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What would you do/change if you found out...

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...that you had a terminal illness? Just got me thinking...




I was just informed this evening that my dad, who is 68, has cancer on two of his lymph nodes and a mass under his tongue. Biopsy tommorrow will tell what type of cancer it is; another test will determine how far it's spread.


The poor man had a stroke in February and is still recovering. Picture of health all his life and he's been dealt a full on double {censored} sandwhich.


Life really is a bitch sometimes.




I'm a father of three boys. I could probably be a better dad...a better person...that's what it makes me think. Just makes you think...............................

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Loving your dad is real cool. My dad is my best friend.


If I was told that I had a terminal illness. I go and kill everyone that I didn't like. Then spend the rest of the time asking God for forgiveness. While shooting up a lot of smack and {censored}ing call-girls. {censored}ing on dope-dick kinda sucks though.

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And to think that last night the validity of a fuzz factory was my major concern...



We take a lot of things for granted. Just human nature. My mom passed when I was in high school. Thank god if was pretty quick. Before we knew she was sick. Girls, hockey and guitars were on my mind 24/7.

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Found out earlier this year my mom is terminal, she's only 53, hoping she'll hit 54 this year. She lost her job last year and moved in with my aging grandparents who were running a small mini-storage business out of california, they both recently passed away, and she's by herself, however she is very well taken care of. Actually this weekend I'm flying down to see her and spend some time on the santa cruz boardwalk doing happy fun stuff.


I thought about if I was terminal too, or if I had cancer coming my way, what would I change or do. To be honest, I'd quit my job, sell most my {censored}, and try to travel to the very few places I haven't been to, and maybe make some sort of travel documentary or something, that way my journey and I were caught for others to see. I'd want to leave with some sort of positive effect on somebody.


Or I'd blow my brains out....who really knows until something like this happens?

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Mojo to all here.


In my order of priority: my wife, my family, my friends, and my music. Most religious folk say God first, but in my scheme of things, God is inherent in all of the above. I would make a plan of sorts that takes all of those priorities into consideration and find a way to tie it all together and say goodbye in the most positive and fun way possible. I guess I would spend what I had left to quit my job, and record as much music and as many of their stories as I could into an epic album and documentary, then throw a huge release party dedicated to the people I love.

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Mojo to all here.

In my order of priority: my wife, my family, my friends, and my music. Most religious folk say God first, but in my scheme of things, God is inherent in all of the above. I would make a plan of sorts that takes all of those priorities into consideration and find a way to tie it all together and say goodbye in the most positive and fun way possible. I guess I would spend what I had left to quit my job, and record as much music and as many of their stories as I could into an epic album and documentary, then throw a huge release party dedicated to the people I love.


I bet if you hooked up all of your EHX at once you would heal all of the cancer in the world! :thu:

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what do you have?



Probably what i've got... GrIDS. Gradual infant death syndrome.


Anyway, if I was diagnosed with cancer tomorrow, I would not fight it. It's not a religious prohibition, or fear of losing my hair... It's just that it would be a socially acceptable 'way out.'

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Sorry to hear about your dad.


It wasn't terminal, but I did get Cancer last year. I do try and live in the moment more - less thinking, more doing. I try to tell my wife I love her more often. I started when I was so anemic I almost died. I wanted to make sure that was the last thing she heard me say before I fell asleep.


And I suffer fools a lot less. I have about 30 people on my ignore list, for instance ;)

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Mojo to all here.

In my order of priority: my wife, my family, my friends, and my music. Most religious folk say God first, but in my scheme of things, God is inherent in all of the above. I would make a plan of sorts that takes all of those priorities into consideration and find a way to tie it all together and say goodbye in the most positive and fun way possible. I guess I would spend what I had left to quit my job, and record as much music and as many of their stories as I could into an epic album and documentary, then throw a huge release party dedicated to the people I love.



This is a pretty good list.


God will be there for the religious folk after they are dead.

Family and friends need them while they're still alive.

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