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So I finially got a Mastortion! I have had it for a couple of days and it is pretty awesome. It is {censored}ing loud...with the drive set at 9 o'clock unity gain on the volume is around 9 o'clock as well.


I am not a huge fan of it on my clean channel, but to be honest I havent gotten a chance to play it as loud as it likes, so I may change my mind.


This thing is gold pushing a dirty amp though. I can't help but rip out Mastodon riffs whenever it is on - you can definitely recognize the sound. The review that was posted saying this thing will turn your amp into a stoner rock beast is totally right.


What I like the most about the pedal so far is the fact that I can push my dirty channel with it and its high gain and aggressive with a fuzzy edge - but when I switch over to the neck pickup its fuzzy goodness not far off of Black Sabbath-esque tones.


Overall this thing is a beast. There is a {censored} load of volume and gain on this thing. There is definitely a ton of mids as well, but it dosen't seem to cut highs or lows which is nice. I feel like its just as much fuzz as distortion. So thats about it - I figgure some of you may be curious about the pedal. I will do my best to get some clips up if youze guys want to hear it, but it may be a little while before I get to it...and my playing sucks.


Here is a pic - they are all hand painted, but the flat black gets scratched pretty easily (not a big deal though). And yes, those are earplugs that came in the box with the pedal.



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Awsome! Why did no one respond to this?



I dunno? I posted not long before the crash, and alot of people on the hcfx don't seem to be into higher gain stuff (even though there are now a few high gain pedal threads)?


Anyhow - I will try and record some clips today or tomorrow. They will not be of the best quality. And my playing is not very good. So it will be what it is.

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this may be the answer to my prayers. I want something high gain / chuggy / a little fur around the edges like a fuzz can give you / massive amounts of low end without being muddy. Does this pedal deliver that? Oh and what amp are you playing into? Is it set clean? I have a SF Twin Reverb.

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So I did record a real quick, poorly played clip with my iphone using the gigbaby app. Now I need to figgure out how to move it from the phone to the computer. Whenever I get around to that I will definitely post my sloppiness for all to hear.

Still love it though. Sounds absoultely massive and violent. It is tight while still being dirty sounding - meaning my ltd is very clear and definied when used as a boost (it's wonderful) but the mastortion has a very cool dirty sound to it. I am positive it isn't for everyone, but I heart it alot.

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Everyone I have asked says it is most likely an original design. There are also a few people that think it sounds like it started as some sort of modified rat and went from there (I have somehow never played a rat, so I cant comment on that). All I know is that it has a {censored} load of mids and keeps the rest of you frequencies mostly in tact. I also opened up the pedal and the board is in 'upside down' so you cant see any of the components, just the back of the board (which I know next to nothing about, so I don't know what to make of it). Don't know if that helps at all, but that's what I know - maybe someone else knows and can chime in.

Also, in that Mastodon gear video on youtube, Brent said that all of them sound different...the only thing that I can think of is that maybe it has some Germanium transistors (hence the fuzziness) and different ones have been used during the production??? Just a guess :idk:

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