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Sell a TU-2 and get a Pitchblack?


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In my opinion if you're playing in a band it may not be worth the upgrade just for tuning accuracy. If you didn't have a tuner I'd probably say to get the pitch black, but are you going to gain that much by selling one pedal tuner to get another?


If you're buying it because it is easier to see, smaller, etc., then ok. Otherwise any tuner will get you in the ballpark live, but unless everyone in the band is using the same thing everyone will probably be 'off' a bit.


A tuner can take you so far, but you have to use your ears to make other adjustments. I'd rather spend the money on something else.

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i made the change from a tu-2 to a korg dt-10, only because i found the tu-2 to track quite poorly.. i'm doubtful there's a 'flat mode'.. i haven't read up on the pitchblack recently and hence cannot recall, but i remember it to be pretty no-frills. check the website.

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I just bought a TU-2 because my local dealer didn't have the Pitchblack, but I'm more than happy with it. If your TU-2 is working fine, I agree with the others, it isn't worth selling/trading etc. to get the Pitchblack.

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a tuner is a tuner. Ones TB and ones buffered...OMG!!!!

lol, I understand the sentiment, but from my experiance with the Pitchblack; it is really top of the line in quality. Then again I have yet to try the Boss TU2, but I have heard some negative things about it. And besides; I think the Pitchblack is cheaper anyways :p:cop::thu:

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Save your money. The TU-2 is just as accurate. The only way to get more accurate is to get a strobostomp. I have my TU-2 dead last in my chain.



Pitchblack is actually 3x more accurate than the TU-2, BUT as said before, I got mine not for the accuraccy, but for TB, bigger display, strobe tuning, and a smaller foorprint. The accuracy was just a big plus.

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