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OT: The Canada music scene?


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montreal for sure. there's tons of venues which aren't pay to play, that gives tons of starting bands chances to get on stage before they build an audience. shows finish late into the night. there are lots of local promoters willing to work with new bands. and every other person you meet is a musician. rent is super cheap here too if for those willing to endure the long winters.


but.... everyone's so bloody poor (typical of art type cities). the used gear market is really dry. it's hard to sell expensive gear, it's hard to find great used gear for cheap.


yes we have hot chicks too.

but i've got to say that as i've noticed that quebecois girls never turn into beautiful ladies. only hot young.





halifax is also a great city for musicians. but don't expect to do anything outside of '4 piece rock band'. in montreal anything goes. we love weird {censored}.

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toronto is where bands go to die/'work for the man'. the bigger bucks are for sure in toronto... but that's for losers (lol).

i can't respect montreal bands that move to toronto.


montreal has so many musicians that it's really hard to be successful. you have to be edgy and original, and that's actually bloody difficult.

montreal audiences have seen it all, we're so jaded.

and with 'cred' backlash being so quick, it's a really harsh environment to earn a living. (but there's tons of telemarketing or restaurant jobs for musicians to hold)

that said, montreal bands have to leave town to make it... pound the pavement and the long highways of touring. but once they do that, they're set.

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I'd guess Montreal since most of the remaining good Canadian bands seem to be from out that way... vancouver sucks, no noteworthy bands anymore, lack of venues and in general no real support for the music scene (or arts in general)... even the gear selection here is poor, I was considering starting an effects/gear shop for a lot of stuff canadians can't get (at least on the west coast), but I really don't know if there's a market, the scene dried upon the early 00s...

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for metal it's no contest, Montreal.
Ion Dissonance
Quo Vadis
Beneath the Massacre
Celine Dion
I'm sure any large city has a healthy music scene, Toronto and Vancouver are no different. Toronto is larger than Vancouver so there's more venues.

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I guess it will always be Toronto/Montreal/Vancouver. Sometimes one is hotter than the others. Right now...meh?





I'm sure every city has something to offer.


AND... every reductionist stereotype you've heard about a city is probably not true at all. Vancouver is more than hippies, Montreal is more than metalheads, Toronto is more than businessmen.


Except Charlottetown. It's exactly what you think it is. Rows and rows of bed and breakfasts' as far as the eye can see. also... boats.

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AND... every reductionist stereotype you've heard about a city is probably not true at all. Vancouver is more than hippies, Montreal is more than metalheads, Toronto is more than businessmen.




ever met someone from vancouver that wasn't a hippie?

& try to say something good about toronto... :poke:

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DMST is a really good band. you can keep the rest.


my favourite thing out of toronto right now is this:



reminds me of young owen pallett when he was in Les Mouches... innocent cum dripping down his throat vocals. That was also a great band from toronto. i've got high hopes for john oregan to have a lasting career as well.

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Actually, Hamilton (just west of Toronto) still has a good music scene, especially around Hess Village. Last I checked, there were always gigs to be had... too bad it's Hamilton.;)


Toronto is going through what, it seems like, the rest of North America is going through, a real depressive time culturally. There is no Seattle/Manchester etc. scene going on. We had a minor one with Broken Social Scene and their assorted spinoffs, but really we are all just circling the airport waiting to land.


And Montrealer's, at some point you are going to have to stop living in the past and realize that you are not that far, economically,from becoming the "Buffalo of Canada"...with nicer architecture.:wave:


In terms of French women, you can always tell them by their quality footwear... they are always well shod.

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quoted for future reference.




Seriously, I just don't get it.


I find the "acoustic-and-drum-machine-read-my-poorly-written-diary-I-have-daddy-issues" thing to be tired and boring. I'm just not hearing anything really new, interesting, or at the very least, enjoyable.


If you dig it, that's fine! We all have different tastes... not everything I like really matters. I just like it cause I like it, and that's fine.


But I'm just not sure what's important about this guy.

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Actually, Hamilton (just west of Toronto) still has a good music scene, especially around Hess Village. Last I checked, there were always gigs to be had... too bad it's Hamilton.

Ha, I loved taking the Greyhound from Toronto to my former in laws place in London. I never spent time in Hamilton but driving through there made me feel that they wouldn't take kindly to a skinny polite Englishman who's slightly fey :D

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Actually, Hamilton (just west of Toronto) still has a good music scene, especially around Hess Village. Last I checked, there were always gigs to be had... too bad it's Hamilton.

Toronto is going through what, it seems like, the rest of North America is going through, a real depressive time culturally. There is no Seattle/Manchester etc. scene going on. We had a minor one with Broken Social Scene and their assorted spinoffs, but really we are all just circling the airport waiting to land.

And Montrealer's, at some point you are going to have to stop living in the past and realize that you are not that far, economically,from becoming the "Buffalo of Canada"...with nicer architecture.

In terms of French women, you can always tell them by their quality footwear... they are always well shod.

Hamilton is sacred ground for giving us Daniel Lanios and King Cobb Steelie

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