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I heard Lady Gaga, here's my review...


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So far she didn't manage to write a single good tune. Ok she is cute, sexy, she can sing decently and play the piano decently (well..three chords, something that Madonna isn't capable of), but who cares? The compositions are horrible so far, and it's euro trash most of the time, you need just a computer to do that. Kids and teenagers are totally brainwashed by the media and videoclips, this Lady Gaga it's not for mature people. Can you see yourself listening to "Paparazzi" when you'll be 50 years old? She is like Madonna and Britney Spears, when they'll die nobody will listen to their crappy music anymore. And comparing her to Elton John is pure madness! Go to listen to Kate Bush instead, she is such a genius.




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I think people have been subjected to bad music for so long, that for anyone to put together a song with a slightly varied structure and decent singing seems like a goddamn rocket scientist. You combine that with a determined, attractive person and a good production team and it's holy-{censored}-what-will-we-do. It's also timing, we don't have a pop princess right now, and she fits the bill.


She's a good performer with a massive team behind her, but she's never going to make a ground breaking album, or be Nina Simone, she's a pop star. She'll be remembered for the time she peaked, making catchy pop music that reflected the popular interest, which happens to be joyless plastic dance music. I don't expect her to be poignant, but if she just sang like she does live, without all that pro-tools and overdubbing bull{censored}, and made songs that were actually, you know, fun, or vaguely different in someway, I could probably get into it. But for now, I'll be waiting for the new M.I.A. and Andre 3000 albums, their music actually backs up their ridiculous outfits.

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I think people have been subjected to bad music for so long, that for anyone to put together a song with a slightly varied structure and decent singing seems like a goddamn rocket scientist. You combine that with a determined, attractive person and a good production team and it's holy-{censored}-what-will-we-do. It's also timing, we don't have a pop princess right now, and she fits the bill.




Spot on !

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Lucky Star


Material Girl

Into The Groove

Papa Don't Preach

i could go on for days. all hits, all great tunes. sure, she didn't write them all, but she managed to captive an audience and make a career out of it that spans 3 decades. I don't give a {censored} what you guys think, Madonna is one of my all time favorites.



Are these songs timeless?? Are you serious? Nobody is still listening to them. We don't even know who wrote them...Why in pop music they never CLARIFY the name of the composers?? That's such a dodgy industry, the producer can slip his name as a composer to get more money.

Can you compare "Papa don't preach" or "Borderline" to "Strawberry fields" "Eleanor Rigby", "Bohemian rhapsody", "Wuthering heights"?

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I'd rather hear some well-crafted, memorable pop music than a load of guitar wankery any day. I think there's room in the world for Lady Gaga.
It always strikes me as funny that both the elderly and teenagers are often in agreement about "this horrible modern pop music" being garbage - those of us in the middle usually just shrug and move on.

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This forum is so anti-pop culture it's ridiculous.



Wait, anti pop-culture, or anti-pop culture?






Me, I'm not a fan of lady Gaga. Like so many others say; crap songs, all hype no substance. And all this 'I have respect for her cos she can sing' - man, I know standards have slipped but shouldn't that be a given?



Nothing like a lumch time grumble.

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I've not read through every comment on the whole thread, so not sure if this has been posted or not. She's definitely controversial, and probably loves the fact that there's 5 page long threads about her all over the net.

In no way am I a fan, but my singer loves her, and we play a few songs at our open mic night's and the crowd response is awesome.

You guys really need to check out the video of her before she was famous. I'm sure it's on youtube, she's playing a piano on stage in a green dress. She's pretty awesome! But, I don't think that would get her anywhere near the attention that she gets now.

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