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Raffle for zwtyo (zach) and family

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Ya i think we should do multiple winners depends on how many prizes there are.

Slip them up evenly. like if theres 8 prizes there will be 4 winners. 6 prizes, 3 winners....etc.



Do you like the way I have it now?


1st place - 3 prizes

2nd place - 2 prizes

3rd place - 1 prize


If there's 8 prizes I'd do.


1st - 3

2nd - 2

3rd - 2

4th - 1


something along those lines.

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I dont know i think people who arent as giving will pony up a bit more if they have a better chance of winning something.

Know what i mean?



i think 3 winners is plenty and $5 isn't much, but i'll change it to 4 winners if something else is added to the pot.


let me know if that sounds good?

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ya but no one can win more then once (which seems obvious). Once they win they cant get draw anymore.

think thats pretty fair.



yeah you can only win once and buy as many entrees as you want. if that's okay with everyone that's entered so far i'll change it tomorrow night. if not i'll stick to the one entry and whatever else you give will just be a straight up donation.

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dude, that's awesome. you didn't have to donate $50 at all.

i'll say it again, you guys are an amazing group.

one day i'll try to think of a way to make this up to you all.



In comparison to what ou and your family is going through... $50 is nothing. If its helps in some small way then that is what counts!! You're in my thoughts Sir!!!

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