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Zvex Custom Store Launched

Jumbo Fuzz

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I have an idea that might help avoid this situation in the future. When someone starts a thread maybe they should note whether people are allowed to ask questions (and maybe which people and what questions) or if everyone is just supposed to say how cool the thread subject is and move on.

Because fascism is cool! :thu:

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How long after an item is bought, is it removed from the "store window."



When my IT guy demonstrated it to me, it took a couple of seconds, and then *bampf!* it was gone. He bought a pedal on his iPhone and we were watching the table full of pedals on another computer.

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All remarks, suggestions, ideas, graphics, data, personal information, resumes, questions or other information communicated to Z.Vex through the Site, by facsimile or through the mail (electronic or otherwise) (a "Submission") will forever be the property of Z.Vex. Unless otherwise specified in our Privacy Policy, Z.Vex will not treat any Submission as confidential or proprietary and will not be liable for the use of any ideas for its business (including, without limitation, service or promotion ideas) and will not incur any liability as a result of any similarities that may appear in future Z.Vex services or operations. Without limitation, Z.Vex will have exclusive ownership of all present and future existing rights to the Submission for any commercial or other purpose whatsoever, without compensation to you or any other person sending the Submission. You acknowledge that you are responsible for whatever material you submit, and you, not Z.Vex, have full responsibility for the Submission, including its legality, reliability, appropriateness, originality, and copyright.

Site Use Rules"

So what does that mean, exactly? If I send you a picture to which I own the copyright, according to your EULA now you own the copyright? If I send you an idea that I have a patent pending for to pitch a licensing agreement, disregarding any eventual patent according to your EULA you now own the idea?

Bit far reaching, isn't it? How enforceable do you expect that to be?

That is a bit harsh, huh? I never read it. It's some legalese whatnot prepared by one of the people working on the site. I can easily take it out. We're just getting started with this, Agreed. Not everything is set in stone, and we're only trying to dot our i's and cross our t's. And yes, those apostrophes indicate full legal and exclusive ownership. :wave:

Naturally, if I'm working with anyone regarding product development, there is always at least a verbal ND/NCA involved. I'm not trying to bunch up any undies here, just puttin' up some pedals and whatnot for sale. Tryin' to spread some smiles. Givin' some artists some extra work, if possible.

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is it just me or is the page a little difficult to load and get around on?



Use the zoom control on the left to shrink down the pedals a bit. You can click to grab the page and drag it around. It's designed to let you look at a lot of pedals at once, and have everything available to see like a giant map. Double-click on a pedal to look at it and you'll get more options. Click on that window and it disappears.

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Cool. I was wondering if someone could be dead set on a particular one off, and then find it had already been bought. It looks like this has been avoided.



Yep. That was my plan. Originally, I intended to have a real table with real pedals on it, with an image being uploaded from a high-resolution camera every 15 seconds or so. Once a pedal was purchased, we'd take it off the table and it would disappear that way. The virtual method is much better. The real table looked distorted unless the camera was mounted about 12 feet in the air (it was still distorted anyway), and the resolution was terrible even when we used a hi-res image. Plus, if someone bought a pedal at night, they'd have to wait until the next day to see it removed.

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That is a bit harsh, huh? I never read it. It's some legalese whatnot prepared by one of the people working on the site. I can easily take it out. We're just getting started with this, Agreed. Not everything is set in stone, and we're only trying to dot our i's and cross our t's. And yes, those apostrophes indicate full legal and exclusive ownership.

Naturally, if I'm working with anyone regarding product development, there is always at least a verbal ND/NCA involved. I'm not trying to bunch up any undies here, just puttin' up some pedals and whatnot for sale. Tryin' to spread some smiles. Givin' some artists some extra work, if possible.

Thank you, now maybe the fanbois will get their pantys unbunched.

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That is a bit harsh, huh? I never read it. It's some legalese whatnot prepared by one of the people working on the site. I can easily take it out. We're just getting started with this, Agreed. Not everything is set in stone, and we're only trying to dot our i's and cross our t's. And yes, those apostrophes indicate full legal and exclusive ownership.

Naturally, if I'm working with anyone regarding product development, there is always at least a verbal ND/NCA involved. I'm not trying to bunch up any undies here, just puttin' up some pedals and whatnot for sale. Tryin' to spread some smiles. Givin' some artists some extra work, if possible.

Thank you very much for the quick and sensible clarification. I figured it was a product of your lawyer watching your back. I hope it goes well, one of the things I've always liked about your pedals are the unique graphics and this is a neat extension of that concept. I'm sure a lot of people will enjoy the sort of "hands-on" experience when they see something that speaks to them and they can nab it.

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Thank you very much for the quick and sensible clarification. I figured it was a product of your lawyer watching your back. I hope it goes well, one of the things I've always liked about your pedals are the unique graphics and this is a neat extension of that concept. I'm sure a lot of people will enjoy the sort of "hands-on" experience when they see something that speaks to them and they can nab it.



What we've decided to do, for now, is remove the pop-up window that makes it a requirement to agree to the terms. Instead, the terms are simply there for you to read if you wish. This should remove any further annoyance, and increase your viewing pleasure. I can understand why it's worded that way. If someone sent me an improvement idea for the site and I implemented it, even if I'd thought of it myself but hadn't gotten around to it (which is pretty common for me, being forgetful and somewhat easily distracted... umm, what was I saying again?)


Oh yeah. So that person might decide later that they wanted compensation for said improvement, and the legalese thing is to nip that crap in the bud, because if somebody wants compensation for an idea, they'd better damned well make that clear before they submit it.


I get this several times a year, by the way. People send me these extraordinarily complex agreements to sign, with a promise that after I do, they'll reveal to me the holy grail of pedal design ideas. Seriously, people, if you have an idea for a pedal... build it yourself. I'm chock full of ideas and have far too much on my plate.

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Strange site.....can't seem to scroll around the terms of use page for starters....had to make it real small and then I couldn't read it..

Dragging the page full of pedals around works but is extremely laggy....and I'm on a pretty fast connection...

Everybody has to get all fancy instead of concentrating on speedy functionality .....

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Matt Bellamy asked me for a seek-delay.



And Then??!?!?!



Seriously I'd probably a Seek Delay from you, as it's been a long while since I've owned any of your pedals. Unfortunatly I'm more in the market for weird delays these days than dirt.

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I thought as much. The one thing with making it available but not mandatory, and you probably want to talk this over with your lawyer to get his take on it, is that some courts have found "automatic" EULAs to be unenforceable. And here I mean the kind of thing where on the box it says "by opening the box you agree to the enclosed EULA," yadda yadda. It might be worth having something explicit on your sites version of the "contact us" link stating more or less that "any ideas communicated through email fall under the full terms of the site EULA, available here," with a check-box that you have to agree to in order to see the contact link.


You do need to be protected in case of that stuff but I agree that it shouldn't be the sort of thing that jumps right up at most people who browse the site. It can be handled gracefully and situationally.

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