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Newark's Fuzz Showdown! Demo Vids! You Can Has!

Secret Seasons

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oh, and I'd be remiss not to comment here.

Next series of videos: "NewarkWilder: After Dark."

Come on in, pour yourself a glass of Courvoisier, and let me tell you about a few of my favorite picks...



Can I buy you a fish sandwich?

Looking foward to the FP vid...I suspect it covers some of the same ground the algal bloom does, but with a different range of sounds.

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Hey Newark I liked you vid. It's the reason I bought an AB. You actually let me hear the pedal instead of your amazing shred ability.


good, 'cause i think i proved my amazing shred ability to be a little less than amazing :lol:


lemme comment a lil on the FP and i'll have the vid up later tonight--sorry to draw this all out like this, if i had the time to just do everything at once I would, but thanks for sticking with me guys.


but anyway--the 'Print and the Algal do share some characteristics. Probably why I like them both so much. Here's the ultra simplified version of my take on the main differences between them-


The Algal does have more gain. It does sound "bigger" when fully cranked. But the Print isn't far behind at all, and the Print can give you a wider range of tones. The Algal has one main sound, and the trim/starve controls let you tweak that sound, and its a beautiful sound so that's all well and good. But the Print can sound like about a dozen different fuzz pedals (actually, let me rephrase--about a dozen different fuzz tones. There isn't one sound in the Print that makes you say "oh that sounds just like the ____ pedal"). It can be really pretty, it can be really raunchy. The texture knob is much more dramatic on the Print. Its not just tweaking the main sound, its changing the overall character of the sound allllllll the way around the dial. mix that in with the very interactive gain knob and like I said, you've got a huge palette of tones in one little box.


Actually, one more thing I'll do tonight is stack 'em. I haven't done that yet but I bet its gorgeous. So while they are somewhat related in concept and in tone, there is definitely enough room to have them both on your board. I think for my purposes with the Algal, it'll probably be more of a set & forget type thing. I know what I love with it--100% gain. With the 'Print I've got about 5 different settings I absolutely love.


And oh man... when we get into the Devi Ever stuff its gonna get seriously wild. I think I might have to demo the WMD Geiger Counter too unless people just get absolutely sick and tired of seeing this thread around for the next few days, haha. But the reason I'm trying to do this is I really do believe these are all fantastic fuzz pedals that are priced extremely reasonably. You guys know I have some upper end gear. But these are great fuzz boxes that are new and unique and within pretty much everyone's grasp. I really do hope there's some value in doing a roundup of pedals like that.


Ok. No more :blah: from me until I've got a new vid to post.



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haha electro-newark may have to be a different series. i'm still wrapping my head around some of that stuff so it'd be tough to demo gear i'm still learning to use myself.


HOWEVER... the debut of my solo project on myspace will be going up next week and will feature some of that stuff. It'll probably be a while before I could do a worthwhile demo of the Revolution, for instance... the Machinedrum maybe... it'll be there in my music when I put it up, but I'm still gonna be learning as I go.

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haha electro-newark may have to be a different series. i'm still wrapping my head around some of that stuff so it'd be tough to demo gear i'm still learning to use myself.

HOWEVER... the debut of my solo project on myspace will be going up next week and will feature some of that stuff. It'll probably be a while before I could do a worthwhile demo of the Revolution, for instance... the Machinedrum maybe... it'll be there in my music when I put it up, but I'm gonna be learning as I go.

no no no no.....

just get a SICK beat going on the machinedrum, and have it running into a WHOLE LINE of fuzz boxes.

then demo what you can do to that beat with each fuzz box.

shoegazer is gonna be wild.

mayo, zero, DRAMA FACTORY, algo, as many fuzzes as you can line up.

then just blast each one with THE BEAT and tweak the fuzz.

do it.:cop:

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cool, i'm just gonna focus on the fuzz right now but yeah thats a good idea. i could definitely put a sick beat together with the MD and then play with that...


heres what I'll do--when I get to the Devi fuzzes I'll do guitar stuff and a drum loop too. But I'll a do seperate Geiger Counter demo sometime soon and put guitar, drums, and the various synths through it. bitcrushing ftw!

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cool, i'm just gonna focus on the fuzz right now but yeah thats a good idea. i could definitely put a sick beat together with the MD and then play with that...

heres what I'll do--when I get to the Devi fuzzes I'll do guitar stuff and a drum loop too. But I'll a do seperate Geiger Counter demo sometime soon and put guitar, drums, and the various synths through it. bitcrushing ftw!

i, and the rest of the guitar community, want to hear the DRAMA FACTORY. unleash it upon us......with a DRUM MACHINE. pound it HARD. there was quite the legend with that pedal. it should love a good industrial drum beat feed into it :cool:

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hi. horrible insomniac here. just wanted to give you a heads up i wasn't able to do a full on FP demo vid cause i had a ton of work that unexpectedly ran late into the night but i did some playing with a couple new toys before bed and decided to pull the camera out. i think i found the sweetest tone stack ever. it'll be up later this afternoon.


me sleep now, brain turn off. bye bye.

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grrr i keep waking up. gonna be one of those days. but my vid loaded so check it out. its not really a demo so im not putting it on the first page with the others, i'm just sort of in a comfortable headspace for my own style of playing... so this is a little more self indulgent, but its got the algal and 'print and pushing an overdrive (the od is a surprise!) and running through some of my favorite modulation. so check it out if you want and i'll do the real FP demo later. but if you want a taste of what my playing is actually like when im in my "zone" or whatever, its kind of like this. still nothing spectacular, but not facepalm-worthy either i don't think. and its just a really nice tone stack.


so peep it if you want. in-depth fingerprint demo to come later tonight. but for now-




ok, one :facepalm: for what appears to be me headed towards mullet territory. haircut time for sure. i also need to cut way down on my use of the word "awesome" :lol:

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now that you HAS editing.... -- i expect you to do a cut in with the "phoner" i did. get on it.

haha yeah blame bobby d he called me in the middle of my first take of the vid and derailed the whole thing :mad:

actually i really wish that one woulda turned out, it was hilarious. but alas it had to be deleted 'cause i needed all the memory the camera had lol

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well i have a feeling this series is gonna be an ongoing thing... probably won't keep bumping this thread 'cause i get the feeling its getting too muddled and people don't know whats in it... i definitely just wanted to focus on the fuzz with the algal and 'print with guitar, when i do the devi stuff i'll start getting a little more out there. and yeah, a big modulation vid is in the future too. and no doubt i'll bust out some machinedrum love, i just wanna be able to do it right and even though i could just program a simple beat and blast it with fuzz i wanna be able to make it something a little more than total beginner stuff. Looks like my youtube page is gonna be filling up!

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