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OT: Anybody Follow Physics?


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They are gonna turn this thing on tomorrow ...


Large Hadron Collider


If you live in Switzerland or France hold on to your ass!


I don't really think anything catestrophic will happen ... but I just finished a Sci Fi series in which the Earth is destroyed because humans accidentally create a black hole that falls into the planet's core. The singularity slowly eats everyting from the inside out. They call it "The Big Mistake."

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what's the series you watched?

I doubt anything will happen. the black holes they will theoretically create are so small that they'd vanish in a fraction of a second. at this size they're far too unstable.

before they tested The Bomb, there was much speculation that the atmosphere would catch fire (and other doomsday scenarios). yeah it doesn't prove or disprove a thing, but it shows that people fear the worst.

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Ha. I love reading all these articles which latch onto the blackhole story - its understandable since Joe Public couldn't really care less whether the Higgs is found or super symmetry is confirmed ... But still it gets on my nerves because in the unlikely event that tiny blackholes are created, their sizes and lifetimes have been pretty accurately predicted, and its clear that they will collapse within milliseconds. That said I can't wait for the results to come back from this beast - its pretty cool to be studying physics when all the action is taking place!

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I read the Hyperion Cantos by Dan Simmons. It was a page turner for sure. Lots of really cool cyberpunk/speculative fiction. He does a good job of tying current theories into the books as well. Faster than light ships are propelled by Hawking drives, time debt is a major issue, etc.

Yeah 99.999% chance nothing catastrophic will happen. I'm not worried. But, this thing is supposed to show evidence particles that only currently exist in theory. Cool stuff.

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I emailed a physics professor friend of mine w/ this, here's what he had do say:


Good article. Don't expect to hear anything anytime soon though. They are just starting testing and it will be at least 9 months before they can take data. But once they start getting the high energy data, reguardless of whether they find the Higgs or not, it will be probably the single most important discovery (or non-discovery) since Einstein published his papers on relativity. Exciting stuff (if you are a nerd like me). You should also check out this video:


and yes, the physics is actually correct...


p.s. Don't believe any of that stuff you may read about the LHC destroying the earth and such. Not going to happen. It *might* create micro blackholes, but they will not be stable enough to cause any damage, and will evaporate within 10^(-18) seconds (or something like that, I forget the number and I am too lazy to calculate it again).



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Ha. I love reading all these articles which latch onto the blackhole story - its understandable since Joe Public couldn't really care less whether the Higgs is found or super symmetry is confirmed ... But still it gets on my nerves because in the unlikely event that tiny blackholes are created, their sizes and lifetimes have been pretty accurately predicted, and its clear that they will collapse within milliseconds. That said I can't wait for the results to come back from this beast - its pretty cool to be studying physics when all the action is taking place!


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no one's mentioned the coolest thing about it yet...

this thing could confirm the existence of other dimensions.

if what he says might happen, actually happens, it will destroy fundamental laws of physics.



Does that mean I can go back and argue for an A is Physics 101?

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before they tested The Bomb, there was much speculation that the atmosphere would catch fire (and other doomsday scenarios). yeah it doesn't prove or disprove a thing, but it shows that people fear the worst.



the atmosphere does catch fire when a nuclear bomb is detonated

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I'm not overly concerned about doomsday scenarios, but I still think it's foolish to start messing with these amounts of energy. All I have to say is:


Yay science! Yay progress at any cost! How long until whatever you find is weaponized? You don't care do you? Yay!

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I'm not overly concerned about doomsday scenarios, but I still think it's foolish to start messing with these amounts of energy. All I have to say is:

Yay science! Yay progress at any cost! How long until whatever you find is weaponized? You don't care do you? Yay!



whats the cost? and we already have the power to blow up the world 3x over who cares about new weapons.

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