually asking me if I was getting hot over those particular pedals (the ones with 'colors', yes?), and I said that they hadn't perked my interest in the least. A line of differently voiced tubescreamers... hmpf. And not radically modded either - I mean, I can hear the TS in them all. And I'm glad to hear more folks not 'getting' the Dumble thing... I personally think they sound... not so special.

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especially for an amp going for 95,000 BIN. Not to mention, I think the sound is pretty buzzy. Don't we have the MT-2 for that?....



I actually thought it sounded pretty smooth. That is just the way tubes sound with hot pickups on a guitar.


Honestly, I don't think that clip really frames the amp's capabilities well. That's the thing about YouTube... the clips are all degraded slightly. The other thing is, Mr. Ford didn't really play all that much in that clip. He sung more than he soloed and didn't play at all during the verses.

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Someone was actually asking me if I was getting hot over those particular pedals (the ones with 'colors', yes?), and I said that they hadn't perked my interest in the least. A line of differently voiced tubescreamers... hmpf. And not radically modded either - I mean, I can
the TS in them all. And I'm glad to hear more folks not 'getting' the Dumble thing... I personally think they sound... not so special.



they sound too tame, refined, predictable, etc.


just sounds like a 40-something white guy who's obsessed w/ tired white boy genres dream tone.

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To the doubters...it IS a Youtube video lol. Youtube is hardly the place to go for audio fidelity.



Agreed, but the whole dumble thing really is ridiculous. $95,000 for any amp is just idiotic, especially when you have so many high quality amps out there for at least $90,000 less that don't sound proportionately inferior

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Does this need an already overdriven amp?



It sounds great that way, but it also sounds great when it's volume is up a bit and it's pushing your amp even when it's set for clean. I think it sounds good at bedroom volumes too.

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