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Newark's Fuzz Showdown! Demo Vids! You Can Has!

Secret Seasons

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Ok, we're starting with the Algal Bloom from Fuzzhugger. I did these last night and the audio really doesn't do the pedal justice but this is truly one of my favorite fuzzes I've ever played and you seriously can't beat it for the price. I'm gonna be demoing the Fingerprint and a couple Devi pedals in the next couple days too so check 'em out--if you can stomach my playing that is :poke:


Actually I'm fine on rhythm and can play a great lead when I've got a beat, but theres a couple of serious :facepalm: moments in here. Sorry about that. Try to just focus on the fuzz :thu:


The first vid is showing the setup I'm using, clean sound etc, good info if you're actually gonna watch these all the way through, but if you just want a quick taste of the Algal skip ahead to vid #3. Otherwise, start at the beginning, sit back and let 'ol NewarkWilder rock your fuzzy world. Also, be sure to click on the vids and go to their YT pages and watch in high quality for the best audio :rawk:


And away we go!












More to come!! Thanks for watching!! :thu:

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Cool vid, NW! And thanks for the kind words!

Personally found the talking entertaining, but I guess I'm a bit more patient than some people. Or more easily entertained! ;)


Can't wait to see the next parts...I wanna hear what you can do with the Bit!

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Ok a couple things-- first to those of you who had nice things to say, thank you! And yes Tom is an amazing guy.


To the guy who didn't dig my "you will be sold," hey, lighten up a little. I'm just psyched on the fuzz, seriously. Its not like I work for Tom, but I've bought several pedals from him and he's just an awesome guy to deal with. Then all of a sudden he comes out with this amazing fuzz and I'm like, holy {censored}, this rules. Pardon my enthusiasm. You don't have to buy it 'cause I told you to, buy it if you like the sound of the pedal. And for god's sake, obviously go search for other vids of the Algal and make your own judgment. I'm just giving you *my* opinion. I'll tell you what sold me-- Tom's demo. I'm just trying to add more to the pool of available information on the thing so people can go search and find a variety of different takes from different people with different styles of doing their vids. This is mine. I'm just being myself, so:




To the people complaining about all the talking, I'd like to point out a couple things.


1) The first video is clearly labeled "introduction" and its description tells you exactly what the video is of--me showing you the setup I'm using for what is to be a SERIES of demos. Hence the Pt. 1, Pt. 2, etc.


2) Please see the quote below from my original post.


The first vid is showing the setup I'm using, clean sound etc, good info if you're actually gonna watch these all the way through, but if you just want a quick taste of the Algal skip ahead to vid #3


So I actually TOLD you to skip the first video if you wanted to get straight to the fuzz. Cut me a break here, I was pretty explicit about how it all worked.


Sheesh. :lol:


Anyway, I went out and had an awesome evening tonight seeing a couple of killer bands, so I didn't get any new demos done. But tomorrow will be the Fingerprint, and then a video for the Devi Pedals, and then possibly a video of stacking possibilities for all of these different fuzzes and such. And I'll still be myself--my occasionally overly talkative self. If you don't like it, nobody is forcing you to watch :p


So I'll be back tomorrow with Pt. 4. And I'll bump this thread and edit the first post to add the new vids. :thu:

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it's certainly better than a 5 minute vid that just shows the pedal.

i wanna get shane from sham wow to guest one on of my demos. "are you getting this camera guy???"


i will admit i almost put a little annotation of "maybe even SHAM-WOW" on that part where I've got my finger on the switch. I'm a cheesy dorky guy sometimes. I like to laugh at myself too. But I guess these demos are SERIOUS BUSINESS :mad:



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I'm just trying to add more to the pool of available information on the thing so people can go search and find a variety of different takes from different people with different styles of doing their vids.


Tom's demo sold me too ...

if there were more such comprehensive and informative vids

like Tom's and yours, it would make a lot of buying decisions

a lot easier :thu:

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Well to be honest I was looking for a new fuzz and I saw Newark's vids on Devi's forum first. I PMed Tom(yes he is a great guy for many reasons) and asked about a specific kind of pedal. He recommended another pedal on his site and mentioned the Algal Bloom but the other pedal would have been a better fit.


So I went and listened to the clips of the other pedal but there was something about it I didn't like.

Then Newark posted the vids here and I watched them again later in the night and OMG! I was SOLD! ha ha.


Seriously guys he put in the time to make the vids. He never once sounded serious when he said "You'll be sold". He just seems excited about the fuzz and that impressed me more than listening to some guy showing off how good he is on guitar(which seems to be the real reason people make videos).


Newark did the exact same thing I do when I try out a pedal - chords, testing the sustain out, letting chords ring, etc.

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i will admit i almost put a little annotation of "maybe even SHAM-WOW" on that part where I've got my finger on the switch. I'm a cheesy dorky guy sometimes. I like to laugh at myself too. But I guess these demos are SERIOUS BUSINESS



there's nothing wrong with bringing the cheese. just ask Don Juan Demarco, I mean Johnny DeMarco :thu:


have fun with them, you'll never make everyone happy. but pedal demos DO HELP people to get a listen to pedals they aren't gonna get a chance to hear at GC.....that's why i do it.......

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