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Just got a Tech 21 Liverpool Pedal - Made a video

Mike McLenison

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I'm really impressed with the chimey clean tone of this pedal and the distortion is huge. I made the video below today to demonstrate it with my Rick 12 string. I haven't played the 12 string in a while and if you know anything about Rickenbackers, the string spacing is very close, making it difficult to play, -but I think you will get the tonal idea. You will also notice that the audio and video are not perfectly in sync, -I wish I knew why.


Hope you like it.



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Mike, one thing I haven't been able to deduce from online info is how these boxes deal with both amp and direct applications. Is there a switch or something to turn on speaker sim or is just a matter of rolling off the top end? :idk:

Thanks. :) Great vid by the way.

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Mike, one thing I haven't been able to deduce from online info is how these boxes deal with both amp and direct applications. Is there a switch or something to turn on speaker sim or is just a matter of rolling off the top end?



The level control allows it to work in all situations, "right out of the box".

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That sounds amazing. I have been curious about that pedal for some time... now it's definitely near the top of the GAS list!



Yeah, you won't regret it. A friend of mine who repairs and upgrades Vox amps may get one because some venues he plays at provide a Fender amp when his rider says Vox.

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