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Best Volume Pedal?


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Aha!thanks guys!!

is the only difference between the jr and the senior the size of the footprint?



yes. Go jr. Unless you have Shaq's feet, the footprint on the jr is more than big enough. The senior really is combersome. i LOVE my ebjr.

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I prefer the Boss FV-500's


Purely out of interest Zach, what do you prefer about them?




(To the OP, I very much like my VP-JR. I hope to eventually run a stereo rig and will then use a 25k stereo volume after the preamp, but the one I have now is just fine.)

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Purely out of interest Zach, what do you prefer about them?


(To the OP, I very much like my VP-JR. I hope to eventually run a stereo rig and will then use a 25k stereo volume after the preamp, but the one I have now is just fine.)

I prefer the Boss FV-500's because they are built like a tank, don't have an open architecture like the Ernie Ball, allowing for them to have dust and dirt affect components, they don't rely on a string to make the pedal work, and if you've ever had to replace the string on the E/B pedals you'll agree that it's a pain. Plus, I think they look cooler.

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I've got a Boss FV50, which suits my needs just fine. It's plastic but it's sturdy. Things I like about it:


Tuner out

Very low profile, meaning I can put a pedal above it on my board and not have a problem reaching over the volume pedal to turn it on/off

Minimum volume setting

Small-ish footprint

Smooth taper

I had an Ernie Ball VP Jr a while back and it was great, built like a tank and had a nice feel to it, but to be honest I think they are way overpriced. If I was wanting something bigger and/or more sturdy, I'd go Boss FV500. Cheaper and also stereo.

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I prefer the Boss FV-500's because they are built like a tank, don't have an open architecture like the Ernie Ball, allowing for them to have dust and dirt affect components, they don't rely on a string to make the pedal work, and if you've ever had to replace the string on the E/B pedals you'll agree that it's a pain. Plus, I think they look cooler.




Sounds like a good pedal...

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Goodrich makes some really nice volume pedals. They are supposed to be one of the best, as are the Hilton volume pedals.




I went with a Visual sounds 10th anniversary volume pedal. I liked that it had active and passive modes as well as LEDs to give you a nice indicator of the level. It can also be adjusted to boost the signal. The only drawbacks are that you need power and it does not work well in the effects loop. I put mine 1st when I used it. I am not using it in my current rig....

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It is...

The E/B is as well... Like anything, it boils down to whatever works and individual preference.



True. I think I got the EB mainly because of the feel. I've heard that changing the string indeed is horrible though.

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