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alternative to musictoyz?

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Need some help gents. I'm in Australia and we get ripped off on pedals here. ($130Aus or about $100USD for a Dano eq pedal!). I was considering ordering from musictoyz but a quick search and all these bad xperiences come flying out as a result. Do you guys know of any more reliable alternative that will ship international that won't charge $100USD for shipping 1 pedal?. I was after a Metal Muff, Dano eq and an octaver of some sort.


Thanks gents (and ladies)

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Brad at Tone Factor. If you're looking for pedals galore, Brad is the guy, hands down. I own a shop, but I don't really specialize in pedals, I do a lot of other things and a few pedals. But if you are looking for an effects specialty store, there is no better than ToneFactor. Brad's a great guy, and they're a "mom and pop" type dealer, so you get great customer service and aren't supporting the box store mentality.

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