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Famous Guitarist Poll... (pics)

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I was trying to say that he was the one to make the strat popular.

Two words:




Not to mention the sterling work of Mr Hank Marvin in popularising the strat in the UK through his work with the Shadows while Hendrix was still in the army, and the patronage of Messrs Harrison and Lennon from 1965, when Jimi was trying his best not to draw attention away from Little Richard on the Chitlin' circuit.

Hendrix is synonymous with Strats, yes. He re-popularised Fender guitars at a time when they were deeply unpopular and when all the other guitar heroes were playing Gibsons. He re-defined what could be done with an electric guitar, but he definitely wasn't responsible for the Strat's popularity during the ten years or so between the guitar's introduction and Jimi's rise to fame.

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