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Do You Like Metal?


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At a Maiden show, a cat with the same afflictions as dude in the movie mask had more than an thing for my gal, blames him not she was Diane Lane + Geanene Garafolo, and we shared LOVE/HATE/and/BEAUTY...

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I love metal, but I don't listen to it much anymore (I still play in a metal band although we're pretty "proggy" you could say), only some bands that do something interesting or different. I've been on a huge Scale The Summit kick for some time now.
EDIT: Also, Cynic is one of my all time fave bands. :love:

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Job for a Cowboy


Keep of Kalessin




Lamb of God



Cannibal Corpse

Amon Amarth


Threat Signal

Divine Heresy

In Flames

Suicide Silence





to name a few :thu:

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It's a big part of my musical background, and it definitely played a big role in setting the bar for how much pussification I can tolerate from any type of band. There is a minimum level of manliness that a band must meet for me to be able to appreciate it. Fall below that and you're in wuss-rock territory.

Starting in 2000, the internet exploded my brain on new kinds of music, and soon all the various subgenres of metal were not enough, so I dug into lots of prog, industrial, noise, dark ambient, breakcore, IDM and so on. Nowadays I'm mostly into instrumental stuff, as vocals tend to ruin most things that aren't rap anymore, and I'm too old to take 20-something kids imitating Napalm Death seriously.

Before I started making music, I made this site: www.truemetal.org/metalwallpaper
I haven't updated it since 2003 and I don't even remember the login, but it's still pretty popular; number 1 result for "metal wallpaper" on google.

No Darkthrone in this thread yet? Falses...

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Big thanks to whoever, whenever you guys pointed out the new Cynic album -- I had given up on them ever reforming. Took me a few listens to get it, then watch out, it's powerful stuff. "Can I be the Space for This?" -- as far as the album goes, too late it's IN me now.




http://death.fm is Internet radio with some great stuff mixed in with the cookie monsters.


Here's some death metal that's good and funny, I love the dude's smiles, like we hate everyone but are having too much fun right now:


Here's some oldskool metal that's decent and hysterical too:




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I'm pretty old school metal, cuz that's what I grew up on. Still think that Iron Maiden, Priest, a couple of others, defined the genre after Sabbath pretty much created it. Metallica and some others took it in yet a heavier direction. Most of the bands today I can't listen to for very long, if they're cookie monster vocals, just turns me off. Could be great musicians, but if they can only scream or growl, forget it.

I do like a couple of newer bands, really get into Mastodon now for example, but I don't have time or patience for discovering new bands these days, although a ton of good links here. Stuff like Deftones is more my speed these days. Guess I'm getting old.

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I used to hate br00tal metal - if it had growling, blast beats, dissonance or whatever I found it offputting. I loved Mastodon though, they kind of combine everything in just the right way.


The egyptian theme that Nile had intrigued me, so I downloaded the first album and listened to it from start to finish. I got used to the extreme parts and realised it wasn't so bad. Then I started listening to other stuff I'd heard before like Meshuggah and some of the other bands I've listed.


Now there's plenty of extreme/death/chugga chugga/djent/whatever metal that I really like.


Still no fan of black metal though.

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