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I have one in the mail! Im going to use it to filter my hi gain tones. and some pretty slow wah stuff. How is it?

well i'm finishing up some web design work before i can play with it so as of yet i'm still just admiring and anticipating, heh

but im not a traditional wah guy, i plan to use it more as a filter and to get wierd with a ton of delay and stuff. i'll report back asap tho :thu:

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Happy NPD. :thu: The Wah Probe is great, it's one of the longest lasting pedals on my board, and it's not going anywhere. I use it mostly for slow filter-y stuff like you describe, and for some crazy freak out stuff. It's also fun to manipulate with your hand or penis when you're running some kind of oscillating device into it or something. I don't do much standard wah stuff, but it's ok at that to when you get used to moving your foot freely instead of using a rocker pedal. It's got a more synthy tone than most wahs, though.

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well i'm finishing up some web design work before i can play with it so as of yet i'm still just admiring and anticipating, heh

but im not a traditional wah guy, i plan to use it more as a filter and to get wierd with a ton of delay and stuff. i'll report back asap tho

Thats what im down for! let know how it works out.

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so i know its late but you guys wanted a report and ive been having a freaking blast with it the last few hours so heres my initial thoughts... I still haven't mastered getting a traditional wah sound out of it, but that was never really my intention. Obviously I'll keep working with it and it'll come but using it more as a crazy filter was just plain awesome. sounds great with fuzz, even my glitchy bitcrusher/ringmodish type stuff. absolutely amazing with reverse delay and feedback, for a while i was just making crazy noises with my guitar's volume knob all the way down. awesome city!

I can definitely say it lives up to the hype, not prepared to say it exceeds it yet but theres an awful lot of hype so thats a pretty big feat, and I'm sure as time goes by its gonna become indispensable for my sound. I can already see so many uses that go beyond what a typical wah does.

it was between this or the RMC3 or WOF-- both great wahs I know but I think I got the one that really fits me.

The ONLY disappointment I had didn't come from the wah but from a little pedalboard experiment I tried... My board was packed full, I'm kind of sick of using my volume, exp pedals etc and now wah on the floor so I tried to strip things down a little and put everything on the main board. now i'm not saying i couldnt get by with this and be extremely happy, heh, but I did have to scrap my 2nd reverb, PS-3, chorus, a fuzz and most notably my Truly Beautiful Disaster. Heres what it looks like tonight-


I actually really wish I could keep it that way but I really do need most of that stuff back, except maybe the fuzz (not like i don't have plenty already) and chorus. Thing is though I've already got 2 more new pedals on the way too.

I think I'm gonna do 2 things. Get a PT-Jr for the probe, volume, exp pedal and tuner (hopefully) and a PT-mini for the TBD feedback loop. Actually I'll probably try to make them myself but I've got some GC card credit thats looking useful for the first time in a while... so. I'm about to have 3 boards! ahh!

still. awesomeness all around, and I'm glad I at least tried to make it work with my current board (which is a TT Pro doublewide, btw).

So... in closing... Wah Probe gets a big 'ol win and :thu: from me :wave:

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