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Strangest request I've ever got...


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So I work for a church in London doing graphic design, and I've just been asked to remove the genitalia from the image of Kim Phuc (the one of the naked little girl in the Vietnam War) because the vicar doesn't think it's appropriate to use the image as it stands in his sermon on sunday night!


I disagree with this, but still, it's my job, so I'm spending the next 15mins or so staring as close as you can get, at the pubic area of a little girl. All in the name of work. Weird eh?:freak:

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I disagree with him. If he wants to communicate the full horror of what's going on in that situation, sparing the poor girl's dignity is kind of counter-productive. Did they give her anything to cover up with before they napalmed her village?

If anyone in the congregation gets offended at the sight of a naked girl, they should be ten times as offended that there was a situation that could lead up to that picture being taken. Jesus, Christians. :rolleyes:

(i am one)

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Good grief, what next - photoshop a happy expression on the poor girl so the look of distress on her face doesn't upset the congregation. If he's trying to impress on people the horror of war then editing out the bits people might not wish to see is missing the bloody point somewhat.

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So what, there's gonna be a picture of an androgynous little imp there instead?

You could probably argue that editing out her genitalia is just another act of dehumanisation that makes treating people in that way somehow alright.

I'm not going to go there with the little boys thing. Labelling all vicars as paedophiles is insulting and inaccurate. That's scout masters :D

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I know - I disagree with him on the basis that the image is so well known, it has become iconic and it would look odder if it was changed, than if it wasn't. It's in the same league as taking the cigar away from Brunel - yes it shows him smoking, but that's who he was.

And Lanefair, you've gone down in my estimation over the boys comment. Not funny dude.

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I know - I disagree with him on the basis that the image is so well known, it has become iconic and it would look odder if it was changed, than if it wasn't. It's in the same league as taking the cigar away from Brunel - yes it shows him smoking, but that's who he was.

And Lanefair, you've gone down in my estimation over the boys comment. Not funny dude.



Having re-read your first post it occurs to me that you probably know the Vicar quite well, so sorry if I offended you.

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photoshop a huge jungle bush down there and see what the vicar thinks of it...


or photoshop his face down there winking


or photoshop a huge black penis on there...




well that's about much fun as I can poke about this disgusting subject, my hell quota is full for the day... thanks!



one last thing...


come in here dear boy, I'm the Vicar

you're gunna go far

you're gunna fly high

you're never gunna die

you're gunna make it if you try

I'm gunna love you

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he probably wants to do it cause there will be kids there...


It's usually adults that are offended by nudity, my kids couldn't care less.

I think the look the childs face would be more upsetting to children.

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It's usually adults that are offended by nudity, my kids couldn't care less.

I think the look the childs face would be more upsetting to children.

True. Kids shouldn't be taught to be offended by nudity but they should be taught (in an age appropriate way) about the horrors of war. That way when some of them grow up to become Prime Ministers and Presidents they might pause for thought before sending people to their deaths in pointless wars.

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It's usually adults that are offended by nudity, my kids couldn't care less.

I think the look the childs face would be more upsetting to children.

they're probably thinking that itll prompt questions from kids and it would force parents to explain things at a young age that they can conviently skip over...aka sex...why boys are different from girls etc.

debatable whether thats beneficial or not but thats probably what theyre thinking

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