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Fender Price Cuts?


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Why is outsourcing such a bad thing? Some of the outsourced jobs pay better than any other job that the outsourced country has. They've got to start somewhere.



Relatively speaking sure, but it's still exploitation.

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I know my local shop didn't have the price hike like the larger shops had. I think they did eventually, but I expect to see their prices drop as well. They're going back to 2008 levels, again. I can see a little increase, perhaps, but they went up a lot, just when the economy really tanked, not good planning. I think sales of new guitars over $1k is probably pretty stale right now, at best.

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Why is outsourcing such a bad thing? Some of the outsourced jobs pay better than any other job that the outsourced country has. They've got to start somewhere.



Whoa whoa whoa, this is tough guy central today!


Out sourcing is a great thing! Especially for displaced laborers laid off to allow it to happen! Especially since the companies producing the products are spending less to create a product and still charging the same or more! And how about those tax breaks for companies based in the US who outsource! Whoopee!


I don't know why I don't just move to Indonesia! I really want to make what they make there in those outsourced plants! Do you think I'll get to keep my dental plan?? I sure hope so!


Man someone played right into that one.

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Fender really pissed me off when they raised prices. They lost a lot of good will when they did that. Lowering prices to where they used to be before the crash wont cut it.


They should have lowered prices by 20% to begin with, to show their solidarity with the working man. Now they are in the same league as Gibson for overpriced bull{censored}. Congrats Fender you are now in the "only buy used gutiars" category.


My next guitar is going to be either a Hagstrom or a Schecter.

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