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OT - How to get Cats to stop Pooping in Mulch


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Isn't your mulch outside? Who cares if the cats poop outside?

You could give it a punt when it is about to go and scream as loud as possible.




how dare you sir! you cat violater, i'm reporting you to the authorities!

I would never harm an animal.


(for real though, i made a comment a few years back about mistreating animals and some dude pm'd me saying he was going to call the authorities in my area)

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how dare you sir! you cat violater, i'm reporting you to the authorities!

I would never harm an animal.

(for real though, i made a comment a few years back about mistreating animals and some dude pm'd me saying he was going to call the authorities in my area)


Disciplining animals is no different than spanking your children, however now some people are having problems with that :confused: When I see my cat about to plop a squat, I run and scream at it. If it doesn't move, I move it with my foot. I don't kick it across the room or anything, just enough so it gets the point that it will not be using anything besides the litter box or outside for it's bathroom.


Of course, she knows now and does not do it to my knowledge. Yet, she still loves me unconditionally. Cats and dogs are awesome.

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Disciplining animals is no different than spanking your children, however now some people are having problems with that
When I see my cat about to plop a squat, I run and scream at it. If it doesn't move, I move it with my foot. I don't kick it across the room or anything, just enough so it gets the point that it will
be using anything besides the litter box or outside for it's bathroom.

Of course, she knows now and does not do it to my knowledge. Yet, she still loves me unconditionally. Cats and dogs are awesome.



i try that, but am not home enough to enforce, thanks for the comments. it wouldn't be that big of a deal but the only place they {censored} now is right next to the mulch area by our door, so everytime we walk into or out of the house we are greeted by a huge whif of cat {censored}.

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i try that, but am not home enough to enforce, thanks for the comments. it wouldn't be that big of a deal but the only place they {censored} now is right next to the mulch area by our door, so everytime we walk into or out of the house we are greeted by a huge whif of cat {censored}.



Haha oh, yeah that would suck. Maybe try fencing it off for a while? That would probably look pretty bad/stupid. Maybe put up an electric fence. I don't know.

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How to Keep Stray Cats Out of your Yard

Read more:




i'll try step 8:

Brew some coffee, enjoy a cup but do not throw away the grounds. Sprinkle coffee grounds in your yard and flowerbeds. Not only does coffee repel cats, it also keeps the raccoons, slugs and snails away.

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i try that, but am not home enough to enforce, thanks for the comments. it wouldn't be that big of a deal but the only place they {censored} now is right next to the mulch area by our door, so everytime we walk into or out of the house we are greeted by a huge whif of cat {censored}.



Hahaaa. That's hilarious. Cats are weird people.

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Stuff like fox urine is available if you look for it. Don't know if it works, but cat poop in mulch isn't necessarily a fun thing.


I had a girlfriend who got seriously sick (took her 6 months to get well) for no real apparent single reason. The most likely candidate was the fact that the woman behind us had a million (seriously - a million - we counted them) cats that frequently made deposits in our garden. She (girlfriend) was out there digging every day - Got an infection that nearly killed her (very scary and unfunny). We were never sure where she picked it up, but our garden was the biggest, prettiest catbox ever that summer.


You can keep cats away with stuff like fox (or wolf) urine. I've heard that it works.


Cat poop ain't nice.


at all.

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my abnormal psych teacher said she conditioned a cat not to go near the fence by sitting out there for a while with a garden hose. Every time the cat got near the fence she would blast him with the water hose. The cat is now conditioned not to go near the fence.

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Put the cat under one or more of the wheels on your car or the car of someone you know. {censored}er won't {censored} in your mulch anymore.


+1 :thu:


Then get a dog - they are much more enjoyable. After owning a dog, you will think that owning a cat sucks.



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I love cats, but hate it when they ruin my {censored}. The applicable solutions to your problem is barb-wire. Simple make a small frame that fits over your mulch pile, and run some strands of barb wire across it. If you want it to look beautiful, you can use rose bush branches (which is what we do for our plants).

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